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Anecdotes #521
Why do some humans get so insecure about the fact that dogs are more lovable than humans...
Why don't you just get a downie gf?
It finally came!
Favorite Dragonball Z/ Z fighters moment?
How fast should I be driving to instantly kill myself by driving directly into oncoming traffic from a long...
Start actually dating for the first time in my life
/r9gay/ - #711
How do you feel about girls having a bigger peepee than yours?
ITT: Greentext how you spent your lunch period in high school
How do i cure my ass burgers?
Did you go to prom anons?
UNC Charlotte Shooting
Do you have a nice body, male robot?
Come home to this
Share those short girl stories failed normies/chads...
What goes through your mind when you see a big cock cumming?
How do I get a Discord gf(female)?
Feels Bar Is Open
What's your favorite type of tea?
How's your tinder coming along?
How would one start talking to girls when they're boring as fuck? e.g...
Did your Dad ever give you "the talk"? deleted all its porn
How did you guys fucked up your life
What are your reasons for being a NEET?
Trying online dating
Post political compass results pls
Fembots, tell us your sexual fantasies
I went on /pol exploration expedition and this is what I've found
I want to be raped by a female
Daddy anooon, come pway wif meee >W<
Do you trust Jesus Christ?
Came here cause of all the funny greentext stories Id see
Why can't some people ever seem to change?
What are you disasppointed with in life?
If you could have any stand from JoJo, what would it be? I would take Red Hot Chili Pepper...
I went outside and started filming people without their permission again
Singe mothers are a crime against humanity
Where do the stars of alternative age pornography come from...
Post your experiences of being a loser in highschool, i want to feel better about my own
220 pounds manlet
Teaching robots to live V1.0
>tfw no gf thread
Why does everyone here want a virgin pure gf so fucking badly?
Do you think you'll regret most of your life, if you ever reach the age of 35 and look back?
Femanons, have you ever sat on a guy's face? Would you?
Schizoid general
Alright virgins listen up, here's how to win over a fembot
"user, I just found out I'm pregnant!"
Fembot feels
How far can you shoot it?
How do we stop the incels?
This watch just came in the mail
Hi, I'm new to r9k
He's 25+ and still a virgin
When did elon go maximum weeb
Aryan girl wants to fuck
Does being former military increase your sexual market value or not?
You know, taIking to you people is just amazing (and a turn on)
It's this thread again, for the xth time! Roll for your class, see what ya get...
Tfw no pure Irish redhead gf
What is your biggest worry right now?
Would you date a 10/10 even if she was 5 cm taller and 10 IQ points smarter than you?
Your age
Any rich robots? I'm retired at age 29
Hey, I'm black, how do I get one of those high-paying...
What country should I move to if I want to find an inuit gf?
So, will you be watching the sonic movie in November?
ITT: Post songs that give you feels. I'll start
Haha imagine it being your 32nd birthday and you're still a virgin lmao haha thats pathetic
How do black fembots feel about interracial dating? Either with white men or other races of men
Have you seen Marky's pale tits?
Post your mancaves and comment on them. Any input and suggestions are welcome
Fake Chads
Why can't whitey take the heat?
Free (you)
Genetics dictate everything
When we evolved and developed into hunter-gatherers...
Why are girls always so smug?
Men are aliens
How long do you reckon a roastie could last in our position?
Why not settle for a rat gf, anons?
Fembots why aren't you on anavar?
Anyone else only ever happen to make friends with females?
Normalfaggots say don't cry and workout
All egirls are just ugly greedy whores trying to steal your money. Bitches like this should be charged for fraud
Would you willingly become a vampire if you were offered the chance?
Would robots be interested in group sex with fembots?
Femanons, describe your ideal cock
Mfw no love avoidant bf
You could all get laid, literally each and every one of you could if you just lowered your standards
Fembots are just whores without a social life
Buying a new dakki and pillow
Find a fren thread
Took me a while to get this joke
Constantly being bombarded by men to dom them
Why do depressed people instinctually curse God instead of cursing Satan...
Women are fucking Trash
Meet bf on Jow Forums
"based" is just new age "epic"
This site isn't good for your mental health, even if you don't take it seriously...
Is this the mother of all blackpills?
What is the minimum acceptable penis size?
Any of you anons know/dated/fucked super short girls/legal loli girls before? What was it like...
