Waifu General - /waifu/ #147

Forever and always edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


I love my waifu Alice so much. I wish I could help her.

Attached: Alice52.jpg (1328x877, 136K)

What a beautiful thread title.

Attached: Yuri with flowers (6).jpg (564x564, 36K)

She's a sweet girl.
Figuratively and somewhat literally.
Indeed it is.

Attached: forever.jpg (1280x921, 382K)

when will my spooky qt bf whisk me away to do supervillain nonsense together?

Attached: anadapta (2).gif (600x1141, 326K)

>GIF pic

Attached: 8f1e35b5464fa3659601d291ed1d345a.gif (640x467, 971K)

Claiming this post for Misaki.

Attached: Misa92.jpg (565x800, 434K)

i fuckin' love bonnie lads
i love her so much i wanna hug her and kiss her and play vidya with her and make her smile and have a family with her and all kinds of other things

Attached: bonnie.png (702x1138, 147K)

oh shit trips

how's it going lad's?

Stay at her side till she wake up or one of us dies

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Because it puts into light a beautiful relationship that seems to lack in todays society.
someone who pampers your pains and stress away.
It details something really beautiful that many of us social misfits hurt for and will , more than probably , never experience

I found a screencap that really puts it into words.

Sometimes you make me wish that my dear Urabe also desperately needed help.

I agree
She is more like sugarsalty or bittersweet.
Considering that her drool is sweeter than honey but her body tastes like the sea.

You seem quite soft today , different from your usual ruminations about fear

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Going to sleep now. Have a good thread everyone.
Okay I guess.

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I was going to make some slightly longer post about Kotori and how much she meant to me or whatever, but I found myself at a loss for words. Gaze into her eyes hoping for some kind of inspiration, and feel them gazing back. I do not know what to say, I guess right now I'm just silenced by her beauty.
I'm glad you like it, I wasn't sure about it when I initially typed it in
>how's it going lad's?
I don't really know. I'm feeling very odd.

Attached: Kotori Konsuming Karbs.jpg (2500x1406, 284K)

I love you, Merida baby. Why do you have to go and just not actually exist on me like that? I want you, baby girl.

Post what you're listening to tonight, frens. I currently have my favorite song on a loop.

>how's it going lad's?
It's a comfy night tonight.

Have a nice sleep. Dream of Yuri.

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Say hi to my beautiful wife guys

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Your waifu is Chun-Li's butt?

Sup chunnersfren
Just wanted an excuse to post this pic

Attached: chunli.png (1080x1920, 560K)

Give me the source and nobody gets hurt , ok?

Attached: winter.jpg (640x480, 84K)


>i post a gif
"Use webm you filthy brainlet"
>someone else posts a gif

>Post what you're listening to tonight, frens. I currently have my favorite song on a loop.
Was just listening to some random jazz playlists.
draw friends booru
I'm sure your gifs are nice, whoever you are

Attached: delinquent.png (597x600, 85K)

It's almost as if this thread is composed of different people with different opinions who say different things you absolute fucking retard.

it might be due to me being tired as all get out.

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Corrin, I know she ain't the best in the communities eyes but goddamnit, that won't stop me from loving her

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I love this Rice Goddess so much. She's the only reason why I get up in the morning

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Butt and thighs

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She does have nice thighs. I think thick strong thighs on girls don't get enough love.

i've never related to an anime girl so much in my entire life

Attached: Watamote-05-Large-16.jpg (1280x720, 88K)

post art of your waifu boys

Attached: bubblegum3.jpg (759x1053, 65K)

For some stupid reason i missed nearly 4 pages of Urabe drawings even though i have scoured that site several times.
Man do i feel like a bad husbando

Attached: raunchy urabe.jpg (637x1800, 214K)

To get this hellhole going post your absolute favorites

>Hype Music

>Sad Music

>Love Music

>Sexy Times Music

>Absolute Favorite Music

AND post someone cosplaying your waifu , bonus points if it is from this thread

Attached: Misaki Crossover.jpg (643x907, 643K)

When i meant someone i meant a fictional character that someone from this thread has waifued.
Not 3DPD.

ew 3DPD

Forever and always in love with this kickass elf.

Attached: 1532897987172.png (1280x719, 508K)

Say no more bromingo
Sorry, wish my tastes were more varied. Should start listening to music that fits my mood better. Or maybe I'm just not confident in my tastes. Dunno.
I think there was a saber image but I can't find it. There's also the Pooh and Lucy Loud ones, but I'd rather just post waifu.

