Do you condone beta-on-chad rape?

Do you condone beta-on-chad rape?

When a chad gets raped by a beta, he's no longer an alpha male. His sexual prowess doesn't matter anymore. All he is that beta's wimpering little fuckbitch.

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There are people who weigh less than 170lbs who call themselves male

This unironically. I could literally do a slam dunk with you like it's nothing.

You mean a healthy weight, fatass?

doesn't work that way lad. plenty of Chads actually have backstories where they were raped when younger which caused them to become sexually dominant and prolific, banging and leaving many many woman to get some sort of feeling of revenge on their rapist. fucked up but true.

Healthy for a twink. You shouldnt even be allowed to drive a car

nice try chubbs. you just a 230lb fatass biggs
and your probably 5'9 to boot

You must be rural American if you think anyone who cant be blown away by a light wind is fat and short. What the fuck is wrong with you.

>become sexually dominant and prolific

Anything to make chads your ideal of male beauty, huh? They become submissive gay sissies. Take a look at the grindr screenshots posted on here. Nothing but chads looking to get their sissyholes used.

r9k is skelly territory, boy
best go back the way you came yuh hear!

I'm 110 but I'm also short so that my excuse

Why you even think about these things?
The fuck is wrong with you user?

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Yeah its also a tranny and bottom board. I epic trolled you heh

It's been done since the beginning of time in war. It's the ultimate act of emasculation. Just imagine priding yourself in having sex with any woman you want, being the pinnacle of manhood, looking down on men who don't get sex like you do. Only to have all your dignity as a man by a man you considered inferior. HE made YOU his bitch. Must suck to be raped chad.

>6'4" and 150 lbs

nothin personnel manlet

What about drugging and removing chad penis

These types of men don't pride themselves on sex. It would be emasculating because they were physically dominated, because THEY were the beta. They weren't stupid enough to think someone was better because he had sex.

Not just physically dominated but sexually dominated too. And the worst part is it would feel good because of the prostate stimulation. That's 3x the humiliation. First he got dominated physically, second he got his chadhole penetrated, third he came involuntarily from beta dick rubbing against his prostate.

>6'4" and 150 lbs

What, do you look like a meth pipe or something?

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Take that back, friendo

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I cracked up.

>beta-on-chad rape
>implying beta is strong enough to rape chad
>further implying that a chad that get raped by a beta was even a chad to begin with.

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6ft6 and 140lbs
Nuffin personal manlet

heh, kid, I'm 6'4, was a powerlifter and heavyweight fighter in highschool and college. After years of no excersise, alcoholism, weed, and unhealthy food, I'm 300 pounds, yet still strong as fuck.
I was circumcised on the first day of my life and chose on that day to dominate the world. Name one anime character I couldn't kill with my bare hands.

>only trips can stop giga-auschwitz

kek a a aas

check the trips orild

im 5'8 and 109 lbs

d-do i pass guys?

What if many betas hold him down while they take turns at his yaoi hole?