Why was this needed
NEET General
For some reason i get viscerally disgusted when i see niggers and idk why I also get angry. Why is that...
Ywn have a wife and child
Is anyone else amazed at how much video of people having sex there is online?
I'm 23 years old and I'm about to start dating a 16 year old, she'll be 17 in 3 months. How risky is it...
Got a date tomorrow. Shes been hanging out with some chad all day on her story. Do I even show up...
Favorite person in history
Jow Forums seriously needs more positive transgender representation
When will you manchildren grow up and raise a family?
Match with girl on tinder
No meme, whats the most succesful way to kill mysdelf without spending too much (no buying a shotgun, helium etch)
What's the highest number of times you asked the same girl out?
Would you for money?
Will all this trans/lgbt/sjw/porn/bdsm/fetish/degeneracy ever stop? i wanna go back to a normal life
Would any Canadian fembot want to explore the possibility of being my housewife? I'm not rich...
What personal questions do you dread being asked?
So why is it user?
Anyone else here hate trans people in secret?
Do you think you could win her heart if you met her IRL?
Anyone else starting to get a crush on the fembot wojak? She just looks so pretty, cute and feminine...
LADS, ya boy is thinking of hitting the STRIP CLUB tonight!
Describe the perfect girl user!
Go to eastern Europe user. The girls there are a lot more hot, not feminists and they all want western cock...
Jesus fucking christ. I keep trying guys. Im always the first to send texts to people. I always take the initiative...
Have you guys heard of Fred Hampton?
135 KB
Fembot Profile
If you aren't a vegan, you are a worse person than if you were a vegan
You guys ever stop and think that we should put all of our differences aside and unite so we can overthrow the...
Why do people call you an incel when you say that you prefer girls without make-up?
Wat do?
Waifu General - /waifu/ #151
Why is it so common for fembots to be ISTPs
Im a 5'9 female
Did you have any hot teachers?
Just fuck me, just fucking fuck me you cuck autists
Thot greentext ahead
Can I downplay my education in my NEETbux application...
I can't believe it. I can't actually fucking believe that people have sex, REAL SEX. It's absolutely insane to me...
"I don't want to ruin our friendship"
Tfw Versailles is pronounced "Ver-Sigh"
Would you have a gf if you looked like this?
Tfw posted your strange curved hook dick on r9k once and now a guy saved it and posts it everywhere
Your current age
Whats the max number of past partners a potential wife can have had?
Fembot here. Ok, I admit it. Asian women are superior. Help me emulate them
I'm trying to practice with fat girls on bumble. Should I post that message
Why is it such a taboo on Jow Forums to talk about this in current year?
What's the last porn video/photo you fapped to?
NEETs have no sense of meaning
What does a hug feel like? is it nice?
I turned 20 yesterday
Hello friends, I've just turned 18...
Dump time i guess
Anal stimulation in straight men
Itty bitty titty femanons deserve hugs and love if you dont agree youre gay
2 minutes till my 20th birthday
Like playing games
/Wagie/ - Wagecuck General
Where do you robots live? Where would you rather live and why?
Why are normies so disrespected when you don't have friends? Its like an insult to them
/drugfeel/ RIP Dream Market Edition
ITT: Vent
/r9gay/ - #710
Holy fuck, today I found out I have an average sized dick at 5 inches. I am SO HAPPY ^_^
I have a strong urge to kill
Turn 30 today
ITT: Wut you drive?
What are good jobs for a man of high IQ?
Be you
I turn 20 in less than 3 hours
Take the vanpill guys
Oh, I get it now! I don't deserve happiness or good things in my life because I'm unattractive! Cool
Do women seek perfection in their male partner?...
Fuck im 109 lbs now and i feel like im gonna die soon
I'm finally a woman now, user. I want you to be my first
Fembots, whats your record for most men fucked in one day?
Hey big bro, I heard the rumor that you've never even seen a boob before. Well, here you go...
Ask your questions lads
Tfw your dad doesn't accept you while you already find it hard to accept yourself
Fembot Thread
So how do you plan to go?
Why dont robots take kratom if depressed or anxious?
ITT: We list all our reasons why we haven't killed ourselves (yet):
You you folks like fembots?
Anime music
Any musicians here? What instrument do you play, and why?
Can you ever satisfy a woman with an average wiener once she's had a big dick?
I just saw a 7/10 qt with a balding manlet who was smaller than her
Why are all females like this?
