Jow Forums
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Fitness #521
The deadlift damages your spine. It also compresses your spinal discs and decreases your height
Hello Jow Forums, i'm a hardgainer, i cannot gain musclemass no matter how hard i train or how much i eat...
Wtf is this coom shit meme? I dont get it and where did it originate from? I leave for a few days
Rate my gf Jow Forums
Why do normals lack discipline...
Pendlay Row
Doing ohp yesterday
How does he do it bros?
Tfw this specimen started working out next to me today
Why do I have to deadlift?
/neckpill/ general
Would you lift for the God Emperor?
Guys I'm never doing weed and lifting again
I made it?
About to become a 30 yo boomer Jow Forums, how do I delay the aging process?
How do i even looksmax my face, i managed to get to 76 kg from 58 but i can't make gainz on my face
Is this mandatory?
ITT post lifting related webms that make you COOM
He. Fucking. Won
/plg/ powerlifting general
Weekly Sleep Check-in
Been lifting for about a year need some advice to increase progress
Tfw nofap
Ahhhh!! I sure am glad I spent my youth doing heavy deadlifts
Long Beings
/sip/ thread
Jow Forums How do I attain this physique?
Well Jow Forums i’ve officially been ditched by my one and only social group leaving me a friendless loner loser...
The doctor said i have the heart of a 65 year old at 20
OHP or Lateral Raises?
Let's do a Routine Thread
I can't do a single push-up
Supplement thread
Red meat halves risk of depression
How do i get an ass like this?
I cannot do a single pull up
Are humans designed to consume cereal?
The snake juice is making me gag
Why are legs considered so important on Jow Forums?
Looking for someone to form check my on my overhead press and pendlay row form...
Gyno/low test general
I need your help
Im 18. will 5% minoxidil fuck up my hormones? i REALLY want a fucking beard
How is he so strong ?
Do women like k-pop tier pretty boys or manly men more?
Redpill me on upright rows, whats a decent weight on this exercise and whats its purpose
Okay Jow Forums what nut is the king of the nuts?
Each of these focuses on their physique for a living. Only one of these looks good
Girls with Breast Implants
Did any of you ever fix your calves? I dont believe they grow and I need proof...
Manlet cope thread
Female Friends
I-i need to lift so i can get a girlfriend!
Fat-hating leftist here...
Stop swearing so much, its every thread!
I hate deadlifts
Are raisins and honey the only good way to get sugar in your diet? My carb sources are pretty limited to oats, honey...
What diet and exercise regime should one follow to get this body?
Growing a beard means ageing
Be me at 16
Is SS+GOMAD a viable approach for a girl?
Only 1 bench day left before hurricane hits
What’s the best way to fix posture?
/fast/ #482
Is about to change health, fitness, sports and bodybuilding forever
I really want to shave my head because of convenience, however I heard that women just don't like that
Explain this Jow Forums:
Tfw I've been buying and smoking these for years
Always think body dysmorphia was some meme Jow Forums was throwing around
Does anyone wear these?
Tfw can only bench 70kg after lifting consistently after one year
How do you overcome the peer pressure of pigging out when eating out?
Is this normal?
Lifting vs Martial Arts
Friend who posted here passed away
Cant take whey protein because my digestive system is shit
I hate how I look. Should I prioritize fat loss or muscle gain?
woke up
How to become masculine?
How to attain this physique?
This is lit
Is uberman actually sustainable? Also, I want to try biphasic, anybody got any tips? What to do during wake period...
/fat/ - "Just regular obese, not morbidly obese" edition
Is coffee good or bad for you? Been drinking quite alot lately
Help me out bros, need best advice to get rid of this shit
Post calves
*taps cuppa*
What is wrong with society that this smooth criminal is the closest thing to a male role model ?
What does Jow Forums think of this beautiful man
I wasted half my life not lifting
Is doing nofap recommended for virgins?
Why Jow Forums dont like curls?
What mode is Tony?
When you do hanging oblique leg raises...
