I havent been on Jow Forums in a while. why is it filled with reddit fags, whores and beta retards orbiting them...

i havent been on Jow Forums in a while. why is it filled with reddit fags, whores and beta retards orbiting them. this place has went to even more shit

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The redditors are the majority now, as far as I can tell. It sucks, there are normies and larpers EVERYWHERE.

it's true, just saw a thread where some normie who had multiple gfs in the last two years was unironically complaining about being a robot,, and boohoo how do normies do it. this place has officially gone down the shitter, I think my time has come to jump ship. problem is idk where to go. I think my time on Jow Forums has finally come to and end.

Says the normie using an anime reaction image. Fuck off you damn zoomer

Reiko never changes.

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Well, to be fair you guys took a board over and it's being taken away from you by a different group now. Conquest, my dude. Now stop crying and post some original content.

what even was r9k like before


this board was to fix the shithole /b/ became
then incels happened


You are plebbitors and you aren't fooling anyone. When we leave I hope you enjoy the fagot infested shit hole where everyone just makes threads about their boring as shit lives. Enjoy it to the fullest. You'll never get tired of hearing about some guy who fucked a girl and got dumped.

You know nothing

I'm an old fag not a plebbit

lol, you're leaving? there is nowhere for you to go

>year 2011
>fucking redditors and whores
>year 2019
>fucking redditors and whores


You are correct.
I think wizchan is a good substitute

the world is a sad lonely place :(

I've been on this shitty website since 2006 and have never used r*ddit. I'm sorry nobody cares about your oppression Olympics, maybe have a personality that goes beyond blogposting.

i just pretend to be a girl on cc

Also, I hate both of you. You faggots both cry about absolutely everything, you're the same to me.

/r9k2/ was designed with literally that in mind. Guess what? It died.

absolute cesspool

>I left because I am a normie who does not belong
>I will now proceed to tell you all to leave

Which cartoon is that from? Also go back to being a virgin

whos this cancerfag kill it with fire

Yeah, they are annoying some times, but i don't really mind them as long as it dont get absurd, like in /v/ witch is 99% reddit (i joined in 2007),

I mean, 4ch is still better then 8ch

ew, WizCh is just sad, dont go there, u probably deserve better

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Women are the only thing improving this site

I moved to infinity chan and wiz chan years ago but recently I've been coming back here and I literally can't tell it apart from Reddit anymore. personally I'm a 25 year old male khhv that hasn't had a single friend since age 13 (When I dropped out of school) I don't speak or interact with humans and I don't want to. I live in my parent's house I don't have a drivers license and ofcorse I don't have a job or education. my brain is beginning to rott do too inactivity and drug use to a point where I'm beginning to slur my speech forget words and I think I'm starting too develop dyslexia I'm also generally becoming stupider by the year and I'm preparing to either kill myself or become homeless as my parent's are both In their 60s. this place should be for people like me but instead the Norman's have invaded and ruined yet another good thing I'm leaving now for good fuck all of you.

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>can't tell it apart from Reddit anymore

>Norman's have invaded and ruined yet another good thing
And this

>inherit house
>rent out other rooms
>even if the mortage still has to be paid you won't have to work
you're set bro as long as you can deal with the tfwnogfs

Been coming back every so often over the past 3 years just to see if it would come out of dark ages and return to r9k golden era. The amount of roastie posting and beta orbiter replies is 100x than what it was even 10months ago. I know Jow Forums has been in a state of decline for the past 5+ years, but it must have been accelerating the last 2 years. I've never browsed Reddit but I assume this is what it would be like.

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Exposure = Normies = Nosedive in quality

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But quality has improved. Except for the virgin blog posts

i go to wizchan if i really want to feel old r9k im sorry brother, i don't think this will get any better.

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Jow Forums has been lost now for years now. It's noise to signal ratio became especially bad after the Anonymous shit got out. I think all the people able to hold a conversation and having interests just straight up left for smaller communities.

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You can still talk about kids cartoons though.

>I moved to infinity chan and wiz chan years ago but recently I've been coming back here
I went from Jow Forums to cripple-chan to Jow Forums too. Nothing good seemed to be coming out of Jow Forums. But then I realized that cripple-chan was inactive, full of literal schizos spamming every board, and they have this odd board superiority complex. Started off coming back here to checkout a board or two. Ended up with more than when I started.

All I'm looking for is people who understand me... they're getting rarer and rarer.

>no where to go
Yes, there is you fucking newfag.

Why do you faggots keep pretending to be oldfags. The oldfag routine is getting really fucking tiresome, especially when its a blatant lie.

You act as though 2000's internet was all love and everybody was a weeb but wasn't true except for here.

I just posted a random image

It's from K-on or something like that, it's on hulu

This board has been completely over ran by leddit. I go to wizchan every now and then but i've almost stopped completely, i also come lurk here every now and then in hopes it will be better. I left in 2014 for a good while and when i got back mostly everyone was gone and i was left in a sea of retarded blue pilled normies.

I hated weebs before it was cool