Why do black people smell like coconut shampoo and soap?
Why do black people smell like coconut shampoo and soap?
whats a black soaponut
We use it for our hair, helps to shape and pick it out since you know our hair is curly.
The only thing I've smelled on black customers is a weird scent that reminds me of the hospital and honestly triggers ptsd in me from cancer treatment. My treatment was in Baltimore so you know
Smells awful and your hair is sweaty. Black people never fail to amuse me.
Why do whites smell like wet dogs
cause they use cocoa butter on their ashy skin
Smells delicious doesn't it
Because we actually bathe and love being hygienic
Tell that to any normal functioning member of society. Of course everyone bathes and stays hygenic, it's just strange how all black people carry that same scent with them
>The most violent, poor, std infected race is also the most hygienic
Mmhmm sure thing.
Ctfu fool! Respond with a real argument
>avatarfagging as the ultimate mongrel
>also worst z villain
oh whitey
>worst z villain
Buu is the worst z villain and nothing will convince me otherwise
Frieza > Cell > Buu
black people either smell like fried food, shitty cologne/perfume, cheap lotion from walmart, or they just smell like a chicken with really bad b.o. fucking god you people stink
>your hair is sweaty
It's not. The way it grows actually keeps it from getting sweaty. It would defy gravity. Straight hair is usually sweatier and dirtier than ours because all of your sweat and oils and anything else drips down into it. Our hair is just covered in coconuts and cocoa.
Funny how all that doesn't correlate with the argument.
Stay mad
Yeah, we are. I've seen how white people live. You're fucking filthy. Black men will proudly go and get manicures, meanwhile white guys think that putting in the slightest bit of effort in their looks is for faggots. I work around a lot of paint and I wash my hands as often as possible because I don't like being dirty. My white boss asked me why black people wash their hands so often. I see white guys take shits and pisses and walk right past the sinks in public bathrooms. You'll never see a black person doing some mess like that.
White people think germs are a myth. This is why your ancestors in Europe couldn't go a month without kicking off another plague that wiped out half of your continent. Japanese people were compulsive bathers, meanwhile the average European was taking 5 baths in a lifetime. You came to America and decimated a whole fucking race of people just because you refused to clean yourselves.
I honestly have no idea lad. I never noticed I smelled like a wet dog after a shower until recently. Shaving my body hair to be much shorter has really helped, and I wear a good smelling cologne everyday now as well.
The only scent I've ever smelled from a nigger is a weird, musty, oily smell. Kinda like how a roach infested house smells.
>he actually believes this
Gee you blacks have tons of mental gymnastic routines to make you feel special, huh?
What's with the influx of anti-white posters on this board lately?
So I'm assuming you don't believe in gravity? Have you ever wondered why black people have to artificially moisturize our hair?
It's not anti white, it's just facts. White people just don't care about being clean.
>b-b-but people weren't supposed to bathe that often!!
Yeah aight.
The coconut is from cocoa butter . Its black people's favorite lotion.
Buu actually killed everyone in Earth.
It's strange how all the imageboards have had new traffic over the last few months. A similar typing style and aggressive liberalism that stands in contrast to the native culture. Jow Forums has always had lefties and they still type like they come from image boards, these newer people don't.
It makes my nogging start jogging.
yeah i've never noticed a soapy smell. i don't have a problem with blacks generally but they have kind of a gross musk i can only describe as mild shit smell