Soft 4 pack
/mag/ - Martial Arts General
60-70% of all varbies were raped or sexually assaulted
Tfw no gf
Is the wall real? And if so, what age does it start?
Is this the endgame?
Please pepe
The ultimate Chad?
Why can't neuralets into real weightlifting?
/FPH/ - final solution edition
Good luck building muscle with just climbing you fa-
Chin Ups
What does your ideal girl look like Jow Forums?
Love handles/hip dips
/SIG/ Ill make these every day until they can stay
Is there any point to keto except losing weight?
How much cardio should I do? How much cardio do you do, and what kind?
/stacy/ - Stacy General
I first started lifting around the time when pic related was posted and lost my progress/gains bc im a pussy and i only...
Just hit the gym and get lean, brah
If you get to do only one exercise which one would it be and why is it squats?
Coffee appreciation thread
I wanna look like this how do i get there?
Is this guy even strong
What's even the point of living if you have low-average testosterone...
Why hasn't a single fat person made a DAILY video weight loss progress channel on youtube...
Add the gym receptionist girl on instagram
No sex now for 5 months
Just lift bro
Rich Piana claims to have performed 6 million reps during an 8 hour period, but if we do the math...
Am i balding fit? Idk why but i feel like my hairline is slowly creeping away
Guys would you be pissed if you saw a dude doing chin ups in the bus?
Can you still get social gains from lifting at 5'4 or is my body just a lost cause?
Does america have a low T problem?
Get Jow Forums
How the fuck do I make this taste good
"Just lift" they said
So when is the longest you've gone without going to the gym anons? How long did it take you to bounce back after that?
Do girls come to train in your room, user?
My muscles wont fucking grow at all
How much do I have to lift before I can fuck her?
If I have to wear glasses, which are worse? Thick-frame "basedboy" glasses or wire-frame "white incel" glasses?
Muh dog
Is it possible to improve facial symmetry through exercise?
Would being fit at an older age make you live longer?
Is it even worth doing core workouts or should I just go 100% into a clean diet like people say
Post your Kryptonite
Cutting weight
Why yes, I intermittently fast. How did you know?
Tennis elbow
Gym crush smiled at me today
How to achieve jim mode?
Has skin cancer
What is the cheapest form of protein? No semen
ITT: anime goal bodies
Ctrl + f
Hiroyuki approved meta thread
How to make girls act like that to my muscles?
Can anyone help me understand what happened?
He doesn't have a home gym so he can lift during a hurricane
Does anyone else ever feel defeated by the fact that in the best case scenario they'll have to wagecuck for the next...
Besides squats, what else should be included in a well rounded leg day?
I can deadift 70 lbs 10x
Give me the fucking truth about it
Where should I continue? My current state after around 5 month fitness at home. I still try to lose more fat...
How do you pick up a cute thot at the gym? How to break the ice after the gym?
How do I stop having anxiety at the gym? I'm 3 weeks in and I feel so out of place as a skeleton...
This is why lifting for women is retarded. You lift for yourself, because women will not love you for it...
/cg/ COOOM general - first thread edition
[Sentence long question that wouldn’t even take a minute to find out on bing]
Do women care more about muscle size or height?
/SIG/ Improve yourself to improve the world
Trangender “““people””” or trannies as I like to call them are mentally ill faggots
Do you eat fast food
I need to burn off my fat fucking gut and man boobs but I also want to keep lifting
For me it's this
How the fuck do i do lateral raises. It always hurts when i do those shits even when my form is totally correct...
Day one - shoulders, abs
Premature Ejaculation
Can someone tell me the correct form of a deadlift?
/martial arts general/
Ban coomposting
Would you date a varbie?
ITT: What You Want to Look Like
What do you do to pass time between sets?
Should there be a nationwide mandatory fitness test to determine how fit you are, and if you don't pass, you get taxed...
Sooooo Jow Forums, what routines have you been through since you started lifting?
