How to soft dump a practice girl?

Several months back I came looking for advice on what to do about my practice grill who is quite a few years my senior. Happy to say that I took the roboadvice over normie platitudes in that thread and have had a dramatic quality of life increase since I started ghosting her. Only problem is that this has gone on for long enough and I need to let the wine aunt know that it's over for good to eliminate the occasional correspondence that comes from her assumption that I'm just too busy to fug.

What's the best path forward when it comes to ending all sexual relations with a practice girl? The only other relationships I've had were gf's or one night stands so it was clear friendship wasn't an option after those ended. Do I cut her off entirely and say that friendship/fugging is over or do I just go back to the platonic friendship?

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bump, plz dispense wisdom. I'd rather not be brutal about ending things but it's one of those shitty scenarios where the more you get to know someone the less you enjoy their company.

original bump almost worth posting

bumping with old shit to try and earn replies

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>women are the heartless sociopaths
>when men pull shit like this too
really makes you think

What would you have me do? Stick around and be ultimately be passive aggressive in a relationship which had clear boundaries set by both parties that we wouldn't evolve into gf/bf? lets assume your implication is correct and I'm just another evil cis male, what's the most humane path forward in regards to ending things?

Shoulda broken it off earlier. Just tell her that you don't feel like that you make a good couple.

Though I have limited brain power, I am aware that I should have left as soon I became a normie though associations with succubi. Still, I really need some help ending this shit.

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Is the
>i'm not feeling it anymore/we don't fit
line going to be enough? I've got a shit ton of reasons why I don't want to keep this charade going but I feel like with every rational I'll be digging myself deeper into a hole where I'll end up being forced to console her. This is an issue because I always end relationships irl.

Background details for anyone lurking and considering posting in my shitty thread.
>5+ year age gap
>roasite has no interest in politics/current affairs and refuses any conversation on the topic
>incapable of using internet for anything beyond mainstream social media, requiring step by step instructions for nearly everything, even youtube
>no medium of information engaged with and singular form of entertainment in cable TV
>cannot into vidya
>too low of an attention span for binge watching
>almost no overlap in interests
>thus conversation devolves into and revolves around how was your day/how do you feel

Overall it's a pretty generic situation. Found out that the grill I'm fucking has next to no interests outside of what's on TV and maintaining the relationship through expected association has entirely become a time sink due to my eliminated attraction. Plz help determine terms for ending things.

Really need to organize my shit. Barely have anything worth bumping with.

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You sound like kind of an asshat, but neither of you deserve to be in a shit relationship. Just break it off. Lay it out, clean and easy.

Spiderman/symbiote relationship. Nothing like mine, but it's still a break up i guess.

There's plenty for everyone to hate on my end-no denying that-I'm just being overly bleak about it since I've let it drag on for so long. I could have and should have ended it sooner but didn't make the time to drive over to her place because I had more important shit to get done.

forgot pic

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Just say youre exclusive with another girl and she is very jealous so you cant hang out

Forgot to ask, what's the lay out of the conversation for ending things? Explain it like I'm a retard because any time it comes to breaking things off the other party winds up in tears.

This seems like a near guarantee for tears I'll have to wipe up, on top of that I don't want her harassing any future gf I may end up with. I'll be forced to end things cold turkey if I go down this road but is that why you're suggesting it?

Probably not. It's not like you have a choice whether or not you want to be in a relationship or anything.

OP Just tell her you're no longer interested in seeing her. You ask if you should go back to platonic friendship but based on what you said why would you?

This is retarded. Be honest

>It's not like you have a choice whether or not you want to be in a relationship or anything
It was never an option really, there are a bunch of factors at play and red flags which would lead towards a lot of shit for both of us to deal with assuming I wanted to date openly.

>You ask if you should go back to platonic friendship but based on what you said why would you?
You've got me there, tbqh I don't want to continue the relationship in any form but I feel guilt tripped into maintaining it in some lesser way since I'm also one of her 'best friends.' Shit sucks, I know if I'm half as honest as I'm being in this thread it's all going to blow up in my face. But maybe that's the way it has to be.

Thanks user, I'm just going to keep things real so I don't have to worry about keeping up alternative appearances once it's all over.

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last few bumps before I come to a conclusion about ending this shit I should have made time for sooner.

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What kind of factors and red flags?

The age gap is the first one, between social stigma and the cultural divide that comes with it this was the most obvious.
The second is that my family completely disapproves, I'm living on my own these days but I wouldn't here the end of it if I was dating here in some alternate reality. But this nagging is for good reason, some of the common everyday red flags that have been picked up by friends and family that have met her are:
>she's covered in tats
>much older, as stated
>multiple mental illnesses
>requires serious hand-holding for anything related to technology and most social situations
>low levels of independence, she still lives at home even though she's older than me and constantly asks parents for input on life choices
>to make matters worse her family is highly dysfunctional and constantly fighting
these are just the ones off the top of my head without giving too much detail. I was brought in by tits and ass but the red flags above were obvious enough early on enough that I drew a line in the sand barring a legitimate relationship. I don't have anything against dysfunctional lifestyles but when there's no common interest to act as social glue I can't find the rational for staying.

