If you aren't too old, why haven't you become a tranny yet...

If you aren't too old, why haven't you become a tranny yet? Even mediocre women (male) lead vastly better lives than men.

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is 31 too late? can i dare to dream?

The things I would do to you discord trannies if I ever found any of you in real life.

Even if you are 31, I can't see the harm in taking hormones and continuing to present as a man. It's better than your two other options which are (1) try to become a woman and probably look like an abomination and (2) keep things as they are and be miserable as always.

I don't go on discord, and I don't feel terribly threatened by incels. You are failed men, after all.

>softer skin
I already have great skin
>curvier body
0 desire to have this
>improved mental state
0 evidence for this. A side effect of estrogen is emotional instability so quite the opposite
You realize you'll never be able to reproduce right? There's 0 going back.
>decimate your fapping addiction
I don't think destroying the functionality of your sexual organs counts as "beating an addiction" of which I'm not addicted to.
Your only valid point so far
>ditch my mannerisms
If I didn't like my mannerisms I wouldn't do them
>cuter something something
99% of men make ugly women.
If you wanna castrate yourself go for it but you don't need to abuse modern medicine to destroy your biology

Haha haha enjoy the suicide after you realize it was all a delusion.

fuck you forced feminization fetishist

Where can I find one of those discords to get bullied and blackmailed into starting HRT? Do they take old people (I'm 24)?

What delusion? I don't think I'm a female, I'm just a male who understands they will lead a better life by changing their biochemistry. I started in high school, and I'm really just here to help you guys out. My life is way better than what it could have been.
Is helping people out a fetish? Maybe if you took hormones you wouldn't have sex on the mind all the time.

Because I'd rather live my life alone with at least a shred of pride than go prison gay, fuck up my entire body for the rest of my life, and end up killing myself

Why do you want to drag people down into the same disgusting dirt you have been in. I feel sad for you. You'll kill yourself though.

This is just a bunch of lies which has been put in your mind by people who benefit from your misery.
>hurr durr you'll kill yourself
Repeating it enough doesn't make it true. I was a gloomy, miserable boy, but now I'm really happy every day.

How do you know what your life would have been? I didn't even finish puberty til well after high school. You don't even know what you would have been. You're not psychic.

Oh boy, here come's discord!

you will be more miserable if you go on hrt and dont need it

yea fuck off reiko, tranny cunt

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I was a feminine guy. Look at this board to see how non-Chad men get treated. I dated a woman for a short bit and it was the single worst thing that ever happened to me (and it caused me to start taking hormones in the first place). And I know you'll say "so you're just gay, why not be a gay guy"? Straight men are better partners, plus people treat women way better. I feel like everyone got 100x nicer.
>b-but they're dating you, they can't be very straight xD
Well they haven't dated a guy before and that's good enough for me.

I like being a man though. Sometimes it's hard, and sometimes I look at the other side and see greener pastures. Sometimes I get mad at myself, and there are a lot of times where I don't like where I am at in my life. But I don't want to give up. I want to keep trying.

>Why haven't you become a tranny yet?
Because I'm not this fucking retarded, fuck-head. Gtfo with your feminization.

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Reminder that the pink pill wears off with age and you will be just another disgusting tranny by the time you hit your late twenties if you are even that lucky. Discord trannies fuck off

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If only there was a discord where intellectual conversations and sophisticated discussions took place.. oh wait! there is!



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Starting old makes you ugly, but when you start young, you typically age better than normal women because cis women treat themselves like trash and menopause ruins them.

>improved mental state
op cant be serious

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Totally am.
>b-but what about those cringy trannies in my ebin trans cringe compilations
They were typically in an even worse place before hormones. Plus a lot of them don't realize you can take hormones for the positive benefits while not dressing like a woman if you are ugly.

>decimate your fapping addiction
as an actual trans person, this is where Im beginning to wonder if you fuckers are some weird jewish cult

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I don't want lower bone density.

Don't reply to shill threads lads, stop giving these bugmen attention

Discord servers are bad and you should feel bad.

no thanks, i want to live past 35

I like my penis working fully that my only reason

>thicker, longer lasting shinier hair
>already at an incredibly receding hairline

you trannies always get the best laughs out of me

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>wider hips
I don't think hormones can change your bone structure OP,

but they do, mine are already noticeably wider than my ribs and show no signs of slowing
>t. 21 y/o, hrt for 2 mos.

only if you take them prior to bone fusing around 20s i think

no thanks, i'd rather die alone as a virgin with a small dick rather than a degenerate tranny faggot

35 year old here, i will feminize and mindbreak any young men with feminine features who so wish. i will also provide the HRT and be the father figure you never had.

or just use those faceapp things and find what ya look lik as a girl! lol
I miss those threads, tons of them!
I need to collect more, anyone got anymore?
basically gender swaps you.

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