Goes to boomer gym
Actually eating less calories than you expend in a a day is a meme, you should be doing keto or fasting
Is this normal
Swimming is usually considered a good alternative to running because it's easier on the joints...
I dont know what is not a meme anymore?
Does cardio really kill gains?
If I have a fast metabolism, should I be eating a majority of my calories just a few hours before going to gym?
How much do you have to bench to be considered elite?
HEY YOU! yes you stop what your doing right now and do 100 squats without stopping
Dude just sacrifice your spine and 20+ years of pain-free mobility for PHAT...
Low quality question that would take one minute on bing to find out the answer
How do you get big arms Jow Forums?
At what weight did you start to stall on OHP?
How do you take your oats, Jow Forums?
Cry about stuff thats been bugging me for a long time
This board is so shit
How do we deal with femcels?
Why does this happen?
Why does snapchat keep promoting fit chicks?
Do any of you guys have bad breath problems? is it normal to have it? how do you solve it?
Had my weekly nut last night and when I was about to cum I yelled COOOOOOOOOOM
Boxing is best combat sport
Cbt college edition
Is this guy natty? I find it hard to believe someone who isn't 6'4 and high bw has lifts as high as him, e...
Hey Jow Forums...
Best way to make fps aiming skill gainz? (e.g. muscle memory) i get mogged in this by a large chunk of my friends
How did Jow Forums manage to be this wrong about Boogie?
Anyone in here succesfully built muscle on OMAD?
The gym is unforgivably basic
What’s your body composition atm?
COOOOM Meta Discussion
Polyphasic sleep patterns
Why is todays generation so prone to hair loss?
How do you make friends at the gym?
Am I too far gone ???
Oh how quickly things change
Admit that you enjoy looking at pictures of shirtless, muscular men
Worked out
Health study: Women Store DNA From Every Man They’ve Ever Made Love With
What's worse, to be skinny or fat?
How do shoulderlets justify their continued existence?
Home gym vs a paid gym
Jow Forums honesty hour. What's stopping you from making it?
What exercises are good to improve your sexual performance?
It's out
How much do my lifts have to be to get this?
You CANNOT be fit if you are poor, prove me wrong
Punch Ketards!
Why are YOU doing nofap, Jow Forums?
I feel like I was hotter when I was 17. I’m 21. Did I peak?...
How big do I need to be to manhandle manchildren like this?
How do I make social gains?
Natty or not?
I'm an autist that never learn to drive
Mire thread
Starting to sprout up quite a few grey hairs
What's the fking point?
*annoying backstory*
What is the most Jow Forums RPG class?
How many meals do you make per day?
Could you fight an ape and win?
My hair is thinning only in this part of my head. What could be causing it? Can I do anything for it?
One of those threads
What kind of body is already impressiv for girls who are not into fitness?
Why are men suddenly all only attracted to plastic womanlet latinas/armenians/lebanese women...
Cocaine and Adderall
1. Your mom’s height
Check this out
Anyone tried Ashwagandha? Redpill me on this, is it a meme or legit helpful supplement?
Fit Vs fa
How much raw garlic do you guys eat daily? I eat a slice of a clove
Jow Forums ideals
Dyel poltards are having cognative dissonance right now
You can only do 3 exercises for the rest of you life. You have to do a full body workout. What exercises do you choose?
That sharp lower back lighting that goes down to your legs after heavy deadlifts
Jow Forums humor thread
Injecting myself with CRISPR AMA
Gf has shoulder pain???
How the fuck do I do these?
How fit was the average German (Wehrmacht) soldier during ww2?
Which body is the best to attract amazonian goddesses
Is it too much to expect your girlfriend to be fit/phsically if you are attracted to that sort of thing?
Whats up fagots
How do I get this kind of stomach?
Gym gloves: should you use them?
Canceled my membership to a gym
Meet girl
Are these high t hands?
Social gains thread
Okay you deadlift 4 plates but can you take him down
Remember this
What do you fags lift for?
Could you do it?
