Is the Food Pyramid BS Jow Forums/

What are some healthy foods I can eat on a low carb, low sugar, high protein diet. It seems like everything has sugar in it nowadays.

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There is no such thing as healthy food.
"Healthy food" is a media invention based on weak science/

So what do you eat?

Whatever I feel like as long as I get the right macros and calories.

meme yes
you dont have to go full paleo but a healthy diet isnt rocket science, just eat naturally
>lots of quality meat, lots of vegetables, lots of water, some fruit, some bread is ok but alternative carbs like potatoes, whole oats and whole grain rice are better, little to no alcohol, no sweets, no sugary drinks
there, gg ez

I disagree but would hear arguments as long as you are only talking about real food and not including industrial food like substances.

What do you eat for breakfast? pretty much every cereal has sugar and even milk has about ten grams per serving.

and to add almost everything that comes in a box from the grocery store is trash
almost everything that has a list of ingredients is trash
food quality is as important as food type, buy the highest quality food you can, especially local, non megacorp factory shit, it may seem expensive now but think of it as an investment in your body and your life quality of life so youre not a sick fuck when your older

fuck off aspie


breakfast is ez'est meal of the day
oats and eggs, bacon as long as its not bottom dollar chemical laced shit
oats with raw honey, cinnamon, and grass fed butter
eggs however you want, get them free range or find someone who owns chickens, they usually practically give eggs away

>you dont want to ingest literal shit pumped out of giant factory farms that dont give a fuck about your health or the environment, for the lowest possible cost, so you can get sick and start a lifetime of buying and consuming multiple prescription drugs a day? must be a disorder

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Interesting. What quantity of oats do you eat? Do you just eat them plain?

I agree with that goy... I mean guy! Sounds like you need some (((SSRI's))). Maybe I ought to use red flag laws to get your guns taken away from you too.

Why do you Jow Forums fags always start jew posting whenever someone upsets you?

It's Jow Forumss natural defence mechanism like when monkeys see a leopard and they all start screeching in the treetops

I accept your acknowledgement that you can not make an actual argument.

the only thing that is local that I can afford is milk, everything else is too expensive or imported due to european commerce regulations

Because you fags can't understand what is good for you.

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You can insert whatever boogeyman you want, all that matters is that the shits bad for your health.

Beef, bison, deer, elk, lamb, got, sheep. Ruminant animals. Also, ice cream.

>looks at picture of silhouette associated with something negative
>automatically assumes it must be a jew
if youre the only one hearing the dogwhistle, guess what, youre a dog