Does white bread help with bulking?

Does white bread help with bulking?

Attached: white-bread-51-550.jpg (550x550, 48K)

Bulking is a meme.


haha yeah i wonder why all advanced body builders bulk and cut haha

Eat peanut/hazelnut butter, drink milk, eat hummus, eat spoons of coconut oil, eat dark chocolate
Don't bulk on bread
Now leave

T. Nutritionist


okay then why do natural body builders also bulk&cut then?

haha everyone roids xd amrite?

it has energy, but realistically you're gonna be missing all the other micro and macro nutrients rather than just energy, if you struggle getting big.

>Nut butter

Attached: screen-shot-2019-04-04-at-1.13.34-pm.png (1316x670, 1.56M)

what are the nutritional contents of dick cheese?

well its like $1 for a giant loaf so pretty good on a budget for quick eats

>natural body builders

Wonderbread a shit

American white bread is basically cake. Make your own sourdough bread

it's food, so yes

Might as well eat your own shit and put sugar on top

Depends, american bread or normal bread?

do you need to bulk if you are already obese?

>tfw idiots in Jow Forums think you can bulk on less than 100g of protein per day
This board is where nutrition goes to die lol

shut up fag

those are primarily fat sources not carbs you fuckwit