Who here mid 30s never touched a girl?
Who here mid 30s never touched a girl?
Dude, you need to be locked up. I feel that you're about to snap and kill people just because no girl is attracted to your nerdy hobbies.
I hugged a lesbian 4 years ago, does that count?
I can't believe someone makes it three decades without sex
Are you me 10 years from now?
Here, I've had at least 50 times to have it, but they were all degenerate sluts. I rather be a virgin than to lose it to some harlot.
28, once a drunk friend of my sister came into my room and started kissing me. We were in the middle of taking each others clothes off when her friend walked in and told us to stop. That's the only time I've ever touched a woman and I didn't even initiate the contact. Who knows maybe she was doing it for a dare?
How new art thee?
not 30 yet, but just shy of a year from going wizard.
hope I get powers, or this shit wont have been worth it.
I keep telling you people, if you got touch and love as a kid you wouldn't be in this situation.
And how does that fix anything, beyond rubbing in a fractured childhood?
Will be a lvl32 khv this summer.
I have slept with a grill once, but nothing happened. Why did she let me in her bed in the first place when she didnt want anything i have no idea...
28 kv but ive been on a date where i locked arms and been to the club where a girl grinded on my genitals once
but still kv neet 28
Why didnt it work out? oregano
Almost. I'm 32 and never done anything with a girl at all. Nothing intimate, never been on a date, nothing. Infact I have barely ever even had a conversation with a girl since I was a child.
There may be some truth to this. My parents were very cold and distant. I didn't receive any affection or emotional support and was quite isolated. Pretty sure I might be Schizoid and this is probably part of the reason why.
38 yo here, seen all the waves, now they use incel as slur as they did with autism before that.
i feel like i really won't ever understand why women like suffering with a pretty face scumbag rather than at least not being treated as meat.
as i don't like treating women like whores and pieces of meat to insert my dick into, i pose as completely awkward and out of my element when trying to relate.
in a few decades i won't be here anymore so i don't make a fuss out of it.
find a thing that makes you happy and maybe you find an ugly, used girl who cares enough to tolerate your virginity aura. everybody hates virgins.
>27 years old and held a girls hand once 13 years ago
see ya later virgins
girls don't really know what they want. that's why they need the guy to initiate everything, that's why they like confidence ect. I'm telling you without men women wouldn't survive.
yeah, let me just turn back into a kid and get touch and love.
gtfo normieeeeeeeee
only robots are allowded
holy fuck you are depressing
do you have any friends?
I'm mid 30's and haven't touched a girl since I was 21.
I know that doesn't count. But sometimes I can't remember what it was like. At those times I think maybe I understand you...a little.
Lmao I'm 32 and have zero friends, never kissed or fucked a girl. Have never worked a job. Only plus is that I can drive and I have my own car. I'm sort of an /o/tist. It's alright though, my dog is best friend and my mom is great.
Mid thirties and never even seen a girl, let alone talked to one.
Mid 50's and don't understand what you guys mean by the word "girl"
>never even seen a girl
I never even seen a girl aside from my mom and sister.
I'm 22 and never been out of the house.
How is this possible? You never go to the doctors or went to school? You better not be a cult member.
I mean a naked girl irl, photographs of them on the interdux doesnt count.
Mid 60's and don't know any words that start with the letter g
im 30 and im still a virgin, altough i kissed a couple in my 20s
Fuck you, I have the best mom in the world but that doesn't help me being beta
My brother was killed in a drive before I was born. My mom never let me out of the house and I was homeschooled. My dad is a doctor so he takes care of whatever health problems I had, which is rare aside from a couple of fevers. Only people I interact with is you guys.
What the actual fuck? Are you agoraphobic?
I dont think so. It's weird, I mean this is the only life I know...
You have a garden or some place to chill outside?
how do you guys deal with the anxiety of feeling like you've run out of time
you finally accept this is your life. Permanent apathy settles in.
>My brother was killed in a drive before I was born. My mom never let me out of the house and I was homeschooled. My dad is a doctor so he takes care of whatever health problems I had, which is rare aside from a couple of fevers. Only people I interact with is you guys
Do you feel bad about not being able to go outside or just don't care?
23 here, have regular physical contact with my girlfriend and sometimes hug/hold hands with female friends. Does I count?
it's a fair thought, it seems really unlikely for a sea of reasons
Please tell me this is a joke man
Touch yes, tapped it no......
I'm about to become a wizard in a few days. I made out with a drunk girl at a party like 10 years ago but that's about it
32. virgin. got a peck on the lips and have cheek kissed girls. paid a hooker for a blowjob. cuddled with a couple girls while watching movies.
If he lives in the right parts of Canada, Alaska, Nevada or West Virginia it is totally believable.