Getting into a fight tomorrow. any advice on what to. There is no dick or ball punches so don't suggest it...

Getting into a fight tomorrow. any advice on what to. There is no dick or ball punches so don't suggest it. I really just don't want to get my ass kicked.

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Headbutt him in the nose as hard as you can until he stops moving

What's your opponents body type? Fat, twig or muscular?

VERY muscular and fit

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I suggest the ol' fork in the eye or dropkicking into them with speed

Just bring a gun, lmao

How did this fight even start?

Watch your left corner of view. Also, have a friend there so if the fight goes downhill for ya, you two can just jump them.

>There is no dick or ball punches so don't suggest it
Then hit them in the eyes instead. Fuck fighting fair lmao.

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Approach with head movement and punches, clinch and try to pick him up. Once you do it's over, he's done after you throw him to the ground. If not then you're on top of him anyway.
Keep a lower base than him.

t. Actually competed in a few mma tournaments

Yeah, I suggest keeping a bag of sand in pockets. When you knock him to the ground, kick him in the ribs.

>t. retard

Okay yea, make sure his friends join the fight right? Nobody will get upset if you poke his eyes right? Right. Retard.

long story short I am getting paid, so no dick or ball punches or eyes.
Sorry for not mentioning

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Put in a mouth guard and clench your teeth. Not only will it save your teeth, but you'll be able to tank punches to the head that would otherwise knock you out.

You need to survive
Fighting fair is a excuse to be scared of die

kick him straight in the dick

Aim every single punch at his jaw, nothing else matters, except not getting your own jaw punched

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so just use the elbow and see the basics of muay thai and savate

Clinch a lot. Restrict his upper arms and rest your weight against him. Try to pick him up and throw him against the ground.

why? i thought you ko'd someone when the brain hits the inside of the skull

i know nothing about fighting but why would a broken jaw put someone down?

how did you got into a fight??

You mean the chin right? The jaw is not a primary target in boxing for a reason. They always teach you to go for the chin or temples.

It won't. user is just retarded and giving out advice when he clearly never did any martial arts.

Aim for the chin, it's like a lever.

Keep a low center of mass, go for the legs. Get them on the ground and maintain dominant position. I.E sit on their chest with with knees under their arm pits and have at em.

Google jaw+knockout, doesn't matter how much muscle they got if they flop to the floor unconscious

If it's allowed you should punch his trachea

what about some good ol dick n ball punches?

Durr hurr what is glass jaw for 400 Alex

kick him in the legs, i suggest you train kicks tonight a bit, but dont get sore

>Aim for the chin, it's like a lever.
oh that makes sense
i'd never streetfight anyway i'd just ambush the cunt with a crossbow

i saw a lot of fights growing up though. the only thing i have to add is that most ended up with both guys so exhausted they could barely stand before they did any real damage to each other. so smoke some meth or pcp beforehand i guess

ah, and don't forget to eat spinach before going into a fight. its a very important step you surely don't want your neet ass getting beaten up

Aim for the solar plexus.
Its right below the sternum
If you hit hard enough you may bruise their heart :)

Make sure you flail both arms in circles while crying, OP

put your thumb deep into his anus. I heard that would help.

That has nothing to do with the jaw you fucking mongoloid.

The whole point is to hit the chin so his head turns to the side and his brain crashes into his skull. That doesn't happen when you punch the jaw unless you're Mike Tyson and can punch with that much force.

Are you taller than your opponent? If so, just keep him at arms length away by grabbing him and keeping him from closing the distance

what about the good old nipple twister?

Just increase to 30% of your full power and have at him.



It's glass chin, not glass jaw. You don't punch the jaw.

Be crazy, no one wants to fuck with the crazy motherfucka

You fucking nigger when I Google jaw and chin same area is highlighted in image results

maybe you should start thinking about your usual beta male excuses?

You fucking nigger when I Google jaw and chin same area is highlighted in image results lol

kick him in the balls and run away, that's how i won my last fight

What the fuck do you mean? The jaw and the chin are two completely different things.

nobody actually knows how to "fight" everyone just autistically throws punches and slaps each other. maybe bodyslams if it gets really rough. just be bigger than him and you won't even have to think about anything

Just don't try any retarded moves almost nothing you watched on your gay ass anime will help if you try anime moves you'll get hit so hard you'll become retarded take it from the kid who got bullied a ton it doesn't help

I never fought but my old man used to say the way to go was to give the first punch, strike him unexpectedly in the nose or the stomach.

Use mspaint to circle them out of a picture with different colors and post results

Nose only makes them bleed

Sun Tzu teaches that you must win first, and only then should you fight. He who fights first and tries to win is destined to lose.
Focus on winning right now. The fight itself is inconsequential.

Good point. O.P should just read The Art Of War tonight. It's short and very helpful.

It's called a fucking mandible you twits

If he doesn't know about fighting, try getting him to the ground and once there beat him in the head as much and as hard as possible. If he knows how to fight, try keeping space and punch him without letting him do the same, like boxing

fucking hell this could not be more simple

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Dont make any offensive gestures, only defensive ones. Try to protect your neck and chest. Do not strike your opponent. Eventually he will tire himself out from striking you and you can claim victory. That's how I won my first and only fight

Failed, 100% of your chin circle is inside where jaw extends, do you want to try again?

