Do I really need to eat one gram per pound of bodyweight worth of protein?

>"You want around one gram per pound of bodyweight worth of protein (e.g. if you weigh 150lbs, eat 150g protein. If you get a little less, it won't matter, but 1g/lb of bodyweight is a good rule of thumb)".
It says to in the sticky but that seems like a lot.
What should I eat in order to meet that requirement.

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Of course not, that's been pushed by the proton industry. Cut it in half and you're good.

0.7 gram per pound. Protein shakes help.

Idiot. It's supposed to be 1g per KG of body weight. Somif you weigh 150lbs that's ~70kg, meaning you need about 70g of protein.

Chicken breast

Protein is a meme.

anything between 0.8-1.2g/lbs less when bulking, more when cutting
>lean cuts of meat
if you really find that to be a struggle whey/casein protein is good and pretty dirt cheap

>imagine being this retarded unironicly

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I don't know why you're calling me an idiot. I haven't taken any side. I simply quoted a line from the sticky and asked if it was good advice. If you don't believe the quote is real you can look at the sticky yourself. I copied and pasted it directly from there.

no its 2g/kg
its 0.8-1.2g/lbs


>I don't know why you're calling me an idiot
I apologise, user. I regretted it the moment I posted it, as there was no reason for it.

I forgive you fren.

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Literally just play around with your intake and see how you feel. If you feel more sore and recover slower on a lower protein intake try upping it and see what happens.

>Cottage Cheese, 12g protein and 92kcals per 100g
>Quark, 9g protein and 52kcals per 100g
Just two options

Cottage cheese is disgusting. Just get quark and you're going to be able to eat it a fuck ton more offsetting the lower protein %age

>To build muscle, aim for around 0.7 grams of protein per pound, or 1.6 grams per kilogram, of bodyweight, each day. That will do the job for most people.

/thread right here

1.8 grams per KG at the absolute most

there is absolutely no evidence whatsoever that there is any benefit to having 2g or more per KG bodyweight

>1 scoop (15g) of albumine
>1 scoop of Whey
>Lunch (chicken breast and 2 eggs)
> 1 scoop of Whey at around 5PM
>1 scoop of albumine at 11 before sleeping

And if that is not enough, fuck it. I'm not going to fuck my kidneys by drinking that shit to much.

>fucking my kidneys
>whey protein
what year is this?

No, it's one pound per gram. Now get eating

I eat 2.2 personally because I’m a fucking idiot and don’t care about cancer as I assume the growths will just help me look more swole

I'm on a cut at 150lbs and I easily get 200g with only 1 scoop of protein. Eat shit like chicken, beef, Greek yogurt and drink milk. 1lb of chicken breast is like 80g and 1 cup of Greek yogurt is 25g.

I sink 200g a day why the fuck can't you?

Canned beans
Chicken breast
Peanut butter

Tell us what you usually eat, just generally.

Start the day with a yogurt cup and a almond bar plus milk and cereal
If on the go eat a samich bag of cereal and drink some milk
Then eat 2 pieces of fruit
Then eat a peanut butter sandwich and a 2 ham 2 turkey and cheese sandwich
Then drink half a gallon of water
Preworkout if needed then hit the gym
Once you come back down a whey shake with milk eat 2 handfuls of spinach and a can of beans
Fill a quart bag with frozen chicken and defrost in the sink
In like 3 hours depending on how you feel cook and eat the chicken then boil and eat 3 eggs