
Nightguard reporting in edition

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this one goes out to the thread pals

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Our watch begins lads. Got myself a comfy lamp from ikea, looks like an oil lamp but it's electric with a bulb obviously, but has a dimmer thing. Very comfy. Only 15 bongs.

2nd for our pal ziggeh

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is it a touch lamp? it better be a touch lamp

Yeah I could get an extension quite easily it's just not a good idea because exams are right around the corner, it would be for the best if I just got this out the way right now but I'm struggling to motivate myself

I need to get myself a fan any recommendations of good ones or deals etc?

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Housemates literally never cook; they eat those cheap shitty ding-ding micro meals every day.


>buuuuuuuuuuut if you and he want to be buddies again, I won't stand in your waaAAaayyyYYy

fuck off cunt u wanna chat shit about me come to my room

Lads what's the AFL? Google just brings up football. They wear like black bandannas and stuff

*walks through the thread rattling a bean can full of change*

I wouldn't step near your room you stinky boy

Wonder what tinnielid is drinking tonight.

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Havnt been on r9k in over 5 years, can't believe Brit feel is still going
Love you guys

Love you n all. Why did you leave?

wont be going much longer though

OH it's Anti-Fascist League, ain't Anti Fascism considered the bad guys now? In this film they beat up the Nazis

>if you bake it anons will come
/britfeel/d of dreams

I thought the same thing regarding mine, I shouldn't let the coursework drag on when I need to revise for exams, but I need the extra time cos it's due tomorrow. I mean, in my eyes more time cannot be a bad thing, as long as you do not allow the task to completely fill out the extra time; instead, get it done quickly. How was that football game the other day btw?

Got 2% charge now so will go off soon. They have a charger but I can't have it in my room so I'll be back in about an hour or so. Guess I'll go into the tv room in the meantime.

I feel dysphoric because I need to shave but have no razor.

Nah its got a wee knob kek
Afraid not mate, have yet to invest in one myself but when I get home from holidays I think I'll also need to get one

>I've got the best buddy sanc... but some shit sticks no matter how hard you scrape... hang back.

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Good luck lass will chat to you 2moro

Something changed, the threads changed tone and theme, people suddenly started being accepting of traps all of a sudden instead vehemently homophobic, and the content just became less relatable as I moved out of my parents house and started to become more normie.
The board still has a special place tho for being my home as a depressed angsty autist.

>its got a wee knob kek


Thats not helper lad, lod

Ah so you needed an extension on coursework so you threw a tantrum on a bridge to get yourself sectioned LOL

At the taxpayers expense too. When will we give these attention seeking discord trannies the rope?

It's a good wee knob, does exactly what it's supposed to do.

>he doesnt live at the taxpayers expense

>It's a good wee knob, does exactly what it's supposed to do.

oh my

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Jesus christ lad get your mind out of the gutter. It makes the light go bright and it makes the light go smol

>need to leave in 20 mins to catch my coach
>haven't started packing yet
Why do I do this every time

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where are you going liddy?

Off to azkaban for a week

espanya mi hermano

Bring back 'angin

>get your mind out of the gutter


Nonce a muggle blood eh

careful those dementors dont suck you off too hard

Ah, I'm still new only been on the site 3 and a bit years. I started coming on here just after i moved out of my mums
You sticking round or you off again?

bored now laddos ffs

I'm gunna stay in this thread and see what goes on
Ur about as new as me with 3 and a half years, I just stopped coming on in 2014
Real life took over after moving out and I never got the time again to just sit at my computer for days on end like there wasn't a care in the world

Que no pare la fiesta y buen viaje amigo!

I bought some beers in Morrisons the other day and the bald wagie faggot manager asked to see my ID with an attitude, wasn't even at the checkout till, I was just carrying it over to the shopping trolley in the aisle. Made me feel good knowing his taxes paid for them.

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i have never spent more than 10 hours on outter r9k. i have literally spent the last three years on britfeel

>play vidya/browse internet all night
>sleeping hours is whatever I want them to be
>can get drunk whenever I want without consequence
>pizza wizzas on the reg

And the taxpaying wagecucks pay for it all.

Nowt wrong with that
The Brit threads on any board are the comfiest

Good luck with retirement mate

More or less everything i do at home involves the pc. Still play some games on console though. This is also the first imageboard I've been on. Only been coming online for 10 years. Before here it was porn then porn and conspiracy stuff

Ah Job Centre are ringing me today, I totally forgot. They're ringing me instead of making me go in because I'm meant to be on some work experience thing but I got injured and haven't been going in.

Lainchan is another good imageboard
So was wizchan for a while but not sure what that's like now
Lainchan has a good /lit/ board for pdf's and a few boards if you're into drugs. I don't really browse the coding bits but that's the main bulk of the site

Yeah, sounds comfy but how old are you lad? Don't you think you'll get bored and frustrated with your life if you only post frogs, talk like a five year old and play vidya for the next 50 years? No harm to you, but neet dom doesn't seem like a sustainable way to live your life forever.