If he made it, so can you
Men prefer nature over civilization. It's how we were supposed to live
The cat germs that make people go crazy only effect females right?
Has anyone ever told you that you are good looking, handsome beautiful etc.? Your mom and other relatives don't count
Sucks your dick
Where do you see yourself in 15 years from now? Still shitposting and jerking off to hentai?
How do i get a mommy gf anons?
So, what's your excuse guys?
Why are chinese so weird and alien like...
Tfw you will never have sex with Maisie Williams
"ANOOOOON! My man! Are you ready for our soi binge?"
Why don't you just find a pure, aryan, fascist gf on the darkweb?
Happy Birthday Phil
Hey user, thanks for coming to Coachella with me. What do you want to first? I kind of want to see Diplo...
Incels, when will you grow up, know up, and show up?
Are you man enough to walk a mile in her shoes robots?
Blonde hair
Im a transbian tranny who wants a child but im afraid my child if male will also become a tranny due to not having a...
Girl in my class tells me that she will suck my dick
Losing weight was the easiest thing I did
Why aren't you chasing women anons...
Why are so many white girls addicted to BBC (big brown cock)? Will Pajeets become the Tyrones of the 2020s?
Faults thread
What vidya are you playing anons?
Be me
What Mental illnesses do you have robots?
Do you ever wonder if there's anybody who could actually love you
Good morning, melon bread
What's stopping you robots from breeding a virgin black woman?
Wagecuck 3000
Formula 1
You are being scammed robots
Iq thread
Atheist logic
Why do men expect sex in long-term relationships? You're not entitled...
Are you addicted to junk food?
I only see you as a friend user, but my friend Bertha (or any other generic fat girl name) is really into you
Vocaroo thread voice edition
Tfw no fan girls
Quick reminder that the Normies are right that Avengers endgame is amazing
Tfw so intelligent it makes me unlikable so I have to dumb myself down to make friends
There are no signs of God's existen-
Asking for a friend but do slavs like black girls?
/mbti/ bland and inoffensive edition
You guys do fear death, right?
This triggers females
"Hey, user, I'm making breakfast. How do you like your bacon and eggs?"
What makes chad, chad?
Christ, why do I find this so comfy? I can browse this for hours
Are you an aspie, user?
Dont take the foil pill
How to get to heaven
So, now that I know 100% you fuckers are gangstlaking me, I just wanted to say...
Who else /memedegree/ here?
What does Jow Forums think of women who are cynical, intelligent, asocial, and somewhat misandrist?
Tfw no awkward autistic bf
My fuck buddy won't fuck me while I'm on my period and I wanted to go swim too. Fembot life is hard
Could you handle this amount of ass and tits?
Do you get scared that the first girl you're with will be the only girl you'll ever be with?
Anyone else get pissed off when normal or even slightly above average looking guys claim to be le foreber alone incel...
Is 25 too late to unfuck your shit?
/Catholic/ General
Anything to say to a man who's about to kill himself?
Group wants to meet at 10:35
Would you accept a qt gf if you knew she had a lot of sexual partners?
Last time something went the way you wanted it to?
Whats keeping you bots up tonight?
Got my first gf
Have Borderline Personality Disorder
I have ran r9k discord servers for a while and I have noticed a few things
SelfLove Thread 2
I reflexively say "nigger" whenever something bad occurs
Is sex really as pleasurable for women as it seems? Why do they moan or make it look so fun?
If you had the choice of becoming a full-on normalfag, or a full-on weirdo (but a happy one), which would you choose?
My white dad is blowing smoke at me while I run to maintain my sanity
If your wife cucked you, would you let Chad check in on his child from time to time?
/VGN/ - Virgin General
Wage stories thread
Give me one (1) reason why this couldn't work. Protip: you can't (have sex)
The player with the highest two digit roll in this thread wins a gf. 99 is the ultimate winner
When will you grow up, know up, and show up, manchildren?
Hand Thread
Why the fuck didnt you spend the weekend working on your van home user?
Make a Promise to your Waifu
How do you fembots manage to come here everyday and ignore all the hatred some anons have for women?
/r9gay/ - #709
Tfw I lost my virginity in the weirdest way possible
He doesn't listen to Kusic
Bots, give me some sad music
Is it possible to stay young looking for a really long time? This girl is 40 fucking 40
Have you ever noticed that Latinas have the best hair? Their hair is so silky and shiny...