Attached: urabe_mikoto_fanart_by_mistermagtataho-das8eyb.jpg (1024x765, 180K)

>think there was a saber image but I can't find it. There's also the Pooh and Lucy Loud ones,

Attached: 0_61a06_20b7b172_XL.jpg (561x800, 132K)

Yeah that's the one, thanks lad

>Hype Music
>Sad Music
>Love Music
>Sexy Times Music
>Absolute Favorite Music
I already posted my favorite song. Just listen to any ALEX song. He's the best.
>AND post someone cosplaying your waifu , bonus points if it is from this thread
Pic related is Rayla from The Dragon Prince. I've never seen the show but apparently she has a Scottish accent. Fuck elves though.

Attached: Rayla As Merida.jpg (667x1000, 84K)

She is more a goat than an elf desu.
Patrician tracks . btw.

I don't get the horns. I'm guessing it's an "Our elves are different, guys!" thing.

>Fuck elves though.

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I just want to help her, I just want her to know I love her, to make her feel better when she feels her worst, to pick her up when she's feeling down, to give her something to hold on to, all this and so much more.
And for her to do the same to me.

That's all I want.

Attached: space sayori.png (1024x1024, 1.41M)

we have very similar music tastes brother

Sorry, not sorry. The only elves I like are Tolkien's and the Dark Eldar. No offense to your waifu though, as I'm sure she's nice... for a knife-ear.

Then you have good taste.

Attached: Legolas ain't shit compared tae me.png (1049x803, 1.31M)

Why did you make me search this stuff? I'm laughing my ass off but also my soul is sort of crushed.

Post bad cosplay of your waifu.

Attached: Fat 3D Cocona.jpg (1080x1080, 228K)

>Post bad cosplay of your waifu.
I'd rather not, thank you

Think of it as an exercise in rejecting 3D.


Attached: Flip-Flappers-Cosplay.jpg (720x1080, 257K)

Even the good cosplays are bad. No one can look like most anime characters, unless they're drawn in a very realistic style.

If only there was a discord where intellectual conversations and sophisticated discussions took place.. oh wait! there is!



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no. here's a good one instead!

Attached: wondercon-2013-dc-comics-scarecrow-cosplay.jpg (1357x2048, 563K)

>whole body costume
That's cheating.

Here's my waifus cosplaying girl's last tour to balance out those heinous 3D posts.

Attached: jisatasu_flipflappers.png (900x852, 255K)

it's easier for western characters - even face characters like black canary or jaime reyes can turn out better in 3d than someone from eastern animation would.

but the mask REALLY does help.

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For all intents and purposes, Saya is a magical girl.

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How much do you take into account your waifu's sexual side?

She doesn't have one. She is incredibly pure.

Good morning fellas of /waifu/. Hows your day going by so far?

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doubt she has one
forced originality lol

Quite a bit. She gets embarrassed and blushes furiously around lewd stuff, but she does realize it's something that's important in our relationship.
Like the other Urabefag points out often, she does quite a few lewd things in her series (getting naked on a couple occasions, "masturbating" with her ear, having "weird" dreams, etc.)
But despite that, her intentions are usually pure and she's even a bit prudish. She's just getting comfortable with these things, and I'd love to help her with feelings like those.

Attached: dreamscape.png (1366x768, 1.08M)

No, she has no clue of the issues or anything and isn't educated on the subject. Her political views are informed mostly by her friends.
Kana would be flattered at the attention I pay to her but would tease me about it greatly, especially when I drunkpost about her.
Be at her side in every spare moment, gently caressing her skin and hair as I help keep her clean and presentable in that state. I guess she'd be little more than a doll if she were in a coma, but I'd make sure that when she woke up, she'd know that I was there for her, caring for her the whole time.
I've always thought if Kana spoke English natively she'd speak in a thick New England accent (or something from Northern England), so Massachusetts or Rhode Island, but the run down, decaying mill town parts and not the nice parts.
Very. Kana is a lewd girl who has desires that must be pleased. She is absolutely impure. But even though she likes to sexually harass girls from time to time, she's still very loyal to anyone she considers her true lover and would never cheat on them.

Good lord above... I do not recommend drinking four glasses of vodka if you've had nothing but soup for dinner.

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Yay. tomo-fren
Is muh waifu the only one who would be glad to see it
Due to her simlarity to me she would react as me tf unnoticed by urabefrens
As her, quite a lot
She loves lewd stuff
when will HL3 be done

Attached: tomoko.jpg (1280x720, 85K)

>tf unnoticed by urabefrens
Oh sorry, didn't see that. You replied to the other Urabefag.
And yeah, drool is one hell of a drug.

Attached: drool29.png (1366x768, 1.03M)

>when will HL3 be done
Yare yare daze

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Imagine her selling it to otaku`s Who ever will buy droll of girl except them? and making lots of moneyyy
I will spill my tea on your waifu if you wont reveal it!

