How do flat ass fembots feel about big chunky booties?

How do flat ass fembots feel about big chunky booties?

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Envious. My butt is pretty big but not very shapely. I am working out to fix it and I am considering plastic surgery if I ever make enough money

i don't want to see suifuel, therefore i don't go outside.

thicc is justice! flat is pedo

At least you're attempting to work on it. Good for you, whore.

im sure your bony ass will make a guy very happy one day femanon

>tfw love thicc mommies and petite lolis

What workouts are you doing? I have a similar problem

the best workout is doing squats over my fucking face bitch i dare you to do it you wont

>you wont
Ok ya I wont

told you you wont, coward

You were right. But if you do recommend squats over someones face I will find someone I trust

I'll be your lesbian friend and make sure your form is right don't worry

i pinky swear that im much more trustworthy than this weaselly lesbian. dont trust her shes trying to suck your boobs ewwww

Shit in your fucking nigger mouth

based lesbian hater femanon

this strangely warmed my heart, thanks user.

Come to Odessa Texas and be my dumpy ass GF. I make 140k as a drilling engineer at Halliburton and you can spend it all on butt lifts.

Come to Odessa Texas and be my lesbian fitness GF. I make 140k at Halliburton and you can spend it all on dates with bicurious girls from yoga class.

Come to Odessa Texas and be my thin underdeveloped GF. I make 140k at Halliburton and you can spend it all on skinny jeans to flex on fat girls.

i know im so sweet, just be careful when you ride guys, dont want them to get stabbed with your ass bones hahahahah

Used to be envious, now I don't care. I'm 4'11" and 88 lbs, eventually I learned some people like the sticc.

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>I'm 4'11" and 88 lbs
my ball sack weighs more than you

>4'11. 88lbs
what you doing out of the 6th grade?

now i just feel even more conflicted, that's not very nice desu.

Are you trying to force a meme of your disgusting self and tiny penis?

Please be my loli gf and cosplay loli stuff, thanks.

I'll do it
paypal me money for a passport now
or it's over

Hey odessa fag. Why are you bothering this fembot? Did things not work out well with brooke?

its alright, im sure theres a guy out there that likes spanking thighs instead of spanking asses, because you dont have one LOL

Truth be told I really want a tall bf who would carry me on his shoulders at the state fair.

Godspeed based Odessa Texas user

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Dont fucking insult my dick BITCH this dick has FUCKED more women than you have before I moved to this SHIT hole

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why don't you have one then? super easy

Youre bullshitting

FUCK you buddy you know damn well she took 200 dollars from me then KEKED ME WITH A NIGHER

I like going to the state fair and would carry a girl around out of the mud!

Except that I'm also a huge weeb that likes staying inside most of the time unless I'm driving for fun or going to some event.

hmm. i have to go to sleep now, but i hope i satisfied your strange fetish, user.

Thank you user I will get to FUCK some fembot PUSSY if it KILLS ME

goodnight bonybutt

>tfw sticc user
>tfw only hambeasts give me attention on dating sites

how come sticc femanons dont like sticc anons

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Your dick has to make it past the ass cheeks and into the vagina for it to count as fucking

Dont listen to him you can come to Odessa Texas and be my hip smashing GF. I make 140k as a drilling engineer at Halliburton and I can spend it on cushions to make our sex more gentle

I LIKE STICC ANONS STOP SPREADING LIES. It's just that there are more hambeasts and they like sticc as well.

BITCH im a grower not a fucking showrr

Im talking double hambeasts. Literally never match a sticc femanon unless shes in the Philippines.

Well, you're not doing a very good job at being "not a shower" since you post your nasty penis everywhere.

would you mind being a cuck slave for me?
you get to fuck and creampie your wife, BUT, every time you creampie her, I have to step in and fuck her until I scooped out all of your nut sitting near the the entrance if her vagina. Once all of your nut gets extracted out, its my turn to creampie and you get to do w/e tf u want with my nut deep in her pussy. Hell, you can keep the baby or try to scoop out my nut for all I care.
don't listen to these incels, your bony ass is perfect to fuck while carrying you with your legs wrapped behind my back. I'll make sure to breed you :)

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what happened, did your balls drop off?

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I'm not
if you give me passport money I'll do it

I'll be your cuck slave user, as long as after you're done fucking my gf I can fuck your ass.

Odessanon was nice when we talked, hope he is doing well

Do you live in the US? They seem to be more rare there from what I've seen. Anyway, don't give up, user.

I live in alabama, which is ground zero for large women

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not him but I wish we could trade places. I;m in and all I see are thots and models. I can only get erect to very large women. (I'm talking like 300+ pounds and at least 70" hips)

make a dating profile in an alabama zip code youll have a buffet

i'm in nyc*, and ...

ok user, I'm already a fat women atm but shes not fat enough for me. likely around 275 pounds and 5'10". I hope I get an opportunity to see how fat and wide her ass is to see if shes worth my time. I'll probably cheat on her with some chick from the south.

I'm already seeing a fat chick*

I guess i cant spell tonight

Sit on my face and stab it with you ass bones pls

I think big asses are ugly. I prefer the methhead flat everything look.

>around 275 pounds and 5'10"
these are the people who are reproducing yet my skinny 145lbs 6'1 self is turboincel.

no wonder >70% of americans are overweight or obese

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well... what do you want me to do?
i see a fat women, my 8" dick gets very hard, I ask her out and she says yes like she won the lotto.
Idk mane, I rather fuck/date a chick thats heavily invested in me regardless of her looks. I'm tired of being b8ed by these thots who will monkey branch off your dick the second they see a better opportunity.
At least with my fat gf, I'll know for sure she will do whatever it takes to keep me from seeing other chicks. Can't wait to creampie her.

>well... what do you want me to do?
Literally anything except...
>Can't wait to creampie her.

My mom warned me that I might end up getting stuck with her, and if that happens I might regret it. I hope shes wrong.
But don't get me wrong, I think I'm only going with her just because I have I self esteem issues and I'm scared that I'll be used and abused by a conventionally hot chick.
I know I get a hot and fertile chick, I'm just to scared of the competition and thus the amount of effort it takes to maintain her loyalty being nullified at any moment. Idk how ppl can deal with such anxiety with a hot chick.

she doesn't even have to be hot. I'm just hating on fat people.

also any girl is capable of taking advantage of you if you give her the opportunity to do so

where can I meet fatties to ask out fellow nyc bro? Seems like even they are taken here

>tfw no big booty gf to have doggy style sex with and no thunderous clapping noises every time my pelvis hits her ass cheeks with each thrust

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no joke i asked her out near a pizza shop. I've noticed a lot of fatties to be around improvished areas that are surrounded by fast food.The Bronx is a target rich environment for both fatties and big booty women. Do note you'll need a lot of confidence to approach these women.

that description is the exact reason i want to creampie my gf. her ass is literally wider than the most seats, with some of the fat hanging by the sides.
just thinking about that makes me impatient to just some porn and nut rn. but i can't cuz i want save up all my nut for her.

forgot to mention in that some parts of brooklyn (especially near the projects) have a larger amount of fat ass women. do note that you'll be competing with other blacks for the same women.
Just be confident and yourself m8 (not even memeing).

unironically SS + GOMAD

you deserve to be thicc

they seem like a bother, just like big tits

Be my flat girl PLEASE

because theyre all trying to fuck chad. ive seen it myself. their bf's are chads. just like last thead, girls dont fuck their looksmatch.