It's my birthday

I've masturbated 5 times today so far. I went to a shitty local burger joint alone. The lady who took my order was really cute but she sneered at me, I think. I was wearing my sunglasses indoors because I was crying earlier and my eyes were still red, so that might have been why. I only ate half of my burger because I saw a couple on a date or something and I felt like I would cry again if I stayed. My mom still hasn't called me, and I doubt she will. I really want to die but I'm too scared to kill myself.

How was your day, user?

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Happy birthday.

Sending my love. I hope you get through many more days. I hope you catch a break. I hope you'll one day be happier than you are now. You deserve to be happy.

Happy birthday user
You are loved

I have hundreds of thousands of dollars in student debt and I can hold a job for more than a few weeks and I missed out on my unemployment because my anxiety makes it hard to do the forms. Oh, and the health problems . . .

But happy birthday from a stranger. Man, birthdays can be tough. Don't focus too much on it.

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Thank you frens. It's nice to read anything
Thanks for your words friend, I hope your own problems go away, too.

I can't even handle community college classes, and my mom made me get a job at a baseball stadium where it's always super loud. I'm too tired to be depressed, but I still pray for God to kill me every night.

That sucks, I can't take classes either. I hope things get better and you can be happy

Happy birthday Op.

Hopefully this pic cheers you up!

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Gross. Get a real birthday, chump.

Everyone please only reply to my posts with "Hell yeah, brother!" from now on, I'm much too cool for anything even slightly less.

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Want to be friends on discord, lad? Happy birthday

>Waah waah poor me :'(((((
Get used to it, you whiny faggot.

Happy birthday!

Have a great year and don't masturbate so frequently, it ruins the fun of it.

Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday dear OP.
Happy birthday to you.

>I've masturbated 5 times today so far.
>The lady who took my order was really cute but she sneered at me, I think.
They can smell the lack of testosterone. Stop masturbating and start eating right.

Dude you need to visit a therapist. I know life seems horrible right now, but it can get better. Be patient and strong.

Happy birthday, user.
Reminding that you don't need anyone.

Happy Birthday, my dude
I don't think I could ever go to a restaurant alone
That sounds way too stressful for me
The most I've done is eat sushi at a mall foodcourt by myself
It's great you were able to do that, even if you only had half your burger

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hanpee birthday fren

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Happy bt user also we are april births i turned 23 the some days ago

user just try to think of lucky you are. Idk if this helps but when Im feeling down I like to think that it took 1 in 400 trillion chance for me to be born. Anyways I hope things get better for you, just hang in there and you will find someone that loves you and appreciates you.

my birthday I spent a bunch of time drinking alone it just reminds me of how much of a failure I am ah well

ps happy birthday have a good one or try to at least Haha

Imagine the other 399 it can get worse

Happy birthday user. I woke up at 3pm today after sleeping for 11 hours. Played video games most of the rest of the rest of the day and went to the supermarket with my ex

Happy birthday user, i hope you have a nice day, know that there are people out there that wish you happiness and wish you well.

Happy birthday dude
Jerk off some more

Atleast you got us, user. Happy birthday my man.

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happy birthday user
parents argued and fought alot. femfag stepdad too shit of a provider to make enough to pay bills and too lazy to get a better job (sticks with part time, says he'll find another next week) yet wont let my mom work
tfw not enough for bills, stepdad took us off $400 foodstamps, we cant get back on, barely enough for food

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Happy birthday user just try to make the best of it

happy birthday to you
happy birthday to you
happy birthday dear ( ? )
happy birthday tooo yooouuu

If I was a girl I'd snuggle up to you so hard, then after that I'd plan something fun and spontaneous for us to do

Rofl stay mad bro

happy birthday qtop
I hope it's comfy

dont be sad user things could always be worse

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Happy birthday user! Hope things will get better for you. Start with small things no matter how insignificant they are and feel happy because you accomplished them. Also, I suggest you to quit fapping. It messes with your mood and your brain's dopamine receptors could take a hit. Stay happy fren.

i've missed plenty of birthdays
it sucks, but there are far worse things

Fuck that bitch!

And happy birthday user, get yourself something nice and get all comfy, maybe play some vidya. Make this birthday a good one.

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Why do people think birthdays are relevant past the age of 11?
Why would you expect the world to suddenly turn into a magical wonderland and start revolving around you, just because it's the day which signifies your birth month?

Be a man.
You aren't a man. You're a child.

Happy birthday!
Remember, only you can make yourself the luckiest man alive. Eat cake and drink something good, everything will be good, my dear.

Happy birthday, friend

Indulge yourself in classics and philosophy and you will find your path don't go quietly into the dying light

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Happy birthday!
My day was rather plain and boring.

Happy birthday user.

>I was wearing my sunglasses indoors because I was crying earlier and my eyes were still red, so that might have been why. I only ate half of my burger because I saw a couple on a date or something and I felt like I would cry again if I stayed.
Now stop being a crying faggot.

Happy birthday fren
Hell Yeah Brother!

your life is clearly empty

pursuing this emptiness isn't going to help

but you're going to do it

and that's what is going to kill you

>mfw I know my next birthday is going to be good because my suicide date is before it and the only thing that will make me change my mind is if something amazing happens

still waiting for the good times to start anons

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Happy Birthday faggot.
Masturbate twice more and watch a movie. I suggest Suburbia.

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I'm sorry, user. I don't know why some people have to live this way. I hope that, somehow, things get better. Happy Birthday.

happy birthday fren hope for the best for you

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Happy birthday bro, I hope you'll be okay, remember that you shouldn't worry about other people, focus on yourself, improve yourself and the other things will come

30yo here, with age it doesn't turn better. That said, happy birthday.

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>I've masturbated 5 times today so far.
>tfw 25 and can't fap more than once per day and still have it be enjoyable

Happy Birthday OP - I smiled at you today but you didn't notice me!

happy birthday from vietnam

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he'll yea borther

Happy birthday user.

How can I contact you?

Can always be worse fren. Trust me

I think this threads a day old noww and i meant to reply, but i was drunk. If ur still here op, let the tears fall and know youre not alone.

>How can I contact you?
You can reach me at
[email protected]

Happy birthday user. Hope it gets better.

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>caring about birthdays
kek OP is a total faggot
should have become a tranny because only women and parents care about birthdays

Cheers mate dont let life drag you down and look to the future

happy birth day

can't say things will necessarily get better, but good luck all the same