Some poor user gets accused of being me again
5 page paper due tomorrow morning
Tfw ginger
Why do you guys think so many academics are Marxists or otherwise socialists, and so few are conservatives?
If women were in power, what would happen to your country? Would all betas be exterminated or exiled?
You'll just need to lift, be tall, or rich
Whats Jow Forumss opinion on Muslims in general
Is there anything in this world more beautiful than a cute girl's (or even a cute guy's) tender, puckered asshole?
Jow Forums seriously needs more positive transgender representation
Anyone else not into politics because it simply doesn't matter to you?
Have a gf AMA
Do your duty!
Why are normies so conformist?
What are you listening to Jow Forums?
I want to kill some Heros. I'm the DM and I will control how you die. You can try to fight back
Stealing from work
Who /completedegen/ here?
Hey, robots I'm killing myself soon, anyone have tips on the best way to do it?
Tfw she was online but doesnt reply
Lads... I'm about to leave this shit hole of a planet. Godspeed anons see you on the other side!
Antifa is so violent and scary!!! Biggest threat people in the US :::^^^(((
Creative ways to end it
"I'm not going to abandon you"
Waifu General - /waifu/ #150
Femanon here, give me my paypig
For all you panty wearing boys out there, let's hear some stories of you getting caught with your undies. I'll start:
Go on date with asian girl
Should I give my life for God?
What goes through your head when on the verge of cumming to your favorite porn?
If you're so lonely, why not just date a discord tranny? They're all lonely and looking for someone to love them
Can you pinpoint the moment your life went to shit?
I love schoolgirls wearing slutty stuff like this. Am I the only one?
This is a fairly classic question, but I'm interested to hear answers from you anons. If you had any superpower...
Dont smoke weed
Have you listened a lot to him and did he help you?
Have you ever met a female that isn't a total NPC?
When was the last time you went to the movies?
Oh gee. I finally get the PRIVILEGE of going outside guys. I get the PRIVILEGE. After 8 god damn months...
The year is 2065
Can anyone else here literally not lose weight? I mean it is physically impossible for me
Who is in the wrong here?
Greentext feels
How come women always vote against the interest of the nation and they like policy that will weaken the nation?
Reminder to fembots
Why don't you just settle for a 4/10 gf robots?
Tfw I will never see a qt girl pee in real life
For me, its the Bic Cristal .7mm, Blue
Go to blind date
Accidentally swallowed the black pill
The majority of people had a good childhood
This is the future of housing, robots. Embrace it
Just made a bumble. Idk how to talk to girls so speak for me
ROTE Feels thread
Mfw finally realize that it's okay to be gay as long as you aren't actively engaging in sinful acts and you keep your...
Tfw no white bf with high standards
Fuck Discord servers. I want one on one conversation
Do you unironically find the normie lifestyle attractive?
I have a scheduled prostate exam in around an hour and my doctor is a woman. How do I not get hard?
Is it weird if I think that girls with this kind of mouth are cute?
One chance in life
Copy - paste thread. Post what ever is on your clipboard, no matter what
Why is this board, why is Jow Forums in general so shit now...
This shit is more common than you think
I think I'm gonna do it tonight. How long does it take before you go unconcious from hanging?
Can you imagine how much better the world would be if everyone in the red states on this map just disappeared?
Is it healthy to masturbate your butthole a lot? I can't get any satisfaction from vaginal masturbation really...
Volcel general
In search of people
Ok, I've got a question for fembots. I'm a 20 yo guy with managable aspies. Right now...
What goes through your mind when you see an interracial couple in public?
How would you define a normie, r9k? Sometimes I think we're all talking about different people
Mental generation
This shit
Braphog/titcow thread. Im eager for both, so post the thiccest women you can find
The Mystery Behind Why Females Rate Males Significantly Less Attractive on Tinder/Okc Explained
Why don't robots cum into girls food and get sexual satisfaction out of watching females unkowingly consume their semen?
How would you make her stop crying
Tfw no smelly hikikomori gf to sniff
Why dont you use kratom? Its literally a miracle drug sort of
Bought my life long crush's nudes via anonymous account
Westerners absolutely destroyed the planet. I fucking hate this shit we call "western civilization"...
Were do you fit in r9k?
