When did r9k get so many fucking cucktears posters...

When did r9k get so many fucking cucktears posters? Every fucking thread where somebody laments their loneliness you get at least 1 or 2 dumbasses coming on to say "oh mah god, its like so easy to have sex right now you fucking retards!" Or something along those lines.

Forget the gays and trannies on the board, at least they stay in their own threads. The cucktears posters are the ones who are really shitting up this board.

Attached: cuck_tears_mugs[1].jpg (225x225, 7K)

this is an important post, bump

Spotted the cuck. Your tears taste feminine, fag.

Maybe they're just regular users, annoyed by incel shit? The incel meme has spread to other languages. I've seen people called incels on meneame when when they act like misogynistic redditors.

Gtfo cucktears fag

normie users should gtfo too, r9k is the board of social outcasts and loners, normies don't belong here.

>tfw no gf
are staple r9k threads.
i dunno what you on about op.

It is objectively easy to get sex so I dont see what your point is

No, it's /b/ with enforced originality.

How can you pretend that someone can be an outcast and also belong in some community. Anyway if youre lonely and want to fit in, just go out more

I tried offering an incel a free fuck on a silver platter and he still backed out and ghosted. They want to stay in that hole because it's comfortable in an odd way.

Bullshit, /b/ is the normie Jow Forums. Nobody gives a fuck about the originality rule its about your personality.

Because they already have their community that they're apart of if they claim that sex is so easy to get. They're already apart of something, we have nothing but each other so they should leave us alone.

You can be alone if you want. Trying to bully people for having girlfriends on a meme board is weird tho

Objectively, no. Its not, even for a normie, if they start wanting sex at the age of 13 they probably won't actually get to have it until they are 16 or 17. How is something objectively easy when it takes the majority of the population years of trying before they can get it even once? That sounds like something that is ridiculously hard to get.


You have been what, like 13 years doing the same I'm lonely shtick? People get tired.

What bothers me is the incels that think that if you get laid you're a "Chad" or a "normie".
>I've never had sex, but I tell you what having sex and having kids would make my life so happy
>lol you can't be lonely as long as you have a pussy to empty your nutsack into
Just because they're retarded they think non-retards can't have their own trust issues, mental illnesses, drug addictions, loneliness and social autism.
So I call out faggots who think loneliness is not having a fucking woman. No woman has ever, or will ever, cure a true loner; nobody can "cure" a true outcast. True outcasts just learn to mask their disillusionment behind a facade.

I don't care about your weird self-fulfilling loser identity.

Attached: keen.jpg (1280x720, 177K)

If youre 13 then its a little harder I guess

Another cucktears poster? Fuck off to /b/.

Because they like posting low-effort bait that hardly works half the time. It's their way of coping.

If you have a girlfriend, a few friends, and a job with steady pay wtf else do you need? If your girlfriend isn't making you happy then its because you chose wrong.

The hedonic treadmill is very real.

So basically your inability to be satisfied with a reasonably good life is your problem?

I have never been loved by anyone in my entire life except for my mother and father. Some people here can't even say that. You have a girl who loves you, you have no idea the kind of suffering much of this board has been through.

>If you have a girlfriend, a few friends, and a job with steady pay wtf else do you need?
A sense of purpose, a feeling of belonging to a community, a sense of satisfaction in your work, being wanted/invited to events with friends, being confident to make new friends in unorthodox places, being able to go outside without needing a firearm for safety, activities with others you actually enjoy, friends/lover who has the experience to understand your emotions, experience and intellect.
>If your girlfriend isn't making you happy then its because you chose wrong.
Relationships don't make you happy if you're a loner. You won't feel like you belong even around people who know and support you. Best to rip that scab off early.

And your girlfriend is there to help you every step of the way, being your emotional support whenever you feel that you have failed, to always support you in your goals, a person who understands you and accepts you and will always be there for you even if nobody else likes you. Without a girlfriend, everything else is meaningless.

If she's not doing that then you didn't choose the right girl.

>hurr durr as long as a girl loves you, you don't know suffering
>mommy and daddy love me
You little bitch. Before I was 5, 2 of my siblings and 1 of my parents beat the shit out of me regularly. I rarely ever even saw my mother growing up, unless it was at dinner or when she was asleep before work.
How the fuck do you expect someone to trust some dumb bitch's love when their own family didn't love them?

>hurr durr emotional support
Oh, I see, you want a girl so that you have someone who is nice to you and encourages you. You want a GF to play mommy for you. Or to be the little league coach you never had.
See my other post at your "I know true suffering" autism:

A gf can't be your therapist. You'll only make both of you miserable. You need to be free-standing.

My wife has supported me for ten years total and most relationships are built around emotional connections. Its a rare and modern concept that you are supposed to be independent or even compete with your partner. It also usually doesnt work out very well


Fuck this independence bullshit. This is why I say over and over again that feminism has ruined romantic relationships by acting like wanting a girlfriend who is nice to you and encourages you is a bad thing somehow. Fucking normies, they don't even realize how much they've ruined their own lives. You are not supposed to compete with your girlfriend, the two of your are supposed to combine into one soul.