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Here's an exaggerated illustration of the age difference. Obviously I'm no Chad and she's not a full on boomer but the gap is immediately noticeable.

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Having a "practice" gf is for sociopaths. If you want to abandon her, do it the old fashioned way: put a bullet in your head.

nice, almost let myself get too introspective.

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You sound shitty who cares about finding a gf who plays video games my god

It's about being with someone you have anything in common with, obviously vidya aren't the main concern. I'm not going to continue making time for discussions entirely focused on interpersonal bullshit paired with reruns of Seth Rogan movies.

>Forgot to ask, what's the lay out of the conversation for ending things

"Ay girl you be nasty. I'm bouncing "

What sort of interpersonal stuff?

You misunderstood me user. You should take your life into your own hands and tell her that this isn't going to be a thing. The feeling of wanting to console her is very real, but it should be ignored. I like that you feel empathy for her and don't want to hurt her but you're hurting her much more now than you ever will/could have if you just broke it off cleanly. You're holding her emotionally hostage because of your own feelings despite already wanting to end it. Don't be a faggot and just tell her what you want already.

Kek, it'd be easier if I dropped all pretense and just said I was done.

>You won't believe what Sally said to Johnny at work
>My god my boss is so annoying
>What did you do at work?
>My brother is so annoying, he was up until 3 playing destiny
>How do I use spotify?
>you can make a playlist on youtube?
>you won't believe what my mom said about my dress
Any attempt to talk about shit like the bombings in Sri Lanka or the democratic primary is met with an immediate shut down because its too serious. Even shit like making fun of Biden for being too handsy.

Dammit I know I need to fight my inner faggotry that's leading me to pull my punches but this is coming from experience. In every other situation where I've put forward a cold turkey end of relationship conversation it's been met by bargaining for friendship of some sort or another. Do I need to end things entirely in order to free her from preconceived notions there is a future between us?

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>How to soft dump a practice girl?
just be honest with her, and thank her for what she has done for you over the years.

This seems to be the most logical conclusion to the relationship. Obviously I'll be watering down my dissatisfactions out of common decency, but I'll be aiming to make it clear enough that this is the end of the line. Not sure how exactly to respond to the inevitable
>but we'll still be friends right?

I have never been in such a position OP, and can't bestow any wisdom to you to help you so here's a free bump.

Thanks user, I appreciate it considering I've overstayed my welcome by violating the scrolls of wizardry.

>but we'll still be friends right?
hopefully :)

Be honest on why you're dumping her, but be kind. Give her no excuse to make you the bad guy in this.
If she gets emotional, have tact and keep your cool.

Do not remain friends. In this situation she'll try and weasel her way back into a relationship with you, maybe when you're drunk or in a bad place in life. But don't be rude if your run into her.

This isn't robo advice, it's a good policy for being a strong man.
Best of luck boss

It's going to be at least a bit of a pain in the ass no matter what you do, user. Just brace yourself for the worst and react as stoically and autistically as you must to her feelings and stuff should they come to bear

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Don't worry user I believe in you. Tell her that staying as friends seems better in the long run for the both of you (which it definitely seems like it is). Don't imply the notion that the reason you're breaking up with her is because she wasn't your friend, or that because you dislike her, but rather because you and her don't mesh as boyfriend/girlfriend rather than friend/friend. A sexual relationship is an experiment between two friends. A failed intimate relationship isn't the result of a bad friendship, rather the result of a unsuccessful attempt to e MORE than friends. Being friends can work just fine!

In terms of moving forward; you're already showing maturity, because as you said it depends on how she handles it. Because of her metal illnesses and other circumstances I'd advise you to check in her once in awhile after you break it off to make sure she's ok. Just a simple "hey how're things going?" or "hope you're doing well" a month or even a week after will reassure her that you're still her friend. If she responds with more advances and implications to these friendly gestures, the rational thing, to me, would to be to cut off contact. You made it clear you didn't want that but gave her the opportunity to remain friends.

This way you no longer have to deal with this limbo state that you're relationship has ended in and you don't have to feel like a dick for not trying to salvage a potential friendship. I can tell you're a good person user, don't let others emotions manipulate you to shed you're skin for them. While it is nice to be kind, you ALWAYS have the right to be happy. And no one is allowed to dictate that besides you.