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red is chin and green is jaw

The whole point is to hit the side of their chin so you turn their head sideways, if you hit their jaw you'll just move their head. You want to give them a concussion and not simply push them around.

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What the fuck are you even talking about you genuine retard? How many times do we have to explain to you that the chin is not the same thing as the jaw. They're two different things,

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Thats one third of the jaw you're circling you fugging muppets

Okay you tell us where the chin and jaw is then. It seems like you just don't fucking know these words anyway.

>Getting into a fight tomorrow. any advice on what to. There is no dick or ball punches so don't suggest it.

Is this some kind of refereed event in a boxing league or something? Because if it's not, there's no such thing as "no dick or ball bunches". You hit that nigger any way you can to win, OP. Or enjoy losing.

her head is turned to the side how tf are they supposed to circle the rest if it's not even fucking visible?

>Thats one third of the jaw you're circling you fugging muppets

Dis nigger don't know when he beat

What the fuck are you talking about you mentally deficient retard? Actually fucking embarrassing.

Just get a better image then.

He clearly just doesn't speak English very well and thought the jaw and chin were something completely different to what they actually are.

semi-refereed, the other guy cant do ball punches or eyes either.

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If you're going for permanent damage, aim and punch as hard as you can on the chin. Straight on the front of the chin. You could also try the temple. These are both shown to be effective and can both cause permanent brain damage and can lead to head trauma.

If you're going to fight them just to win the fight and leave then you should go for well aimed and timed hits in vulnerable areas. If faceshots are allowed, go straight for the nose, between the eyes, or the bridge of the nose.

Good luck in your fight user, give your best and dont run away.

You don't sound very prepared, so I'd suggest tiring your opponent and take the sneers from the crowd as you avoid him and dodge his hits the first 5 minutes or so.

If he charges you, obviously try to use his momentum against him.

Here's some inspiration:

I could also add that the jaw is also a good point to strike.

Don't underestimate a well placed punch right on the throat. You could end up killing him, but eh don't afraid of anything.

Hit the jaw, brother. The prime striking target.

Just googel jaw-knockout

if you're still not following me then you really are a lost cause

the chin is a point on the jaw but in order to appease all 70 of your IQ points i have seperated the two for clarity

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This is the part of human anatomy known as the jaw, everything you see here is part of the jaw

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but you can't see the other side

me and the other guy had issues and he pretty much tortured my twig ass for 3 mins but I fucked up his stomach and with other people a small fight was organized were the winner gets $1000 an

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Go be mentally deficient somewhere else

You must be fucking trolling right?

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Not even him.
But your fucking wrong you spastic.

>This is the part of human anatomy known as the jaw

>"The ankle is part of the leg, so when someone tells me to break a guy's ankle I am totally NOT WRONG when I kick him in the knee! DAMN U GUIZ!!!!

No,literally everything in that picture is the anatomical entity titled jaw

dude you only circled half of the jaw again, this isn't helping anything

What the fuck do you mean "not even him"?

Clearly it's you, there is only so few people in the world that are this retarded.

Like said, you're a fucking moron. Learn when to give up.

You so stupid you must work for the government

It's called glass jaw for a reason

Youre an absolute mongoloid, the idea is to encircle the chin, being the rest the mandible

Start a peace process with your opponent, since you're at disadvantage you need to offer something he would like

>yu iz zoo stuupid yuuu must worku for the govermentu!!!

Learn English you fucking chink.

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you can aim straight for the jaw if you've ever done karate or something but it's a small target and you might hurt your hand. a better strategy is to aim for the sarcophagus - a secret weak point that you can strike for massive damage. good luck OP

Haha get rekt FBI, you can barely identify one third of a jaw

Hit his pressure points.

If you hit him hard enough on the part of the neck called adams apple he will get a lot of pain and will feel as if he cant breathe as it is a fragile, yet important part of the body.Hitting him there will give you atleast a 10 to 15 second advantage in which you can either run or beat his ass depending on your situation.

Another recommendation would be to try to avoid kicks becuase if they grab your leg mid-kick youre done for.

If you still want to go for a kick go for the part of the leg in pic related, a powerful blow there can leave a person injured for weeks or even his whole life.
And finally Remember that to win a figth you have to be as agressive as possible.This has to be a fast and strong blow though.

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If you ever find yourself on your back, get your feet on his hips. Also, all the strength you'll ever have is in your hips.

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can you circle the jaw in this picture for us?

Try going for a grab in the hips followed by a slam, hope youre good at wrestling, all will hopefully be fine if you can pull of a hard throw to the ground.

What jaw?Did you chose the wrong person?
is right btw

Fuck fuck i meant to put the one that separated the jaw and chin in circles not that one fuck fuck.

yes but this picture isn't very helpful because we can't see the other side of the jaw

OP here, if I manage to get some one on the ground from a punch what should I do?

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Hit him straight in the jaw