Stupid question, I know, but is possible to find an actual relationship on this app or is it just for one-night stands?
Be me
Who do fembots refuse to erp with robots yet abuse their meat to the most fucked up shit all alone?
Jow Forums seriously needs more positive transgender representation
Why do men expect sex in a long-term relationship? You're not entitled...
Women before feminism
Drinking thread: no sleep edition
I can't stop staring at my little sisters ass
How do Anons feel about dating a massively obese woman?
Be me, loser 28-year old with zero friends
A girlfriend won't solve your problems
Do femanons look like this? Where do I find them?
She left me brobots. What helps with heartbreak?
Would you put var in your gf's food to make her swole?
30+ virgins what is your excuse?
Weekly Family Thread
Why don't lonely people meet eachother?
Early morning Aggie thread?
To those Muslim migrant Anons out there-
Who is your favorite twitch streamer robots?
NEET vs Wagie thread
Would you date Poki?
You will never get to fuck your son's bully
Don't want to date, don't want anyone to flirt with me
He asks about my day every single day
Mom died today. I've never felt so alone
Be me
Fembot feels
Hello solve this mystery please
/r9gay/ - #708
What has your experience been like with talking to women from this site?. This has been my experience so far
Who else here pulls down their pants, bends over, and spreads their butt-cheeks when they fart?
ITT: Post shit that normies say that makes you angry to the point that you want to bash their heads in
Here's a redpill for you. E-thots, the really successful ones that make a lot of money...
Oh my GAWD, he LITERALLY asked me out!!!
Is socialism accepted by r9k?
He's not a bigot
For me it's stratocaster
I'm off to meet a grill
Be me 18 year old virgin
Who /aspiringrapper/ here?
What Is the average age of a r9k user?
...So, someone hacked Cartoon Network's website
I was thinking about being an incel and the worst thing is not even the lack of sex...
Who else here /hunglikeahorse/?
Post images that hurt just a little bit
Is it possible to live in complete isolation without going insane? What doe you think?
She's dead and ill never be able to save her
Whom here /growing their hair out/?
Is being alone and staying at home on the weekend the new pass time for millenials and zoomers?
I have found that time slogged by insufferably when I had jobs, and completely flew by when I was a NEET...
There was a girl on here yesterday who showed off her sims and they all looked like pic related because she said in her...
Applied to over 50 jobs in the past 2 weeks on indeed
Are you loved? Have you ever been loved?
Somebody want to be my friend?
I don't know if this kid is for real or if I'm getting pranked on, he may be a real try hard white kid rapper
I hate brich trees. Name one tree that's worse than a birch tree. You can't. Birch tree is the worst tree...
Is it true that asian people lack compassion in comparison to whites?
So user, it's been awhile since we last talked... how are things?
What happens to one's brain when you don't leave the house?
This video is absolutely disgusting. is this truly representative of our society...
Self improvement
Science hate thread
I cant stop looking at photos of this girl, please help me. why can't i have her?
Any more sad and existentially relatable pics like this, robots?
Please refrain from useing the stares between floors 45 and 46 untill further notice - management
My therapist has been hitting on me
My little sister thinks theres nothing wrong with being a slut. What can I say to convince her otherwise?
Would you date a girI uglier than you?
There's a huge wave of political discussions in Brazil right now...
I chose a cute Asian gf over a 9/10 blonde. Am I crazy?
I hate bpd i hate bpd i hate bpd i hate bpd i hate bpd i hate bpd i hate bpd i hate bpd i hate bpd i hate bpd i hate...
What's actually wrong with it? It's unironically a great aggregator of multimedia...
Received some of my aunt's ashes today. What should I do with them?
Squirting isn't rea-
Is anyone here trying to get e-famous?
Why are shooters chad now in 2019?
Saturday night, get the fuck in here
This guy
Walk into mom's room
What's causing young chads to become radicalized?
Cant post apostrophes on Jow Forums
I'm a 25 year old man and sims is my favourite game
Do you ever think of ghosting your parents?
Is this girl asian? I found her on /soc/, I think I'm in love. This is my personal 10/10
Who should get the seat: r9k edition
ITT: Ideal wife material thread
/comfyfeels/ thread
Where's the user who called me out on not being ill? I want to thank them
Layne Staley was one of us
Bruh I wageslaved for 50 hours this week and all the money I earned is going to be spent on my rent
Let's play a game Jow Forums. see how many acronyms we can can make from these exact letters in order, YMCA. I'll start
Anti tranny thread
If you could restart your life
Guess what time it is
Debating becoming a trap talk me out or into it
I am pure concentrated evil. Years of torment have turned me into the monster I am today...
