>pass a tought period in life
>A random user writes me
>She is a girl
>She seems to stick around and actually want to be with me (not relationships just friendship)
>We start talking a lot
>Being with her makes me happy
>I feel better
>One day I'm having a bad time
>Try and vent to her
>She gets angry
>She ignores me
>Her only reply is "zzzzz"
>Ask her why her reply is:
"It doesn't feel good to be around sad people"
>Use my alt profile to see a server she's in
>She says she's been trying to find a boyfriend
>From the way she talks I can tell she's lonely
>I realize I'll never be exiting This shitty depression and be seen as right for her
>I realize she'll be with somebody else
>As always I will rot in uncorresponded love
Robots should I just fucking die?
All the times I fall in love it ends up shittily.
I just want to find a cute girl who really loves me and love her as best as I can.
I hate being like this, I just want to die and stop feeling so bad right now.
Pass a tought period in life
don't you think you might be a little overdramatic about the whole thing?
The worst part is that if I don't text her she never initiates conversation
You don't understand.
Every time I tried to have a relationship or fell in love I always got my hope crushed.
What makes you think death will be better user?Keep searching user,never lose hope,there is always a way.
I live in pain and heartache, someone comes along and makes me feel better, then they puntually ignore me or distance themselves from me.
It hurts.
I'm tired of putting in effort yet being constantly hurt
Maybe because you type like an indian
I'm just fucking tired.
Haven't slept in 24 Hours and spent today crying.
I'm still feeling really really bad so I'm not paying really any attention to how I write
gosh, how cringey... how old are you user? to hell with that slut, forget her, you were her bitch all the time, she used you for her own comfort, if she didn't care for yor feelings she didn't care for you, even tho you were wrong in sharing your feelings with her if you hadn't a romantic relationship with her, that's why she left you
TL;DR: she left you for 2 main reasons, the first because she didn't really care for you, thesecond because you shared feelings with her, to women this is a sign of weakness
it happens man, some of us aren't designed to function or have romantic relationships, just accept your fate and get over it
Everyone is like that's to me, yet I try my best to be nice to people.
I don't want to be alone forever...
A discord girlfriend? Are you in middle school? Come on man
I'm gonna speak from my personal experience here, a day of crying and suffering is a good thing in the long run. The feeling in a week or two when you realize this roastie isn't worth your attention will feel absolutely Godsent. If she strung you along you would feel anxious and on edge for months maybe even years, peaks and valleys out the ass. For now keep mourning and let it all out my brother. Life carries on and bitches simply ain't worth it.
what's your zodiac sign user just curious
Cancer but why?
She's right. Nobody likes being around sad people.
If you're not willing to improve your situation in life and work on feeling less sad, how is she supposed to want you? You even admitted it yourself, you're depressive. You want her to act like your mom- consoling you. Who would want to be in a relationship with someone like that, who takes without providing?
You can't be happy with other people until you're happy with yourself. Work on yourself, do things for yourself, and stop chasing your idealized fantasies of women on chat platforms. When you're ready, people will come to you.
I fucking knew it
not original
>"I came in contact with a girl that didnt like me"
>"is this the end?"
No. Do you have any idea how many fucking girls there are out there? There is no such thing as an incel. There are only volcels with defeatist attitudes.
I tried so many damn times.
It's hard for me to like a person and everytime I do it's not reciprocates
I tried so many times to improve but I always fall back in this shitty hole
How about you try again but in a different way?
I tried basically all the approaches.
I even tried faking confidence and it didn't work
Well for one leave out the venting and other depressing shit until you have actually secured the relationship. I've been with the same woman for over 2 years and I didnt start showing that side of me until we were 8 months in, when she already had an emotional investment in me. I'll tell you this though, if you think getting a relationship is hard you will be blown away by the difficulty of maintaining an existing one.
I've had a relationship before.
2 years but didn't seem too hard maintaining it.
Get some sleep and hit the shitting street.
Busy day at "MY-CROW-SAWFT" anti virus HQ Tomorrow
Be honest to yourself. Did you actually try? I am in your same situation but after some time I know that I'm just bullshitting myself when I say >I tried my best! It was all I could have done!
>It's because this day x happened so it's too hard
>It's because I didn't do x today, so why should I expect from myself to do what I'm supposed to do?
>etc. etc.
I'm still the same loser but I know what I did wasn't enough and maybe it's because I feel too comfortable in my depression to change and too uncomfortable when I plan to stick to something.
Why would you have to die over a cunt? By the way I thought you meant your pic was the "tough period" you were talking about. Glad to be disappointed.
I'm not Indian you mong.
Yeah I really tired.
I tired cutting this place from my life.
Cutting my shitty habits.
Tried several therapists and they had a shirt lasted effect.
I tried meds but they had shitty side effects.
You're supposed to try various meds until you find the right ones. Also, unironically look into meditation. If you give up it's all over. You have to keep trying even if you come back to your shitty habits. That's what I'm doing and even though I still fail many times and fall into old habits again I still made some progress in a few things like my education. It doesn't matter if you make the same mistakes as long as you're aware of them and as long as you're still going at it seriously and not in a half-assed way.
I have tried 3 meds at this point
1 did nothing.
The second had bad effects on my emotions and the last made me angry.
You mean unrequited.
Love comes when you are not looking.
Here is where you start. Find a girl you can have a family with. Find a stable situation.
There are way more than just 3 meds to try. Keep going. There's nothing behind your back.
The dude doesn't have fucking schizophrenia or something, why are you suggesting he go on a roller coaster of meds.
this meant for unoriginal
If he was prescribed meds for depression then that means it's serious. It's pretty well known that most of the times you're not going to find the right anti-depressants at the beginning if you're not lucky. Are you going to suggest that he should pull himself up by his bootstraps? As someone who also has depression (diagnosed), I know that it's fucking hard to do shit just by yourself. You basically have zero willpower even if you have the motivation back in your mind. The right meds do help in the long term.
I Don't just have depression, I have a lot of anxiety (not only social) which sometimes makes a lot of things hard and I'm afraid to go outside
holy shit.
If you've ever talked like this around her it's no wonder she isn't interested. She wants a boyfriend, not a fucking melodramatic teenage girl friend. Just fucking live your life and don't post here again until you're 18
>If he was prescribed meds for depression then that means it's serious.
Tons of people are prescribed meds for depression without their case being crippling, but that's besides the point. While his case sounds serious in that it might be crippling a normal life, some problems can't be solved with just meds, even if they will help in the immediate. Testing your brain with a ton of meds in tough times is not the best idea. It can be pretty stressful, particularly visiting the doctor over and over etc.
Are you doing well now taking meds? Did you find the perfect one? If so that's good to hear.
Also just to dispell the notion that I'm implying "just bee yourself bro", I would certainly be diagnosed with depression. Have zero willpower etc etc. This is not about me though so I won't go more into that, unless you doubt it.
I've been thinking that one of the big problems with people in our situation might be the priorities.
My best advice in regards to that, and what I'm currently attempting, is to slowly improve with the things around you, with what you're capable of doing. Sadly I know that's most likely not enough to get you where you dream yourself to be, but its been a comforting thought for me, and I hope that at least in that it can help you. That's what helps treat a ton of fucked up people, they go one step at a time. Be patient.
Additionally, I wasn't saying to completely give up on meds. Just don't rely on them as your sole savior, when at least some of the problems you're currently going through may either be caused by, or end up causing problems with your perspective, way of thinking etc.