To me it feels like the right thing to do. But there's a good chance my guilt is holding her hostage, see: A regular friendship probably wouldn't be too time consuming to maintain since I assume there would no longer be the cumbersome expectations of consistent repeat visitation that comes with sex. idk though user, between not knowing if I'm fucking her over by reducing the incentive for her to find a real relationship and my lack of interest in interacting with her at all it just seems like it would be a phony friendship. I'm still fucked in the head on what to do about it.

>pic related is mfw reading this
All you have to do is look at the post I was writing just before I saw this. Being entirely frank, I've actually been dialing back my drinking over the past year which was the main reason I made the first thread about 4 months ago in regards to whether I should end things. Obviously you can talk without anybody regardless of how boring they are when you're shitfaced, but ever since I stopped drinking as much, every single time before I meet up with her she asking if I'm bringing my whiskey/vodka/wine whatever. Plz just give me an idea of the kinda of treacherous waters I'd be heading into if I maintained the friendship after ending the sex.

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>between not knowing if I'm fucking her over by reducing the incentive for her to find a real relationship
believe me you are not, she is seeing someone whether you know it or not, or at least has someone in the back burner.
might come as a shock when you eventually find out, so don't feel too bad, treat it the same way she does, like some big ol' larp.

Cheers user, I'll weaponize what autism I have available to the best of my ability.

I'm probably going to wind up determining the status of the friendship by ear. I want to end it because it'd be so much easier but I'm torn because I know how lopsided the value of this relationship is. On top of that I'm not the best at picking up signals from succubi so I'm more vulnerable to surprise attempts to restart the relationship than I'd like to be.

I'm pretty sure I'm not getting cucked by surprise polyamory but desu I'd be relieved if she
>has someone in the back burner
if there was an orbiter i didn't know about that'd give me any easy excuse to vacate the relationship entirely based on the ethical notion that it wouldn't be fair to the new guy for me to stick around.

>it wouldn't be fair to the new guy for me to stick around.
it's not just about you sticking around, it is also bout her cutting YOU out as well.
it's not all on you.

but ya, it would make things easier if she did. just go on with your life user. gl.

If you let her back you'll be in somewhat of the same boat you're in now, where you're disconnect with your relationship. But now she knows she can control you. When you cut things clean and dry with a woman, and don't give into them, they'll go crazy in love with you because they realize you're strong and uncompromising.

I still have girls trying to get back with me from over 2 years ago.

When you leave her, delete her off all contact info and social media, you'll feel sad that it's over even if it's just a little, but you don't want that sorta temptation.

Depends on situation
Is she involved in any of your social circles
Work home friends ladyfriends
Anywhere she can plant influence and perception of any type?

Is the other girl connected to her in any way?
FB socially or anything similar?
Theres not much to go on user

Best option is just become less exciting

I'm leaning towards a clean break. I'd be lying if I said I had a firm grasp of raostie psychology, that lack of knowledge puts me in a position where I might get caught in a spiders web she might try to weave. Assuming that's the inevitable conclusion to a return to the platonic I'd just being kicking the can down the road in regards to letting her know just how much I don't like her and could never see myself in a relationship with her.

just a PSA to emerging cyborgs, this thread is what happens when you date a roastie with ADD.

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nah she'd be easy to cut out of my life, like I already said my family is against her in general but the linchpin which would make a total disconnection so easy is a combination of the age gap and physical distance between us. For starters because she lives in a different state she knows next to none of my real frens, combine that with the age gap and she lacks any of the tech/social skills necessary to complicate my life if I had to block her. I recognize I'm being cryptic but I only do so because everything is archived these days, we're a far cry from moot's vision of temporary online conversations.

Not really an option, I've told her too much about my past and because she's politically illiterate I'm 'exotic' be default because I have opinions.

>roastie with ADD
Christ I wish she had ADD/ADHD at least then she'd be on adderall and might watch something with a decent plot. She's just a turbo npc enslaved to the boobtube concept of having someone else create your viewing schedule. The real redpill is to avoid the histrionics. Avoid getting into a relationship with a roastie with boderline personality disorder or bi-polar disorder at all costs. Pump and dump if you must, but recognized you're sticking your dick in all kinds of stage 5 clinging crazy if you do.

Hmmm make her think youre a phony then and that your past was all made up
If she doesnt really know you being in another state it should be easy to pull off make her break up with you.
You didnt go and flash and peacock too much? Did you user?

If she is a practice girl to you why dont you tell her to fuck off ? I mean. Her feelings must mean shit to you. So the most logical answer is that you are a faggot with big meaty pussy lips hanging from your scrote, so you dont want to end like "the bad guy" or you know that if she says something you dont like you'll bow your head down and comply with whatever your hamplanet girl is gonna tell you.

She sounds dumb as hell

Sounds like my ideal GF what's her number OP?