TFW got trolled by Jow Forums into getting fat with their shit "just eat more bro you need to bulk heavily before you...
Tell Jow Forums i’m not progressing well with lifts or muscle
Humans have basically only meat to eat for vast majority of history
Can't sleep
Tfw my wrists and ankles much smaller than the average woman's
Which egg do you eat Jow Forums?
Routine to become more masculine?
What are some Jow Forums hobbies? Preferably inexpensive
What are you doing to honor the temple God has given you, user?
The cost of fitness
If it takes you more than 5 days to get over a common cold, you aren't fit
What is the actual peak autism advice for water bottles. Glass, Coper, Steel?
Need advice Jow Forums
Why is it that women like this body? Why can't they like thicker, fatter guys...
Post a more caloric food that is actually edible
Anyone have fibromyaglia?
This guy stares u down in the gym
/bwg/ /bodyweight general/
This is my bodytype. Is it optimal for reproduction?
What do you look for when looking for a new gym?
Can I do lateral dumbbell raises every day? I’m sick of being a framelet
1/2/3/4 for women
/fat/ - Give Up Edition
Fit approved fashion
I was running a 5k and about halfway through, I got slammed and stopped dead...
Just lift bro
Tfw only 21 but people think I'm 35
Cringe Thread
How do i lose weight
Feels thread
How do i not cum fast with women? I cum in under a minute even if i jacked off an hour before
Does Jow Forums use male sex toys?
I don't understand these things. I can do it for an hour and it feels like I've not done anything...
What's wrong with right if they are happier?
Hot vs Cold Showers
Cutting on 2060 calories a day
/plg/ powerlifting general
What belt do you use
You're not single, still, are you?
Why do i get so cold when I fast?
Inhumane mogs
How do I get a twink body without using HRT?
Show me your wheyfu user
How can a white guy go this mode?
What's the simplest and easiest way to just lose weight? I don't care about lifting or any shit like that...
/vegan hate thread/ Triggered vegan jannies edition
ITT MODERATION CHADS ONLY. Nofap/straightedgefags go away
Bois my chicken and steamed veggies diet is bland and boring
Is this barrelchest? Sorry for my english I am Russia
Quitting vidya for fitness
That between reps puff
ITT: God Tier cutting foods
/skelly/ motivation
I fell for the girlfriend meme
Is this gyno or just body fat?
WHAT the fuck happened?
Is running and cardio healthy?
Leg day
Tfw literal coomer incel
Where can i find real honey?
Anyone else disgusted by the average person of today? Pic related is how the average man looks...
Deep squating
Gut Health General
3x5 or 5x5? You MUST show your work!
tfw small head
Inspiration thread
If i can chug an entire gallon of this in ~5-10 minutes am i getting my money's worth of calories?
Got stuck under my 1pl8 bench today, drives me nuts
Post your shoulder routine, I'll start:
Matched trap on tinder on accident (she really passes)
How over is it? Hair transplant at 23 viable? Just hoped on minoxidil and gonna hop on fin in October...
Is Beard Oil a Meme?
How much do I have to squat to get an ass like David Laid?
About a week ago i started getting stabbing upper back pains whenever i breathed in pic related...
Just recieved this, what the fuck do i do now?
Go to gym to bust your ass off so you look attractive for your gf
Push up thread
99c joose vs +$5 actual juice
Since it’s been established that you can get every necessary nutrient from meat...
Gym bro got extremely lean
Try to run
Daily reminder to drink more water BUDDEH
GF mad at me because I "grunt and moan more lifting than I do during sex with her."
How much kg should I lift if I'm a 21 year old man just getting into lifting dumbbells...
Is it better to go to the gym before or after work? I work 9-5 most days
I'm gonna fucking make it!!!
Does your dick get bigger when you do cardio?
You may pull a million stats out of your butt about how violent blacks are or about IQ, or whatever...
Bread Thread
Whats wrong with my back?
