>tfw my gf (female) loves to crossdress me
weird feel
Why won't you take the sissypill?
>tfw when no Male (female) reverse sissy bf.
The "sissy pill" is just a delusional retard thinking they're cute but everyone on earth would know that you're just some fag in a skirt. You'll also kill yourself in 5 years max.
go back to discord faggotard
this is why I need feminism!!
>Why wont you take the sissypill?
I do and let me tell ya OP (and everyone else ITT), it was the worst decision of my life
Sure, I get a lot more attention but in my head I still feel as alienated and unwell as I did before. Gonna kms by the end of this month
because it literally is gay and bluepilled
I'm built like a brick shed
luckily I can make lesser men take the sissy pill
>tfw no domme gf to sissify and fuck bois with
I only like to wear dresses as a joke.
Because trannies are retarded. Do the world and kill yourself everyone knows your a mess no one thinks your actually a girl you look like a disgusting ogre.