Attached: d0557546966f268333f25e42eb38cf7e.jpg (236x331, 16K)

can i teach kana about the jews

>I will spill my tea on your waifu if you wont reveal it!
>implying all Aperture Science equipment isn't thinkpad-tier

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>ur waifu but asking you "what is that nazi forum Jow Forums I found in your browse history?"
>ur waifu but she reads your browsing history
Wat do

how would she know it's a nazi forum

a big and large lol

>your waifu but she wants to meet your family

Would be awkward. She is near-impossible to pass off as human.

>implying mine knows about Jow Forums
the internet didn't exist back then user

I love Phos so much it hurts. Nothing would make me happier than to be able to be there for her and protect her from harm.

I haven't got anything like that saved, nor do I have reason too.
I do have crossover art of her series and Alice in Wonderland, she looks very cute in it.
I don't think it counts as from this thread though. Though I haven't played the games, as far as I'm aware Alicefag's waifu is quite different as a character from Lewis Carroll's Alice.

See She doesn't even know what the internet is. There isn't much particularly offensive in my browsing history, just waifu threads and a bunch of random /a/ and /tg/ threads. Lots of Pixiv tabs too, all of which are cute pics of her.


Attached: Houseki in Wonderland.jpg (850x1205, 1.12M)

I want to spend the rest of my life with this girl. Seeing her smile puts my soul at ease.

She'd be concerned as to why some weirdo she (presumably) doesn't even know is so obsessed with her. But I hope she'd at least understand my situation. I'm in love with someone who I can never possibly be with, it's a difficult thing to cope with.

I'd stay by her side until she wakes up. I'd spend as much time with her as they'd let me. Tell her how much I love her and how much I miss her. I'd hold her hand, hug her, kiss her, talk to her. I know how much she likes to read so I'd read all of her favourite books to her, and ones that I think she'd like. I'm not a very avid reader but I'd read a Vatican library's worth of books to her if I had to. Anything to make sure that she doesn't feel alone, just in case she's aware of what's happening.

>at a loss for words
>still makes a nice post
Fishing for compliments, I see.

>he doesn't know
I'm afraid it's been done years ago, but in the form of a synopsis. Currently there's a fan-made project that aims to provide something of an ending to the Half-Life series called Project Borealis, I think it's going to be based on the synopsis Laidlaw released. The development team is understandably taking their time with it so I wouldn't expect anything playable from them soon.

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>>ur waifu but asking you "what is that nazi forum Jow Forums I found in your browse history?"
I would show Yuri the various boards of Jow Forums and explain to her what the website is about.
>>ur waifu but she reads your browsing history
Nothing there to hide I would have used incognito anyway
I think a lot of my family would be glad to meet Yuri. Yuri would probably be glad to help mom around the house, I could even see them become good friends. Dad would not care much. My friends would mostly be glad I found a GF. My brother would probably be annoyed at how awkward we both are but be glad that I found someone too.
Good morning GLADOS poster I slept well thank you.
>Dream of Yuri
I wish I had more Yuri dreams even if they tend to be weird.
>what are you listening to?

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I know that feel Sayori poster. Watching Yuri spiral into self destructive madness was painful beyond words. I too wish I could hold her and tell her everything is going to be okay, tell her that I can help her carry the burden of life together.

Attached: Yuri saved.png (960x926, 1M)

My mom would love the aristocratic shit but hate the gay shit so tough to see how it'd go.
My father would probably just be happy I'm not dying alone

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>Why do you love your waifu?
His optimism, his warmth, the fact that he's a hopeless romantic, how brazen he can be, his interests, just a lot of what comes out of his mouth-
A lot of small things just add up to make him everything I could want
>What makes her different from everyone else?
There's something about him that just feels approachable for me- it's hard to actually explain this
>What made you realize that she would be the victim of your affections.
He went from just another 2d character I thought was hot to feeling like an actual person. He's the only person that's ever made me want to start a family or think about any future with
They'd appreciate that he was likely raised Catholic and what I mentioned earlier. Thinking about everything negative they can and would say, I'd rather not see them much

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post waifus/husbandos chilling.

Attached: Yuri reading in the dark.jpg (564x462, 32K)

Listening to music counts?

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a good deal of my family members are important to be, but i don't know how okay they'll be when i show up with a husband that's roughly twenty years older than i am. and a masked criminal.

the book is.. almost as big as he is. possibly weighs as much.

Attached: giaanita (1).jpg (521x810, 116K)

I can't do it. I can't love another person, real or fictional.