Angry at Women
So Jow Forums, have you gotten any mires this summer? Summer's almost over you know
Hi, 25 year old female here. I’ve been eating under 1000 calories a day for almost two weeks now...
How do I control testosterone rage
Why do people still see steroids as bad when all of Hollywood are on the anti-aging juice...
Tfw best looking guy in the gym at 5am
Am I balding?
I ate a 400-500 calories deficit(REALLY CAREFUL ON COUNTING), walked/ran 5km a day, drank alot of water, lifted...
For an adonis belt do you simply need an absurdly low bf%?
People of Jow Forums, help me please
What kind of lifts do I need to do to fight CHOMOS and check motherfuckers' PAPERS...
Progress thread
Boogie's actually making it bros
Is this satire?
Post your spirit animal
People of Jow Forums, help me please
Painfully unfunny
I have a weird, big head and relatively small face with big forehead and a fucked up hairline...
/mag/ /martial arts general/
How can i unironically attain this physique
Why do you lift?
Do people just get more hostile when you start to finally get your shit together?
So Im a fat fuck whose cutting calories trying to loose weight. Im also an alcoholic...
Haven't shitted in four days despite 2,5k daily calories
Does Ashwagandha work or is it just a meme? How much do I take and what brand is best?
Why bother lifting when money will buy you all the girls you can ever desire...
How do I get the majors body (GitS)
This "girl" starts unloading your weight while you're between sets, wdyd?
When will the fatshaming in the Olympics end?
Do you agree with him Jow Forums?
How do I get rid of gynocomastia nipples? Or at least hide it?
Chew Toys, nay or yay?
Best way to deal with belly fat? I'm 5'6" 170lbs. Been working out for a little bit now. Lifting, pull ups, crunches...
Im putting together a team
Best way to increase 400 meter race time
Post hair copes that work
I drank WAY too much caffeine and I feel like I'm going to fucking die
I have to run 1.5 miles in 12 minutes
Alright, Jow Forumsizens I need some help please. Couple years ago I died in a car accident...
Is it ok to fap at the gym?
Has Jow Forums lifted to T Swift’s new album?
Does the gas from eating so much fucking protein ever go away? This shit is fucking righteous
Besides creatine and protein, what other supplements are necessary?
How do I get a physique similar to this one?
Am I the only one on here who doesn't want ripped abs...
I'm going to be doing dorm room living for the next 2-4 years. I'm going to have a small fridge and no useable kitchen...
Start lifting and lurking on Jow Forums
If you were given the chance to alter your myostatin genes, would you do it?
Jow Forums recipes
Are these things based? They have em for free at my job so I usually eat one before or after my workout
Just reminding you that you'll never make it if:
Should I jack off before or after I go to the gym?
Women are trash and should be put in a women's only gym
How does one know they have rib flare and how would one fix it?
Are gains harder to see on camera than in a mirror
I'm actually ashamed of posting body
Vitamins and recovery from drugs
How to avoid the pregnant alien look
Ask away faggots
Holy fuck I just fucked my first crossfit roidgirl ask me fucking anything
Thoughts on modafinil? dosages? what's it like?
Carnivore diet
How do I get Giorno's physique. Even though he is skinny, he has got incredible muscle mass. "It's a drawing...
How much sun should one voluntarily receive per day for maximum gains WITHOUT causing unnecessary skin damage?
What type of clothes look the best on fit people?
Gentlemen, it's been an honor getting swole with you
Alright so after years of research I’ve come to the conclusion the only supplements that actually work and are worth...
What's Jeff Nippards actual height? It's common knowledge that he's a manlet...
Guy's you used to think were huge
Any /fat/ Jow Forumsizens here that got over the addiction to sweet food like chocolate bars etc
Before/after pic
Is walking with a heavy bag on my back to become stronger a good or a bad idea ?
Go to the gym
/fat/ - Don’t Give Up Edition
What are you eating to support your gains
Boogie Inspiration Thread
The rock mogs cavill
Who is healthier: the person who eats sugar and junk food every day but meets his macro and micro nutritional needs...
