What's the best diet to cure depression and generally feel healthy?

What's the best diet to cure depression and generally feel healthy?

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I don't see any other way. I'm sirry

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Have sex.

Quit fapping first cumbrain thotposter. It'll have a much better effect than your diet

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Nofap, noporn
Get a social life
Take multivit especially vitamin D and zinc
No alcohol




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>get a social life

Eat a lot of cyanide. That should work

these and anything that is proven to optimise hormone production (fatty foods low carbs)


But I gotta say for me, coffee is everything.
>wake up
>remember cringe
>remember missed opportunities
>how have I lived like this?
>when was the last time I listened to good music?
>why is awful Blink-182 from when I was 10 playing in my head?
*one big black cuppa here*
>Beethoven's Sixth begins playing in head
>Satisfying shit
>Clean room
>I think I'll go for a run!

>sleep enough
>clean yourself
>clean and declutter your environment
>eat a non inflammatory diet
>see the sun
>challenge yourself with new things that stimulate your brain

such as?




what recipes do you cook?

>why is awful Blink-182 from when I was 10 playing in my head?
wait is this actually a thing? whenever i wake up feeling shitty/depressed i have some godawful radio music from work playing in my head

breakfast would be something like eggs with cheese and a couple sausages or some bacon. then for a snack, some cottage cheese and brazil nuts.
for lunch, chicken with salad dressed in oil
similar thing for dinner, perhaps with a fattier meat


>chicken with salad dressed in oil
>similar thing for dinner, perhaps with a fattier meat

you eat this boring shit eveyday? and you didnt mention any veg

it's only boring if you're a weak little addict who needs sweeties every day. eating healthy is enjoyable.
>no veg
the salad can be any greens you want. kale, spinach, lettuce, brocolli, asparagus, etc.
i eat carbs at the weekend.

>couple sausages or some bacon
Try and avoid processed meats. Your body can’t get the good stuff out of it as efficiently as it can something like a flash-fry steak. Processed meat is also more calories gram-for-gram.

And stop fapping so much.

I am not going to give you a whole diet plan. Just eat mostly clean real unprocessed foods that fit your macros. Drink coffee in the morning as a stimulant if you enjoy it, there are no downsides to coffee in small amounts. As someone who is clinically depressed I also reccomend eating dark chocolate in small amounts at the time of day you typically feel most depressed (if you like chocolate). I recently have taken to eating around 150 calories of dark chocolate covered almonds in the evenings and it really helps my mood.

i live in a country where sausages and bacon aren't full of crap but yeah avoid highly processed shit always

Germany ?

Ego diet. Stop making excuses and just sit for a long time (a few hrs). Maybe smoke some weed. Then put your ego aside and think about who you are... not who your flimsy ego thinks you should be. Think about your past failures. Think about how your friends and family really perceive you. Think about all the blame you've dished out. Think about the wrongs done to you and the way you incorrectly handled them. Think about how you lie to yourself about your actions. You are your acts, saying "nah that's not who I really am" is your ego, and it's a fake affection of the mind. It doesn't exist.

Be brutally honest about WHY you are depressed and why you haven't sought help despite the hundreds l of markers a day that can help you that you've first consciously then later subconsciously blocked.

When you realize you are the only one/thing that can blame yourself, and I mean really self realize this (meaning I can write it for you but only you can have the crashing realization) everything changes. Like overnight. Every time you are about to lie, fap, over eat,play vista, drink, smoke, etc let a tiny judgemental

...let a tiny voice that is NOT judgemental, only observational, say "watch this". You become aware of how you act out and it becomes more and more absurd.

It is important that the voice isn't judgement. Judgement sparks the ego, and the ego sets up imaginary standards which get you caught in the whole emotional rollercoaster again.

You cannot have long term solutions on the same plain as your problems, Jow Forumsizens.

The ego diet is clean. It's cheap. And it will fix your issues in a matter of days instead of ... well... never, like a food diet or lifestyle change.

Take the reddest pill.

I wish my brain was a lil more normal, I can drink all the coffee I want and it don't make any wiser. Even when I was in 5 cups a day.

Fluoxetin diet works for me

the "stop eating sugary shit and processed foods" diet

>active romantic life
Do you wanna make me sad again?

A healthy one.

>Run out the back door he's passed out on the floor
>Third time, been caught twice
>Forgive our neighbor Bob
>I think he humped the dog

You don’t cure depression, you can only minimize its effects on you
>walks outside

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Great post, thanks for this

Really struggling to imagine worse music

Primal diet. Get fermenting

>Tfw I actually still like their old tunes.
I liked anthem part 2 better.
Heres a bonus!

To add to this: eat enough healthy fats, fruits ans vegetables
Eat more fish

Fix your sleeping habits (constant hours, don't lay in bed when you're not planning to sleep).
Ditch instagram, youtube binging, snapchat, and all other braindead apps meant to kill valuable time.

Cut sugar. It won't cure anything but it will help. As will spending more time outside....you know, like a human.

bacon and sausages even in countries where the standards are better still arnt great for your health.