>ur waifu but asking you "what is that nazi forum Jow Forums I found in your browse history?"
I disabled my browser's history and just it case I set it to auto-delete everything as soon as I close it down. She wouldn't know a thing. But if she did find out about Jow Forums and knew I used it, I'd show her around (assuming she knows about the internet beforehand). I would show her the boards I think she'd be interested in, like Jow Forums and /out/.
>ur waifu but she reads your browsing history
See above.

I'd explain to her that I care very little about them, so don't expect any happy dialogue, but I'd let her meet them. They'd want to know where I found this weird white girl with a funny accent, but beyond that I couldn't really care.

Sure. I really like this picture.

But she's always chill :^)

Why would you want to love another person?

Attached: watchingover_by_naima-d5tqp7s.png.jpg (680x1175, 90K)

>>Hype Music
>>Sad Music
>>Love Music
>>Sexy Times Music
>>Absolute Favorite Music

Sad user? is that you?

Attached: cc6d10ee72c96303afd5f2bf4e480121.jpg (236x266, 14K)

>Fishing for compliments, I see.
I'm sorry, I felt like I didn't say as much as I really wanted to, I didn't mean to make it seem like that. I had planned to type more, but it took me like 15 minutes just to come up with three sentences.

Attached: Sad Kotori.png (818x444, 344K)

Sure thing. very original post
>I didn't mean to make it seem like that. I had planned to type more, but it took me like 15 minutes just to come up with three sentences.
I can relate to that. What matters is that you expressed your self Kotori user.

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Perhaps it's for the best. Would you really want to be in love with someone you can never be with or someone who wouldn't reciprocate your feelings? It has it's ups and downs but it's not exactly the apex human experience. I'm in more of a "down" than an "up" right now so maybe I'm slightly biased.

I was just kidding, Kotorifriend.

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I want to cuddle with my waifu !

Attached: Saigyouji.Yuyuko.full.2079514.jpg (500x748, 291K)

She's a bit proactive on this side due to her nature. I'm afraid we would encourage each other to deeper and deeper displays of affection.

Not that I keep a browsing history but I'm sure she'd be unsurprised.

Bad idea. Very bad idea.

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>How much do you take into account your waifu's sexual side?
Yuri is a proper lady and tends to repress this sort of stuff however she is at the same time very passionate and would make a great lover and I would be glad to please her in this way.

Attached: d1e6abdbb5cc8ee3a4148709ab18b39f.jpg (564x1079, 62K)

If you have a tomboy wife, how does this image make you feel?

Attached: whattomboysarefor.png (1031x896, 421K)


Attached: MeriWiR2CropBored.png (737x805, 942K)

A lot. He is a lewd young man and wouldn't hesitate to be vocal about it in public. Thinking about some aspects of it intimidates me a bit if I'm being totally honest
>I can relate to that.
So can I

Attached: baaaaaaye=1119635647768088577=2.jpg (495x566, 121K)

I'm not sure. She grew up in isolation and that could either lead to repression or experimentation. With with her powers being triggered by emotions I can imagine she wasn't too keen on touching herself lest she freeze off important bits.
So I'd gladly and slowly get her into sexual things, at her own pace of course. There's a really cute fanfic that goes in a similar way.

Attached: 31338af344d16f1b8c06d7fcd133430d1.jpg (711x533, 27K)

This is my wife, I'm going to drink some booze

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I don't normally post at this time but I just saw the Yuumi teaser and I'm so fucking mad.
This is the third "cuteshit little girl" champion in like a year.
Like I understand the appeal of silly fun but doesn't it get boring after a while?

Attached: i_pity_the_rest_of_your_kind_by_umimizunone_dc4kfge-fullview.jpg (1024x709, 57K)

>What matters is that you expressed your self Kotori user.
I suppose you're right.
>I was just kidding
"Oh." You'll have to forgive my autism, my mind has just been elsewhere today. Working on a project for school and still waiting on the initial sketch from the artist that is supposed to be doing a picture of me so I can use it as a reference.
I'd have to look at the champion list, but I don't think I've cared about a new champion since Azir.

Attached: Kotori_Itsuka.jpg (1000x563, 62K)

>imolying i keep history on my browser
>She finds my fucking doujin folder.

I would rather not.
They would be glad to know that i found someone and wow what a someone
And clear any doubt about my faggotry
But i dislike having to see my family together.

>ywn hurt yourself saving your waifu
Feels bad man.



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I know that many of you will ignore or condemn this question
Do you think that you would be able to sexually , emotionally and financially please your waifu?

Waifu but she is 40 years into a god-approved marriage with you and asks you if you still love her even if her hair is going grey and her skin is losing the tightness of youth.
Do you still love this old lady/hag/geezer/gramps like the passionate teen that he/she/it once was?
How do you clear any doubt about it?