Are these censored porn thread still a thing or did we move somewhere else?
Hes black and his cock is huge
Broken adults
L dont get lt
Is this the most patrician and purest form of love?
How does one look like this but not have a girlfriend?
This is what mommy girlfriend is supposed to look like
Roll for a date, put what you'll do on the date in the same post
You can NOT learn Japanese! Stop!
Any NEET by choice here ?
Reminder: You wouldn't even know what to do with a girl anyway
Love finds a way edition
How is this not the purest form of love?
Why haven't you settle for a qt BPD gf?
Mom says i'm lucky anyone puts up with me
18yo. I'm skipping my senior prom to play xbox at home and post on Jow Forums
Post qt wife material
You can't call yourself ugly until you're at at least 10% body fat
My penis is 3 inches long when hard
It's a "White male incel engorged on Jow Forums koolaid shoots up a bunch of innocents he blames for his virginity"...
I am 20 years old without a driver's liscense
Who has better smelling butts, Latinas or white girls?
Why aren't you vegan yet user? It's cheap and healthy! Good for the environment and the animals
That one weird guy who still wears a backpack past the age of 18
If you haven't been in a police interrogation room get off this board
Question to incels on this board
Any jobs that don't require to know colors perfectly...
I actually got one of those professional cuddlers the other day and actually really enjoyed it
He has a 6 figure income
What's an easy way to check if you're autistic or not?
Roll and obtain a jailfu who can dom you in the ass
Wojak Drawing thread
Do you think boomers had an easier life?
Its one of those sleepless nights
Fembots, how often do you masturbate? Curious because many femanons say they're asexual or don't masturbate...
Robots what sort of laws would you try to enact if you were president?
Why does nobody say the word fag/faggot anymore?
/r9gay/ - #707
You will never have a girlfriend
How do you cope with the fact that life is so unfair?
What's a good fast food place to get food from?
Why the fuck do people work? Why not just try to get as much free shit as possible? Oh, what...
Are there any other robots here who aren't sociopaths, narcissists, or homosexuals...
Everyone abandons me, I'm going to die alone
Where do I get a 4 foot 11/149 cm gf at?
Tfw no fat girlfriend
/cyborg general/
What do you think is causing the incel epidemic?
Robots AND fembots rate each other
Stop being racist
Went to a college that was 57% women, with 10s of thousands of students. Still didn't get laid
Blonde thread
Tfw still waiting on a girl to ask me out
ITT we question why any of us are still in the Midwest
Alanah Pearce Thread
Hey anons I have this typewriter that rarely receives use...
Gyno / lipo / surgical fat removal
His dick can't fit through a toilet roll
Incels would have gone to the concentration camps
/mbti/ INTP x ENFJ part deux
Incels should be genocided
I finally decide to try Tinder because why not
Tweeting this then proceeding to beat her once youre done pretending that you arent bothered
Get a European gf now
Be me
Dumb rural people
Are you not bothered by how deeply unfair the world is?
Psychiatry evolved directly from Christianity...
How do I get a cute math waifu
Religious girls
Based and beautiful
Comfy thread
The Female Body
What's wrong with trannies? Why can't we let them be them? They aren't hurting anyone
Today is the day, I'm ending it early in the morning before my parents wake up. I havent slept in about 30 hours
Hey robots, I've been seeing this new meme around and I think we should give it a name
What is so bad about being an NPC or normie? It sounds like a comfortable...
Cashier asked me if I wanted to donate to the children's foundation
Programming thread
Why do I get so pissed off when I see guys happy with fat, really unattractive girlfriends...
Self pitty thread
Let's play once more Robots
If were gonna be alone forever at least we have each other and /comfy/ music and vidya to pass the time...
Chad general
Why not just be a beta provider, incels?
Reproduce. Make children. With a brown skinned woman. Stop fighting. Race mix. It will feel great
/fdg/ - findom general #1
I've been brainwashed
Weedfags will hate me for this
Clean it up, wagie!
Decided to finally give up and allow myself the peace I deserve. What is the easiest and most painless suicide...
