What could possibly be so bad about diet drinks with zero calories?

What could possibly be so bad about diet drinks with zero calories?

How are they not just tasty fizzy water?

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The only bad thing about them is the rambling retards hating on them

It's got shit in it that turns the frogs gay

The sweeteners slow down your metabolism so it basically still makes you fat

They're acidic and fairly diuretic.
Without getting into the complete clusterfuck that is conflicting propaganda campaigns over long exposure to aspartame or whatever chemical of the week, it's still best not to down 3 gallons of the stuff a day.

Aspartame and other artificial sweeteners have been proven to destroy your gut flora.
You need them there bacteria for proper digestion, with proper digestion comes a healthier cellular life, with healthier cell life comes better moods and better body functions.
t. a former Diet Coke addict

Wont you fight for your life?!

Link to a study. Otherwise it's just your n=1 anecdotes trying to explain away your inability to take a decent shit.

I lost weight switching from soda to coke zero.
Im also not drinking 5000 cans a day.
Do it

it's artificial stuff so it's bad for you. see how this works?
it's better to drink two diet cokes than two regular ones tho, no contest

Just drink this instead.
>zero sugar, fats, sodium whatever fucking else

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I have been drinking aspartame for over 10 year almost daily if I get cancer I will let you guys know.

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If I'm at a party or something I'll drink a Diet Coke or Coke Zero because it looks like I'm having a drink, but that's about the only time I drink them.

>citation needed

The one on the right is a tasty fucker

god are you anoying, cant you do a 5 min internet research youself?
Here, ill spoon feed you:

slowes down metabolism:

you stay addicted to sweet / get enhanced appetite:

it increases Cancer Risk:

and puts a strain on you liver:

and sweet taste stimulates insulin response without calories involved: you get hungry and have insulin spikes, propably worse then with sugar. (Basic knowledge of the human body.)

some people...

>I have been drinking aspartame for over 10 year almost daily if I get cancer I will let you guys know.

Thanks for the attempt but you'll probably get alzheimers and forget to tell us. Plus it would be hard for us to determine how low your IQ dropped since we didnt know you 10 years ago. You won't notice any of this though so cheers.

Don't know about real harm but it's fucking addictive, this is some brainfuckery
>it's tasty and has no cals
>let's chug down another bottle
>and another one
>it's harmless so it's okay

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Are you retarded?

From the first study: ”We speculate that a decrease in energy expenditure or increase in fluid retention might be involved.”
i.e the rats who ate more sweet simply moved less
no causational evidence that sweetener = weight gain

Second study just shows that prolonged intake of sweeteners damage your liver, most likely since they produce some methanol when broken down

Nowhere have you cited a study that says SWEETENER = WEIGHT GAIN

Try again

>Mostly low powered studies in rats
>Basic knowledge of the human body

Huge insulin spikes without anything that could be digested. Free insulin provokes you to eat more, so you drink more Cola thinking it's food => even more insulin comes up => diabetes hooray!

Explain to me how a substance made up of amino acids spike blood sugar

Because as far as i was aware insulin was a hormone that is used to regulatw blood glucose, and you know you would have to consume carbohydrates in order to alter blood glucose levels


And how much did they use? how many tests were done? were there repeat trials?
this just says ”we observed this thing happen once in a test group of non descript size and it gave the result we wanted”

diet soda fucking sucks, tastes like flat regular soda. if i cant get pure soda ill just drink water and milk (for the cooms)

You do understand that this is an abstract, there is a free download link for the full paper in the page and that you can use Google now that you know this new term called "cephalic phase insulin secretion", right?
If you're here just to win an online argument, prove to yourself that diet Coke is good for you and not gain any new knowledge, you're just wasting your time.

>Reason 1
I don't have science evidence, but for me, they just make me crave other sweets. If I drink these, then I want something sweet later in the day. Whether it is another coke or a cookie, it doesn't matter. If I stay away from the diet drinks then I don't crave any sweets.
>Reason 2
Was getting a migraine about every 3 weeks when drinking diet mountain dew every day. Like 6-8 per day easily. Stopped drinking them. I now only get a migraine like 3 times a year.
>Reason 3
Aspartame is not good for you. Pepsi even came out with an Aspartame Free version to combat Coke.

No they increase your appetite

> you get hungry and have insulin spikes, propably worse then with sugar. (Basic knowledge of the human body.)

i cant believe the amount of absolute horse shit you just typed.

There is ZERO scientific evidence that prove that artificial sweeteners spike insulin. For ONE second, think of how foolish that statement actually is. If you spiked insulin every time you drank a diet coke, but there was no glucose conversion, you would go hypoglycemic on a regular basis.

learn simple fucking biology if youre gonna spew broscience.

I’ve never felt so fortunate to have the gene where I perceive the taste of all artificial sugars as utterly disgusting. Exempt from dealing with this nonsense.

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so it just influences other parts of the digestion? my bad, mixed that up.

Regardless of that it is unhealthy to consume diet coke in large quantity.

If someone has studys on humans i am interested.
I have not found good controled ones.

Unironically youtu.be/pMXwFlp9IoI

So in conclusion there’s no fucking consensus on this shit

no shit, nutrition '''''''''''''''science'''''''''''' is literally just old wives tales and anecdotes

'Diet' products that use artificial sweeteners are chemically similar to sugar, but they are not absorbed in your large intestine, like Normal sugars. But they produce sugar alcohols, which feeds bad bacteria in your gut. Making your overall digestion of nutrients less capable, if you consume large ammounts of artificial sweeteners over a long period of time.