Best Protien Powder for Muscle Gain?

Hey user, I was just wondering which brand of protein powder I should get that would be the most efficient when it comes to muscle growth/gain. any and all input is appreciated

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regular whey in water

do you have preferred brand?

I bought that combat powder from costco because it was cheap. tastes great, probably not optimal but I'm just starting up again so I'm okay with that.
when its clumpy the chewy bits are really tasty still.

Fuck off, don't buy protein

Storm brand is a lot better than Armageddon brand

I like GNC's Wheyabolic. Good taste, good mix, decent serving of BCAAs, and having the digestive enzyme formula in it helps avoid stomach issues. I also suggest mixing in milk so you can get a mix of whey and casein.

But user, don't just rely on shakes. Try and get your protein through actual foods. Fish and chicken are really good sources of lean protein.

One with protein in it

Thoughts on myprotein? Its my first whey and i bought them cause theyre number 2 on the top whey on some website

Chaos and pains Kraken

or just a cheap one without added sugar.

I just grabbed a cheap bag of the equate shit from Walmart
I doubt protein quality increases across brands
Definitely calculate the amount of protein per bag tho
Companies can embellish the amount of protein by making the serving size like 8 scoops

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Jesus Christ are you some kinda sociopath

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get the fuck out jojofag


Phantom Blood is actual garbage. Battle Tendency was entertaining shonen but far from great anime. Jojo is overrated as fuck because of memes.

yeah only actual good parts are 4,5 and 7

Actual meat. Jesus Christ this obession with protein powder is fucking insane. You want to know the best protein powder? A grass fed steak seared in butter.

Like the other user said. GNC wheybolic is very good and tastes pretty good (even in water). I switched to Ghost protein because it was on sale and it’s a solid 6/10

Only prob with GNC is its really fucking expensive unless you take advantage of the buy 2 get one free

thank you, just thank you for being an actual person that doesn’t natty bc he wants a challenge but bc he uses his brain


Havent read the rest yet

Gold standard Extreme Milk Chocolate in water. It's thin enough that you can do 2 scoops in about 10 oz of water and wont taste chalky.

>4 that low

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part 1 is cheesy as fuck and way too cartoonish, it's trash

awful taste

I like Tiger brand and Dragon brand.

Remember a ton of protein powders have been tested as having only a fraction of what's been claimed on the label

Gold Standard from Optimum, cookies and cream is the best flavor.