Fembot feels
Any cute /balk/ bots or fembots here?
I matched with pic related and IDK what to do
2 days ago my therapist basically told me that he wouldn't be my friend if he wasnt being paid for it...
Has a girl ever sat on you or your face? What is that like?
For thousands of years, philosophers, poets, artists, geneticists, chemists, physicians...
Jow Forums needs more positive transgender representation
Do you like rage comics, Jow Forums? They are better than R*ddit maymays like P*pe or W*jack, right...
Isn't it funny that people still wear glasses?
Fembots rate Robots
When's the last time u cuddled with someone, annon?
Had a big think and the best way to live must be to pretend like you're the last person on earth
Creative general, spread your autism and suicidal thoughts
Slav General
How do I get a gf like the left?
I'm jealous of animals
What skills would you bring to this company?
What is the blackest pill to swallow?
Fembots, what is your ideal dick? Do you prefer big or small? Veiny or unveiny? Natural or cut?
Tfw no polish gf who is into history
This is not a human being
What is being NEET like in New Zealand? I'm from Australia so I'm curious
LSD thread
I absolutely fucking despise gays, words cant express my hatred
How do I find an Asian gf who never ages and never age myself?
/shut in/
Robots rate fembots
Want to chat?
If everyone on r9k right now was physically in the same room, what might it look like and what would we talk about?
8values bread my fellow anonymous brethren?
Milcucks tolerate some asshole yelling in their faces
/comfy/ thread?
Why don't robots just settle for a 4/10 gf? They'll actually love you unlike stacy
Google reasons you should not kill yourself
I hate everyone but my gf and family who else
Why are woman so superficial?
Dubs and you die in your sleep tonight
Who addicted to catfishing guys here?
Fembots, if a taII Aryan who is fit lifted for you for 4 fucking years...
Be in your 20s
be me
Tonight was my senior prom, but I binged death note in my room while browsing r9k instead. ama
Roll for Succ, anons
Why should I hire you?
You're such a great boyfriend user. I can't believe no other girl snatched you up first before me...
Was he the original robot?
"How're things?" thread
Jow Forums mansion
Do you smoke weed user? How often? What do you like to do while high?
All I want in life is more photos of number 5
Why is female sexuality so gay?
Fembot here. Will it be possible for me to get an asian gf too?
Side profile face outline
When are you moving into your own cuck pod?
Havent seen you in a while, something troubling you?
This destroys the white roasties self esteem
Parents are poor literal retards
He's intimidated by my sexual history
So i met this kid in school (not real school like a program for home school kids to go to so they don't turn out...
He enables attention whores on an anonymous imageboard
Why do you not just slay those responsible for your misery
User, are you going to see Endgame this weekend?
I never even got a chance to be pure, cute, and innocent
How does a self hating spic find a self hating hapa gf?
Why do redditor newfags think that social outcast who hate the society they live in are the perfect candidates to shill...
Disprove this
Anti vax bad!!! Anti vax bad!!! Anti vax bad!!!
I'm eleven, nice meeting you. I'm here to help you help yourself
He's unironically learning Japanese
Just diagnosed bpd (male, worst of all)
Would fembots have sex with a chadpanzee?
Ask a neet of 7 years anything
Autistic drawings thread
Trips decides what I do with this piss bottle
ITT: Post your favourite anime endings
Fantasy larp thread
Wagies of r9k, what do you do for a living?
How do dads feel that their daughters are getting fucked by other and many different men during her growing up?
How have you been fighting back against the psychiatric system?
/r9gay/ - #706
The perfect MILF doesn't exis-
The clock is ticking, wojakfags
Holding waifu against your chest
If she does not like you, it is not because you did anything wrong...
Your entire post history on this website is leaked and shown to all of your friends and family members
Just found out my roommates girlfriend has been cheating on him
Hello, one ticket for Endgame please
Who does r9k play?
I have been invited to a party
Hey guys! l just married my husband, Eric! We're about to have sex right now
His height begins with 5
Have you pretended to be a girl online before Jow Forums? Did you use it to milk cash?
Play Sims 4
What is she doing right now robots?
Is there anything more pathetic than blackpilled "men"?
Black girls have it worse than any incel desu. Even I have rejected black girls...
/drugfeels/ Tell us your favourites
There is a substantial amount of trans in r9k and I only want to tell you that you will regret it
1 chance at life
If you a genie could make you a literally cute girl, would you accept?
