Prom experiences?

just shaved my pubes after like 6 months because I'm going to prom with this girl i used to really like.

INBF someone says underage this is senior (18) prom

she's kinda a stacy except she has no real friends and fucks only semi-chads

i caught feels right as she started dating my friend

kissless virgin by the way

now they broke up and I'm going to prom with her

feels mostly subsided but I'm still kinda obsessed

talk to her for hours a day about her stupid bullshit

shes shopping for prom dresses and i tell her shes gonna look amazing in one of them

she said stop complimenting me im so uncomfortable

i just spent 30 minutes fucking grooming my dick even though she basically already rejected the fuck out of me

ive spent $700 on prom so far and I know it's going to be fucking disappointing

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prom is bullshit, massively overhyped and overpriced, all for one night where they have school staff there watching you. should've just went to hotel with your pals and bought coke and hookers

i dont have any real friends

i wouldve not gone but i would've been too sad nigga hours if i didnt go

sorry to hear it user, I was in a similar situation in high school so I just dipped out on senior prom entirely. I wish I'd done something special on prom night instead but I didn't have any friends that year either. at least you have a qt to go to prom with. just try to look at it from a better point of view and go into it hoping everything will go well and just maybe they will

Nice blog faggot go back to rebbit.

yeah you're right i just gotta try to be positive about it

fuck reddit
this is my first Jow Forums post what did i fuck up

You forgot to lurk

>get invited to prom by chubby Asian chick
>get peer pressured into going by her friends
>spend a shit ton of money renting a tux
>She gets her dad to drive her in his suv
>sit there in mostly painful silence while we pick up some of her friends
>shitty pop music playing
>sit around at table
>chubby asians girl trying to flirt with me
>ruin the mood for everyone until they go off on their own
>start playing with my phone
>people try to pressure me into dancing
>my group decides to go to an after party
>I just want to go home
>hang out with a group of 10 people in hotel room
>start drinking
>start smoking weed
>don't want to get drunk and let my guard down
>just sitting there listening to them for 4 hours
>one of the guys gets a phone call from his friends
>his friends got into a gang scuffle and wanted a place to hide from the cops
>they come the hotel room
>they start doing lines of coke
>I really just want to go home
>group decides to leave 30 minutes after their arrival
>my date calls her dad at 5 in the morning for a ride home
>who does this to their parents?
>have to sit in car while everyone gets dropped off
>still pretending to have had a good time
>finally get home at 6 in the morning
>ghosted chubby asian girl

It was horrible suffering all the way through to the end.

>this is my first Jow Forums post what did i fuck up

Two things:

First of all, it's very bloggy. You should have tried to greentext part of that, to obscure its blogginess.

Second, you're kind of describing a positive event, but still complaining about it. You are going to prom with a oneitis, dude. Former oneitis or not. Nobody wants to hear you fucking complain about that. Did you maybe spend a lot of money? Maybe. Will she maybe not fuck you? Maybe. But you're going to the fucking prom with a girl who you find attractive and were once really into. Try to have a little gratitude.

I love it when plebbitors talk to other plebbitors as if they are in the know. You are both cancer. Lurk moar. Two years doesn't cut it these days. A minimum of 4 is required with all the faggots like you posting everywhere.

>ive spent $700 on prom so far
Jesus fucking Christ, how? I was thinking about going, (18, no ban tranny jannies)but now I sure as hell don't want to. I wouldn't have to pay for a tux though, since I have one for band.

2 prom tickets $100 x 2
Tux rental $275
Afterparty tickets $70
Party bus tickets $70 x 2
A stupid fucking corsage $25
Chocolates $15

im private school fag btw

>I love it when plebbitors talk to other plebbitors as if they are in the know.

My post is 100% accurate, nigger.

BTW this is my board. I own this fucking place now, and I have since I arrived.

you had to pay for her ticket? that's lame. also
>having to pay to go to a party
>going on a party bus
for what purpose?

yeah I'm gonna lurk for a couple more weeks before i post again

yeah it's especially fucking gay since we're going as "friends"

we have a location for pictures, then prom, then a pre-game, then an after-party

the party bus just takes us there and theres alcohol and shit on it

ik that might sound lit but trust me all the people im going with are absolute fucking fags

It doesn't sound very "lit" to me, but I'm weird as hell. I guess it would be alright if you were going with actual friends, but personally, I hate flashy expensive things. Also, I feel terrible for you, paying so much money for some girl you're "just friends" with. I guess it's too late to pull out now, but if you like getting wasted, you could have just gotten a plug to buy you alcohol and just had a good time with your friends. I guess there's the chance that you'll smash that grill you were crushing on, but is it really worth $700?

fuck no its not worth it. the whole time ill just be thinking about how much i don't fit in. the bad shit is id probably do it again bc im just so fucking desperate for a fucking qt3.14

>giving newfags friendly advice
>not mentioning tripfagging
>not mentioning the plebbit spacing
>not mention the horrible use of terminology
>not mentioning his faggy way of talking

Well, hopefully you'll learn something from this. I hope she at least has the decency not to cuck you. Still, I'd try to stay positive until it's over. You don't want to completely ruin whatever chance you have of having a good time. It's not the best situation, but you can try to make the most of it
> the whole time ill just be thinking about how much i don't fit in
this hit pretty close to home.

He doesn't have a trip code, retard. Who's the newfag?
>not mentioning his horrible terminology
I'll give you that.

Robots don't go to prom. Fuck off.

>Junior year
>get invited by senior girl I barely know since she didn't want to go alone
>sleep through it because fuck dancing
Pretty worthless time, but I didn't pay shit, since she was so desperate for a date she offered to pay for everything. And yes, she was "fembot"-tier.

>Senior year
>have friend from a year lower
>we go together as a joke (gays are still funny in the midwest)
>both of us wear jeans and a tux t-shirt
>have a great time sitting around watching girls show off
>go back to my place after it's over
>drink ourselves into a stupor and play Halo
Fucking great time. Sorry you can't get this experience, user.

you're fucking right. i just had a vision abt how fucking aids its gonna be and whenever im optimistic about some shit im let down.

obv i gotta lurk and shit. I'm not trying to be a fucking cancer kid