Really lad? Kek

Boredom sets in eventually and then depression and poor mental health will follow.
You need to find something productive to do or you'll end up like the cast of trainspotting shouting CHOOSE LIFE down your council estate and jumping off the Tyne bridge to end your fucking misery.
But hey at least you weren't a wagie.

Yea, the /dep/ board was pretty comfy, just slow

People say this all the time but I've been a wagie for years and I've been a neet for years and being a wagie is way worse. The only reason being a neet would be bad is if you don't learn low cost hobbies. Seeing what 50 years straight wagecucking did to my parents..


What was the /dep/ bored? Depression? I only had a quick look at wizchan years ago, definitely felt like I shouldn't be there since I'm not a virgin man. Lainchan is pretty cool though

Most people don't have hobbies or interests or any drive to do anything, that's why the advice is thrown about.
If you've found things that can keep you occupied and genuinely happy in each moment that aren't getting fucked out of your head, then more power to you lad
But having not paid any national insurance your whole life, you'll struggle once you reach retirement age

Yeah depression
But in reality the content was pretty much 2012-2014 r9k
I imagine most robots lost their virginities by now and have grown up, just looking about on r9k now, it seems that way

That's why I worked for ages and then became a neet for a good few years. I think it's important not to just work constantly.
>Most people don't have hobbies or interests or any drive to do anything
Wouldn't that make working worse? The only reason I didn't quit my job instantly was because I knew the money could go towards my hobbies.

Well, I've been NEET since circa 2014 and I'm not chronically bored yet.

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>Not becoming a neet to figure out spiritual thruths like the spiritual neets of ancient India

When you have no hobbies, free time becomes a void that you need to fill. I spent 2 years as a neet before getting a job and by the end of those 2 years I just desperately wanted something to do, I couldn't stand waking up and having nothing to look forward to but wondering how I'm going to afford my next hit. It was not fun. On paper, getting a job sounds like a dumb answer but forcing some structure into my life and having to do something in order to pay bills (and having less free time) came as a godsend.

What job was it? The type of work I always did made we want to come home and curl up in a ball under my duvet for 10 years.

it's called asceticism

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Bar work, I really enjoy the cleaning shifts and mopping the floor, it's like getting paid to meditate. Would love to move to being a full time cleaner, it helps to take your mind off of things.


I really don't. The enlightened one figured out that was a meme

Then don't mate, you aren't ready for sobriety if all you want is to not be sober.
I know that feel tho

3am though only way I can get a buzz on is nicking something from my parents

There's a lot of Apu merch on Redbubble. Way more than I initially thought.

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You can even buy a fucking Britfeel shirt.

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Fuck sake it's 3am already
Good luck mate, try sleep on it see how you feel tomorrow
Shit advice I know but what can you do

This cant be real. Why is this real?

You can upload any image you want to redbubble and get it on their site immediately.
There's no checks or anything

It's real. I was just looking at it. It's 22 quid lol.

Can't link due to spam filter.

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Why do we put a price on pleasure and surfing, then apply it to others? Saying men are not entitled to sex is as equal as saying woman are not entitled to safe spaces
The suffering from a man not having sex could be as equal, if not worse, than denying females safe spaces.

What do I need for this? I'm a NEET who never talks to anyone so this seems like a desirable job on paper but if it requires any consummate qualifications or fighting technique (or a conventionally buff body) then it's out of the question for me.

christ it's the vaporwave one as well

I'll have a look, and i do like drugs. Weed mainly now. Well, only weed now

If you want a shirt for cheap on redbubble, take the original image and upload it yourself, then buy it from yourself. 16 of the 22 pounds for the shirt goes straight back into your own bank account

>What do I need for this?
SIA card thats it

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Bloddy loads of people at my quiet dark smoking shelter on this last break. No bugger's talking though so that's good, get to hear the birds tweeting away, it's nice and comfy

Comfy night smokes mmm
I'm gunna go for one too

What are you on about mate women are hornier devils than men, just dangle a carrot in front of them

*dangles his carrot in front of the thread*

*whacks you with a stick and take carrot*

I also don't mind a comfy early morning smoke at home after the nights. Only time i like sitting out in the sun when it's not too bright

Nah, be serious for a second. I'm not even an incel, but I think it's wrong how we shame virgin men for being upset about not getting sex. They have as much of a right to be upset than anyone. In fact, I bet most woman would throw a fit if they got zero attention off men. We are a planet of hypocrites

Time for beddy byes for me, can't stay up too late as I have therapy at half 9. Nighty night lids.

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Therapy for being a fat lazy cunt?

Wew lad there's no need for that
We're all just tryna get by

Nighty night lad


woke up at 1am wahey, woke up at 11pm yesterday, will probably wake up at 3am tomorrow, slowly but surely my sleeping pattern goes around the clock

Sister is back from seeing Endgame. Said it was pretty good

not far to go until youre on nice early morning pal, keep up the good work

Death to incels!

Ironman dies, he uses the infinity gauntlet to wipe out thanos after time travelling to get the stones back. Shit/10