Tfw no sissy white boi to kill and suck my thick brown cock to completion
Did instagram ruin society?
The femanon i was talking to still hasn't answered my long string of insane ramblings. Very strange...
What do you think about my looks? I am five foot five
Why are all men abandoners?
Yet another fill out thread
Dont take women seriously because they dont know what they want
Girls wear layers of facial products to alter their features
Are you a dog, a pig, or a sheep?
I'm not a pedo but can someone really say the average dumbshit 20-30 year old is more mature and better able to consent...
Reminder: She's never yours. At best it's your turn
You find your only son crying in the corner of the house. He's scrawled up, you know something is wrong...
His hand can't wrap around his cock
The hero archetype is a thing because it's part of our evolutionarily history...
Are you a man enough to meet her standards?
/drinking general/
What goes through your mind when you see a pregnant woman in public?
Talk to Jow Forums and they tell me to fuck off
Big willy club /general/
What's your opinion on the fembots that use this board?
Rap(e) thread
What's the most cursed images you got for me faggots
Friend Thread
Why are white people so fucking stupid? Literally we need to just get rid of them
Chads are smoke and mirrors
Why are married man so obsessed with sex. You married your wife to be a partner, not a live in prostitute...
He cares enough about animals to go vegan
Incels btfo, literally have no excuse now, this dorky bald incel looking Russian slayed in Japan
/r9gay/ - #705
Leave me alone sarah
Even makeup and cgi can't hide the fact that taylor swift has hit the wall
Responsibility, that's what gives life meaning. Lift a load. Then you can tolerate yourself because look at you...
Boyfriend broke up with me six months ago
I have never Iost my virginity
Hey robots wtf is this brown spot
Cringy shit in porn
He's right you know. Why are women so useless?
Flat chest=small boobs > medium boobs >>>> titcows
Fembots, what does an ideal dick look like in your opinion?
This board is full of sinners. Repent and go pray at your local Roman Catholic Church, it's your only salvation, robots
You hear that, shitlords? Be fucking thankful if you ever get an opportunity to fuck a fabulous fat girl like me
So i met this kid in school (not real school like a program for home school kids to go to so they don't turn out...
How do you robots dress yourself?
All women are whores!
Recommend me comfy games lads.. stuff to play late at night when dead inside
Anyone else here hate Jow Forums and homofaggots equally?
Tfw no superfertile fembot gf
"Why yes, in fact I do fuck white boys! How could you tell? :)"
Hes tall, dark, and handsome
Tfw you have a fever
Incest child
Schizophrenia positivity thread
Have 900 calorie breakfast
What is this Marvel Endgame bullshit that normies talk about all the time now? Should I go watch it or nah?
Jow Forums needs more positive transgender representation
Free (you) thread
Why aren't you a MGTOW yet user?
Do you wish for war? Are you so tired of this world in which everything is slowly decending into madness...
In order to be a pessimist you must also acknowledge the reality that you probably don't know anything and are wrong...
Would you get in a relationship with a guy if it means that you won't be alone anymore?
My conversation with my dad minutes ago
Any good animes about suicide?
ITT: fembots rate robots
Please logically defend eating meat. animals such as pigs, chickens and cows are fully sentient and conscious...
Match with 6/10 girl on okcupid
New guy on the block, bored of Jow Forums and /b/ and I wanted to know what kind of community you have here...
What do fembots look like in real life?
Anyone else can't enjoy anything ?
Hikikomori General Thread
Ever had some one try to kill you? ever been raped? How did you deal with it. Did you report it...
Why not play an instrument? It's fun to play songs you like and impressive to both guys and girls...
Trying ecstasy for the first time tomorrow. What should I expect, robots?
For some, the urge to eat tells them to eat more than they need...
What is a cozy part time job to help pay for Uni?
Is being a neet really worth it?
I have BPD. I am female. How do I be better?
There are people here who were unironically born during or after 2005
Is learning how to dance a good way to get a gf?
Jow Forums, we should be kind to fembots
What if instead of genders everybody was just tomboys? would that make everyone the happiest all around?
I get SO MANY girls staring/smiling at me in public regularly
ITT fucked up shit you've done that you'll probably never get over
Black pill on attraction
Say it with me, anons. I TRUST IN CHRIST
What ever happened to Girls Gone Wild?
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship