Another day wasted doing nothing and waiting for my real life to begin. Will my life ever begin?

Another day wasted doing nothing and waiting for my real life to begin. Will my life ever begin?

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It will if you stop wasting time and start making a life for you user,nothing comes without hard work .

You need to have the drive to get up and do the hard work though. You're sapped of that as an older virgin. It really isn't just a meme. If you hit 20 and you're still a virgin you're screwed.

Not screwed as in you just feel kinda bad about being a virgin. You're whole being and purpose just hits a dead end.

Who exactly the fuck are you anyway? Who are you people who say shit like "stop wasting your life" and shit on board for incels?

Just get a fucking job and find a hooker to take your virginity. If you're in your 20's and haven't considered that option you're a fucking retard

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There's more to life than sex, you imbecile.

How old are you OPini? 24 here and ready to kill myself in a few , my life never began, I couldn't muster the strength to do anything at all

Well no fucking shit but if your entire life is on hold because you're still a virgin then getting over that fucking bump in the log is a necessary step to finding a loving relationship

What did you do today to feel like wasted time?

few days I meant to say

It's gonna take a miracle, at least for me it feels like. Another day gone down the drain with no motivation to do anything but sleep. I feel like I will never live an active, independent lifestyle because I'm a underdeveloped manchild. Then tomorrow will be the exact same having to deal with fear shame and just exhaustion all over again. Repeat for a few more years until I'm dead and life won't be any different

>If you hit 20 and you're still a virgin you're screwed
>There's more to life than sex, you imbecile
You are a colossal faggot

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Reminds me of this scene from Kaiji:
desu I'm kind of in the same boat. I'm just waiting for my princess to save me. She's coming any day now. R-right?

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i used to post that pic a lot. I thought i would be forever a loser neet playing videogames till my moms die and eventually i killmyself. Then i was hired at this shitty job. I did good, moved out. I was miserable still. Then started to work one more job. 2 jobs now. Made more money than i ever thought i would ever do. And suddenly i have a bitch in each of my jobs and now 1 of them is pregnant. Soon ill have a brand new mazda6 and maybe a house. Life still sucks desu but uh big changes in just 4 years.

Who said their lives where on hold because of virginity. Go back to plebbit and stop making assumptions. Lurk MOAR

see >You're sapped of that as an older virgin. It really isn't just a meme. If you hit 20 and you're still a virgin you're screwed.
>Not screwed as in you just feel kinda bad about being a virgin. You're whole being and purpose just hits a dead end.
Do you have a spoon or should I bring my own?

I'm 22 and 23 is closing in fast. At the current pace i'm going to be living with my parents a friendless loser with nothing to show into my 30's. At that points its as good as over.

>Jow Forums is one person
Again go fuck yourself and lurk more.

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I woke up. Played video games. Masturbated to porn. Browsed the internet. Repeat this cycle a couple times a day then repeat that one every day for years.

Listen user, just get help from somebody, really don't try to do it alone and end like me, you still have a few yeeeaaaaaarssss (ghost voice fading away)

Are you this fucking retarded?

I'm OP and you are telling to just get laid bro because someone else said something about getting laid. Fuck off.

i lost mine at 24

Oh bro sorry bro I didn't read your vaguebooking correctly

Browsed the internet is pretty generic, what do you browse to make it feel like wasted time?

The others yeah, they are pretty much wasting time. As fun as games or masturbation are

Fuck off retard even the most braindead can understand that virginity isnt about penis in vagina hole its about being desired and wanted and belonging with someone.

Fucking dumb nigger cant believe i had to explain the essence of normiehood to a fucking 3 braincelled normgroid.