/cbt/ - current body thread
Jow Forums told me that I'll look big once I get to 1/2/3/4
Fat fuck here. 5’10, 340 pounds. I’m tired of being a fat fuck...
Humans eat raw meat for all of history
I'm out for a week and now everything is fucking coom
Coomposting has taken over
19 y/o, 75kg
Getting bald at young age is possibly the worst thing that ever happened to me...
What do we do about the gymcel problem?
Mog thread
Gym with gf?
How can I get a body like this?
The Black Jew
Based JEFF BTFO'ing Phony Jeff
How to switch to freeweight squats...
How do i fix lower back pain???
Sweet drink like Coke or Pepsi that doesn't include ingredients such as high fructose corn syrup or aspartame
*casually wrist curls your deadlift 1RM*
Imagine playing picrelated and thinking you're gonna make it
Damn, really makes you think
Fit tricked me into buying the strawberry flavour
Is coffee good for you?
25+ year old Boomers of Jow Forums...
Why does carrying around a gallon jug of water trigger people ?
Be afraid and disgusted of vaginas all my life
Jow Forums BTFO
Can you be an introvert and alpha? How to unlock that mode?
Is cavill /ourguy/?
How do i fix this
6'6 did this natty in under 2 months
How to quit porn in order to lift more
Why don’t you guys just go gay?
Dude just eat 3000 calories every day
If you dont have back acne you're low test
"I'm so glad I spend my life lifting all those heavy objects"
My physio has stared doing this to me, anyone else getting this done...
Recovering from anorexia
Share your best gainer shake recipe
Post your favourite workout song
Be a blonde white guy
Sad but true
User are you SURE this is going to help me lose weight?
How heavy do you go on romanian deadlifts?
Is sugar actually good for you?
How can I achieve these face gains?
Is it actually worse to be a freakishly tall girl than a short guy?
What do you use to make your rice tasty?
Say something nice about me and my girl
“Are you sexually active?”
Personal trainers
Post your transformations
Your bf%
Post 'em
User, we need to talk
Post ideals
How do I recover from this state? It's affecting my training too
Should you ignore out of shape girls if you’re shredded?
What are some Jow Forums approved snacks?
How do I get into mongolian wrestler mode?
Bit of an unusual one here, hope you can help
I train every other day, I sleep well 8 hours, I have good diet, I count calories and macros...
Tfw can't squat
Some guy laughed at me because I can only bench 40 kg
My body fat?
Time to GOBAD
Is weightlifting better for the heart's health than cardio?
Pack up your gains boys
Hi people of Jow Forums. What type of body do I have?
Is it actually bad to eat red meat every day? I always thought it was part of the big sugar shill...
Workout Splits BRAH
What do fat people eat to get so fat?
/fast/ #481 Sergey Nazarov edition
Thoughts of Paleo?
Why shouldn't I use a preworkout?
/fph/ btfo forever
Is Onions milk actually bad? I think I've developed a lactose intolerance
Ok Jow Forumsards, I've hit 1plmao8 on bench. Now what, do I get a cookie?
Anyone here fucked a muscular girl? What differences are there? Eg tighter pussy
So I've finally realized I'm a tranny, I honestly hate my body and everything I've done to it. So whats the likelyhood...
Blocks your path
Eating bread
Chin Ups vs Pull Ups
I think I finally found it bros, this is it, the secret to enjoy oats erry day is jam
Is it harmful?
Ask away
Give me your best Jow Forums webms, lads
Are you Jow Forums enough to defeat Bruce Lee?
Rate genetic package
Could I skip deadlifts entirely
Guys, I'm possibly retarded...
Been training pretty hard this season guys, how do i look?
How to get a more feminine body while being a man? I have to do a crossplay for an event in 5 months im 1...
You can't handle her
The process
This image of a jacked-up version of the Twilight star from way back in 2015 has been gaining a lot of traction on...
