Why do women always use 7+ inch dildos instead of average ones?
Why do women always use 7+ inch dildos instead of average ones?
why do you think, dicklet?
Fembots want only one thing and it's fucking disgusting.
what do you think feels better, a 5 inch dildo or a 7 inch one?
Mines 9 inches, but I just have it to troll my bf. dont even put it all the way in except a couple times in front of him to tease him
I don't think they put the whole thing in
the same reason people get intoxicated
Think about it user. They have to hold on to the end and have to reach around to insert it. They don't use all of it.
You do not fit it in all the way.
Battery life is very important, bigger the dildo, bigger the battery, longer the battery life!
I just use whatever fits.
To have advantage to talk down to you when you argue
it is not a female dipshit
if true, heartless wench
girth > length for me
I really like the feeling of being stretched out
Kill yourself you fucking thot.
This helps me none
please smile mr clown
>girth > length for me
How do I increase the girth of my dick?
We don't, you absolute retard.
>but porn
Porn is made for men, by men. Men find women getting reamed by huge cocks arousing because they like to imagine its their dick, they take pleasure in the notion of hurting or stretching a woman out, etc.
>but dildos I see online
Are bought by fags. Women don't buy bad dragon dildoes. Men do.
>but dil-
Women don't even like dildoes. Women like vibrators and clitoral stimulation. And when women do like vaginal stimulation, they like to press upward on the g spot, aka the clitoris from another angle. You would know this if you had sex with women / listened to women.
I'm a woman and I only the same vibrator for the last six years and am only now thinking of getting something with some more juice. I measured it just now and it's:
>13 cm
>3 cm
Which doesn't even matter because I never even use it penetratively.
You people are so fucking stupid and dead set on being miserable and pathetic that you deliberately psych yourselves out about how unattractive you are. It wouldn't bother me except for the fact that your exercises in self flagellation contrary to all evidence leads you to lash out at women. It's pure ideology at this point.
Hey! how about you show us your tits or gtfo
R 2x chromosones, go back
Okay, I'll give you a simple explanation. 7+ inch dildos are better because you don't have to put them in all the way but you can always go deep if you feel like it which makes them more universal than smaller dildos
BF is 8" and I can't fit half of him orally so I need it for practice
My unattractiveness was already pretty well hashed out well before I gave up
Honestly this is all I have
All I can hope for
Also I don't believe you
This one buys 10 inch dildos and finds them still too small.
>a woman appears
>"Guys, your genitals are probably fine."
>"Fuck you, you stupid roast, my genitals are pathetic, unsatisfying, and inadequate!"
If you say so.
Yeah that's right bitch take that gigantic dildo to the balls it's the only way you'll get any pleasure in that diseased stretched pussy.
This wasn't a female poster but why would I trust anything a woman said about this? We both know that size matters but she would need to make herself look better because that's what women do
>having balls
Haha, what? Also diseases don't "stretch". They "ravage", "mutiliate", etc. you brainlet.
diseased and stretched you brainlet.
>We both know that size matters
Why would most men have evolved an average sized pens then? Could it be perhaps that you've acquired these hang ups culturally from constantly watching unrealistic penises in porn and having very little interaction with actual real women? I know you're not going to be convinced because you want to argue in this thread because thats how you play the Jow Forums game. But at some point it would benefit you to wake up. Have a great life user x
>wasn't a female poster
Hi, yes I am.
>why would I trust...
And why would you trust what a man who never fucked a woman has to say? Why would you trust porn of women made for men's entertainment? At least the woman has some experience actually masturbating.
>size matters
It really doesn't. Like, fuck, this is way past my bedtime but:
>"18.4 percent of women said that vaginal penetration was sufficient."
>meaning 72.6 percent of women either needed or preferred clitorial stimulation
>84 women okay with boyfriend's penis size
>women's ideal is 7 inches or so
While this is bigger than the average dick, it's not insane and not what robots languish over (OP says "7+"). This might make your sad but consider men's preferred breast and ass sizes. Most people fail to be ideal in some physical respect but still end up in relationships.
>look better
To whom? Dude, this is a fucking anonymous image board full of men who fucking hate me on principle, and probably hate me more for actually having orgasms before marriage or whatever. How does an anonymous person make themselves "look good"? How does a woman admit to masturbating and still "look good"? If I wanted to "look good" I'd spend this longpost ranting about women and maybe get my post copypasta'ed elsewhere.
Even if you assume women are the absolute worst, be logical. If all women are selfish whores who only care about cumming, why would we repeatedly lie about what gets us off? We have a direct incentive to be honest about how to make us cum - we get an orgasm.
I guess I could see a woman pretending to be so tight to try and lure a guy in, but that only would make sense when speaking to potential marriage material.
Your genitals are fine, fucking relax.
>he can't type "and" and gets mad when people read what is in front of them
>evolve average penis
Well, evolutionarily "average" is sort of relative. There very well could be evidence of selection pressure causing penises to get larger or smaller over time, or evidence of no sexual selection on penis size at all (what I feel is most likely). With that said, I agree with your post in general.
Men are obsessed with dicks and they assume women are too.
>Why would most men have evolved an average sized pens then?
By definition there has to be an average size
Doesn't mean it is pleasurable for most women
Definitely not preferable
>Tries to prove "her" point by saying the ideal is 7 inches
Fucking kek
And there's a difference with male preferences since men are satisfied with pretty much anything unlike women
Also your first point proves nothing and the second one can just be a product of females lying to make themselves look better
What good would come from them being truthful here?
lots of 7 inch dildos have only like 5-6 insertable length
Wouldn't know, I've never used a sex toy.
hahahaha you fucking losers
nice try, user.
most mentally disabled robots cant comprehend what you even told them.
also muh realistic view, they dont like that.
by the looks of this thread alone, even talking with chad is better than these literal incapable selfloathers
If you admit there's no point in arguing why did you even post here?
If you're the same user from a few weeks back - don't bother. You can tell them about clitoral orgasms or how all big toys are bought by men or anything like that. They don't care, they're here to whine and rage impotently.
But I appreciate you trying user.
You need to realise something this place became a gay/tranny grooming ground.
>How do I increase the girth
Experience puberty
Because bigger ones are easier to hold and maneuver you idiot.
Cause when they are using it in the cowgirl position they can't often fully go down, so it's better if they got a longer one. Unlike with a man you got more height to it
That was 8 years ago
Now what?