When you're depressed useless sacks of shit but still put being unemployed on a pedestal

>when you're depressed useless sacks of shit but still put being unemployed on a pedestal
It sounds counter intuitive because you're depressed useless sacks of shit but getting a job will get you out of the house, give you life skills, allow you to socially interact in a variety of ways depending on the job, and you can stop showing up to work whenever you want and they're obligated to pay you for what you worked before then.

Just get a fucking job. Look on Indeed and see what warehouse or assembly positions are available

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What if the concept of working depresses you ?

I'd ask if you've ever had a job before

I find the politics at workplaces tend to bother me. I dont want to be disrespected by coworkers. My brother is a handsome guy who is fit, has an infant son, works hard, but he told me the other day that he identifies more with outcasts and doesn't have too many friends at work. Maybe its cause he is also a gamer and comic book geek.

Better then being me a neet loser like me. Does everyone have problems with coworkers at there job and its something you have to accept?

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There are multiple people at the place I work who barely needs to talk to anybody all day. I'm a complete loner and can spend months not really talking to anybody or doing anything, but somehow I'm outgoing enough at work that I can make myself seem not as spergy

I've worked several jobs. Felt like shooting myself before, during, and after work, every single day.

I don't think you have

>M-muh werk!
Yeah hating people and every moment of your day even more is sure going to help someone. Fuck off shlomo.

Not that guy, but is that really that hard to believe?
'Having a job made me want to kill myself.'
'I don't think that's possible, therefore you've never had a job,' is how I interpreted that.
Some people really do hate hanging around other people, throwing away hours upon hours of their life for something they don't care about. Some people just want to stay at home and not earn money because they find adapting to the workplace too difficult and unrewarding.
Or did you mean a career job, something that might be a less of a lifeless fling? What kinds of jobs have you had?
And no, I'm not one of these people.

>Some people just want to stay at home and not earn money because they find adapting to the workplace too difficult and unrewarding.
And other people realize they can't do that unless they intend to leech off someone. Who are you leeching off of? Parents or government?

fuck off, ntab i know that feel

There are people on this site who had easy childhoods and think any work is too much work. Where most people can work for 10 hours and feel energetic and happy about being productive, a crippled spoiled brat will feel suicidal if you tell him to clean his room. And theres nothing you can do about it except have strong kids

So what should those people do if they're unwilling to change their ways?

>tfw im depressed because of my last job
>tfw im depressed because i dont ever want to work again

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>be unwilling
He literally just said you can't fix spoiled brats like yourself

Right so are those people just destined to be homeless and eventually just fuck off and die? Is there really no such thing as helping someone that struggles to meet society's expectation to constantly work?

Same here user. I feel like one day, it'll eventually be too much to handle, and I'll blow a hole through the back of my head

Why would we want those types in our society?

Help doesnt mean letting lazy people live like kings on the taxpayers dime. Disability and welfare exist in most countries. Also, being homeless isnt so bad for people like that. They prefer it over wearing a tie because their brains never developed

Regardless of whether you want them or not, they're there. What do you think will happen to them once they're completely rejected?

>someone rejects all opportunities of engaging in society
>le what le the happen if that guy let rejected
Can you ask a real question? You dont work, you dont get paid a good wage. Some become criminals and then die pretty quickly if theyre dumb.

Yes, fuel the slaughter. Soon they will come for the poor as well

The poor work and live in relative luxury in the first world

People getting killed for political crimes in China die in relative luxury to people who got tortured by the Spanish Inquisition. Wait, how is what you said relevant again?

fuck off workingberg. ive had jobs before and all they gave me was shit pay and forced me to interact with fake nice normalshits that only acknowledged my existence because i was working with them. no thanks, would rather die than do that again

Must suck to live in China. Protest or something lel

>would rather die than interact with someone
They really tricked you into wasting away. Too sad :^(

Based and tru pilled

yep, i have zero interest interacting with normalshits. you have to be some kind of vapid retard to even want to interact with these swine in the first place

Idk if it's really a trick. Seems better than continuing to exist in this shit world

Shit world compared to which one bro.
Thats an ironic statement but I understand your frustration if you got fooled into hating your life lol

yea you sound like a retard so its not surprising youre a good goy

Is it really an insult to call someone retarded when youve admitted that youre incapable of getting a job done or interacting with people? Especially if youre not super rich.

I just said that I'm not one of those people. It's just a viewpoint I can comprehend, although I don't approve.
I was asking about your background, was interested in what kinds of jobs you've had since you feel so strongly about this.

true, youre more of a sucker lmao.

Compared to not being alive


working truly is a new religion. you arent a farmer growing your own crops and taking care of livestock, that is at least truly honest work. youte just another idiot working for paper that everyone agrees is worth something, which is the biggest joke of modern life

You can farm though. Its easy

youre an idiot if you think running a farm is easy


If you are that dumb you can work on someone elses farm. Saying people dont farm anymore is some fag shit

See people like this arent even mentally competent enough to put seeds in the ground or clean up chicken shit

Nigger this isnt red dead redemption. Where are there farms that pay a living wage?

you seem obsessed with working for others. must be all the good goy sucker genes

Yep you just walk to the chicken and seed store and say you wanna be a farmer. They'll just give you everything for free, including your own land.

I fell for the just learn to code meme, I got a job and now understand how to make money on the internet.

I could never stop because too many people depend on me. If I stop working people I need to pay won't get paid, and my boss would lose the one guy who knows how to do the specific work I'm doing. I mean, I'm replaceable. But I don't want to burn that bridge. If I keep going at this pace, in due time I will be making 6 figures. By then I think I'll have time to wind down and peruse whatever I want, be it neetdom or something else. The "Get a job" meme is stupid, I think we should encourage people to do what they want in life, and find a way to support themselves that they actually want to peruse. There's no reason we should all be doing menial labor. That's why UBI would be such a great idea. People would have the money and time to persue more productive things than scrounging for basic survival.

It's like steam engines and the romans, slaves were so cheap they had no real incentive to develop technology further. If people were less inclined to do shit work, it would have to be automated or wages would have to increase, creating incentive for automation, making the world better for everyone.

>you arent a farmer growing your own crops and taking care of livestock

thats where youre wrong buddy

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>mfw trying to imagine how stupid this guy is

You seem to think people dont grow crops lol. How many kids do you have?

uh yea they grow thousands of acres of bullshit just so they can sell it for monopoly money lol. the only types farming for themselves are the amish

Uh no thats not even remotely true lol.

Why are right wingers such bootlickers?

I think most transgendered people have to work too so its not a good question

decades of corporate shilling masquerading as conservatism did one hell of a number on their brain.

Same. The clown wanted to pay me $500 a month for making calls all day. Suck my dick shekelberg.

>allow you to soxially interact
>get a warehouse job


hate to break it to ya, but thats just life. unless you follow the "find something you love" thing. but if it doesnt bring in the money, youre half fucked.

Civilization is a scam. The whole point is to work hard for the benefit of others. Id rather live a pastoral way of life where my work solely benefits me.

Wait why do you use the Internet then

>The whole point is to work hard for the benefit of others.
Einstein level IQ

gamerbros.... we need to rise up against this society.

Yeah if he had an extra chromosome

I'm working and hate it. I hate the boss, I hate the job, I hate the coworkers. But most of all I hate the salary which makes it really pointless. I do earn enough to not starve but for nothing else. If you earn enough to just get by but never advance in your life you are just vegetating.

thats what they all want. to pay us the absolute minimum, just enough to survive but never live. and the normies still wonder why people hate jobs, not to mention how hard it is to get one in the first fucking place.