Please quit coffee its really bad for humans
Shit dyels say
I just learned that there isn't a single mechanistical study showing the actual mechanism of how dietary cholesterol or...
Mom is 5'4"
Fit literature
Belly Fat
How many people on Jow Forums would it take to defeat the “Dutch giant” this dude is 7.2 ft
Anons, I am RUINED
Is Subway healthy? Could you actually lose weight and build muscle while eating Subway?
Question for university/college brahs
Tfw became lactose intolerant randomly in 2017
How does one achieve the Classic lean body?
Pic related is far less cringe to lift in than chuck taylors
Is there anything I can do to grow taller?
Hey, Jow Forums...
I’m too poor to afford a gym membership right now. Someone who pitied me bought me this as a gift
/NoBrush/ General
Are food companies deliberately making people sick?
Is marriage a gains goblin Jow Forums?
8x3 or 5x5?
You need to be a strong alpha manly man
Coomposting sucks
Why does it say everything under 200 lbs OHP is novice...
This is a bad board man. Been here for 9 years, it's never been worse, even compared to other summers...
Is sushi he ultimate food?
Why don't you rock climb Jow Forums?
Uni thread post yours
Walk into student rec center for the first time this year
So you're telling me that ketards can't even drink milk?
What steroid to boost myself out of skinny-fat?
Which of these modes is more aesthetic?
Alright, Jow Forums. Once and for all, what's the most alpha chin?
How can i achieve this
Fact 1: men that become dads lower their T-levels
Jow Forums meta thread
I usually workout in the morning, but I don't eat anything for breakfast. What are the downsides of that...
Why aren't you eating your Skyr?
What are the dowsides if you dont drink enough and eat just meat and carbs? Waht are the long term effects?
Show me the natty limit
Coworker does this
Trail mix
How do I turn my saggy butt fit?
2 scoops of Chad powder, please
Losing it
>Just be yourself brah
/Bachelor Pad/
Boron Appreciation Thread
Bench press
How do you promote fitness in a democratic/capitalist country?
I’m going to move to US and starts my life from scratch
What's all this COOM shit?
Whats the best piece of advice you've learned from this app?
How do I achieve this mode?
Eat your insects goy
Chad doesn't play vidya ga-
/ffig/-Trololol Edition
Jannie APPRICIATION thread
What keeps you going Jow Forums?
Do these cuck straps work?
Is this achievable natty?
How much truth is there to my dad having more test than me, and his dad having more than him?
Just grow a beard dude! Women dig that shit!
Dude just NEVER masturbated and NEVER look at porn for the REST of your life
Do burpees work the core muscle group? is it okay if i skip doing isolation ab routines and just do 200~ burpees?
Why am I so weak? Why can’t I just stop feeling...
2 questions /fit
Welcome to GNC what can I get you?
Describe your ideal day in the life VS. your current day in the life
Can't lift away the brown eyes
Muh dog
"start working out user, it will help with you depression"
/PLG/ - Powerlifting General
Hello anons
Is this Natty? What workout/diet to achieve?
Is a police officer a Jow Forums career choice?
You can't get big if you don't eat mea-
How the fuck am I supposed to get my 2500kcal+ if I'm doing OMAD?
No More Push Up Threads
What are some clever ways to add Turmeric and other anti-inflammatory ingredients to my regular diet?
Name my aesthetic crew
What's your excuse for not becoming /fitlit/, Jow Forums?
Is bulking on OMAD hard?
Lifting Waifus
I take this everywhere I go to stay hydrated
What are the best basic workouts to do at home?
Looks vs. Strength
CICO is not working
What's a quick way to reset your sleep schedule? If I want to wake up early...
Jesus FUCK! How do you not get hungry?
Vegan hate thread
Is it autistic or stupid to hit the heavy bag for 2 hours a day for cardio
6'6 210lbs
Alex is going to hit 4 plate bench at sub 170 lbs within a month
Receding gums. What do?
Which is stronger
Daily reminder
Give one reason u aren't getting taller right now
I want to start drinking coffee everyday instead of monster but know nothing about it...
Is this just legal 'light' roids?
Post your perfect body Jow Forums
How do i fix being sleepy all the time? Should i head to psychiatrist to get anti-depressants?
What does Jow Forums think of my lunch?
Animal products make you fat. For Jared Leto to become obese for his film he ate a ton of animal products...
How do i lose weight in my breasts and only my breasts?
What's next?
If I post my photo here, will you fat shame me, user?
I spent quite some time lurking on here for the past few months. Got really into lifting...
Let's be honest
How jacked do I have to be to get away with wearing pic realted?
Just had a girl tell me that someone who I thought was far less attractive and more of an asshole than I am is better...
/fat/ Nutty edition
Wearing earbuds while working out pretty much guarantees you won't be making a friend or meeting a single girl in the...
Tfw no gf, but we're doing alright
Femcel Fitness Thread
Are ice baths good for weight loss?
Rate my build
"Hey Dad meet my boyfriend Jiang"
This is how we do it in Russia
Hand size comparison thread for insecure cunts like me
1 Day & 17 Hours until your gains take a nose dive... Good luck!
Becoming a trap
Beta male/dyel cringe thread
How do I prevent muscle loss during a cut?
How am I looking?
How can one man be so based?
Deadlift works your whole body
What makes it so good? i don't think it is anything special
Saturday Night Feels
Share your workout playlist
Former fatty here
How do I fucking LOSE FAT ???
Okay Reddit, am I the asshole?
Is this true?
Sex Mindset
Want all girls to be Jow Forums
Beginners program
Tired of having a shit smile...
After years of researched I've compiled a no nonsense routine that will give you a super humanly fast high speed brain...
Fuck me I didn't know
Is there any reason not to use roids?
Don’t eat after 5:00 pm
What's a good workout routine for my cat?
Motivation thread
YLYL Jow Forums
Is Christianity anti-Jow Forums?
Perfect coincidences
Vegans can't gain musc-
When the fuck is Jow Forums going to remove the pornposters and DYELs in order to reclaim it's former self?
I am only approved by doctors to do body weight stuff. Anyway In photos I have noticed my posture is dying...
RIP pianoman. We miss you broski
Im sleepy and stuck in bed Jow Forums, i've ate and drank coffee but im still feeling lazy...
Say I am Skinny-fat 25y old
Is this good for 2 months lifting
What keeps you going Jow Forums?
Am I making it guys?
Take it ez white boi youll hurt urself
Best exercises if the only equipment I have is a 5kg dumbbell
Why 100kg on deadlift is so UNBELIEVABLE for normies?
/fast/ #480 Haters gonna hate edition
I drank WAY too much caffeine and I feel like I'm going to fucking die
Homos prefer left
Daily reminder that zyzz died almost 10 years ago. a fucking decade. where does time go bros
You ever not shower...
August 25, 2017
He doesn’t keep 30 pounds of chicken breast stocked in his freezer
How big of a difference does weight make in a fight?
Never lifts a single day in his life
ITT leg abusers
Hello my strong strong friends!
Help an anxious bro out
How do we take back the gym from normlfags?
How to recover a cumbrain?
Testicle pain after running
Mfw think you're a "big guy" at your gym compared to the regulars
Mogging thread
Is one hour of intense drumming good enough for cardio?
Lol just stop balding bro
/fph/ delusional edition
This is Arnold's son now
For the millionth time, nofap's effects are not a fucking placebo
User, don't you think I'm attractive?
You are incorporating turmeric into your diet for the happiness gains, right?
Be in gym working out with gf
Hey guys, is jogging considered a shit exercise? My therapist suggested it for my anxiety and depression...
You keep posting this but no one has suggested a fix
Fasting makes me grumpy
How do i achieve this body type?
Day 729 of no oxygen
Gym Clothes
Anyone ever try peppermint oil for balding? Does it work...
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship