What were femanons like in high school?

What were femanons like in high school?

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pretty normie, sucking dick and getting railed etc etc.

always alone, people were nice to me though. i think i never understood how to progress from friendly strangers to a real friendship.

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Kissless, handholdless virgin. I hung out with the furries and actual autists for a year. Then I had the shame to cut them off. Spent the remaining 3 years totally alone. No friends besides Jow Forums.

Be my lonely zoomie gf

I was very quiet, had a few people I could call friends but I never saw them outside school once and they made fun of me a lot (I stutter and stuff) and played lots of vidya

Funny that you think I'm a zoomer. The years go by quickly, my "18" year old friend.

I'm a 27 yo boomer actually, what're you up to now?

Failing community college and considering suicide. Tried the therapy meme many times before, now insurance is too shitty to do it. It's not going to get better for me. I feel like an NPC, giving advice to people online while my life is nothing at all.

I still enjoy small hobbies but what's that worth without a future? user, there are two types of women on this board. Underage girls who want attention. And total fucking failures wracked with mental issues.

i was a delinquent loser who skipped classes all alone almost everyday. i spent my mornings wandering around aimlessly until it was time to go home

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Im on the same boat but Im a dude. I just go to school so it doesnt seem like im a complete failure

Ya I've started to notice that's the case. I don't mind tho cuz I just want an introverted GF I can relate to. I went to therapy once or twice but it never helped. What kind of hobbies are you into? I think it's good to have them and do something productive you enjoy.

Hmm I just realized I knew (of) a femanon in HS and somehow didn't notice until now. Her name was sara reeder I think. I never heard her speak until we had a group project once. She was semi-cute in a frazzled book-girl kind of way. I don't think highschool was good for her, and she certainly saw me as yet another normie.

Our one interaction was during one of those hypothetical games where the teacher says you're going as a group to the wilderness in winter, what 10 items do you take with you to insure survival.

The one time sara spoke up was several minutes in. One of the group (of maybe 5 of us) mentioned that he read fire-making tools wouldn't be a priority because all the wood would be water-logged and any effort spent making fire would be better spent on shelter or other warmth /security activities.

Sara said that we needed fire to melt the snow into drinkable water because cold water dehydrates you. I'm sure now it was a slip of the tongue and she actually just needed one of the several water-related pejoratives that could be attached to the idea of not having a fire in midwinter. When she was called out as it making no sense at all that cold water dehydrates a person, or that it takes water to process water, she stumbled a lot and repeated her original point in a really quiet voice.

I actually had a bit of a crush on her for a bit but I didn't realize what happened during this interaction so I assumed she was actually dumb lol.

Sorry sara.

even the cute shy girl got dicked a thousand times bros.

In my experience they were haughty, back biting, hormonal, abusive and histrionic for the most part. Who isn't at that age though?

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That made me genuinely sad. Sara didn't deserve that

started hs with a decent amount of friends, i got along with everyone but didn't fit in with any group, made a few new friends early on, got invited to a few parties and went but hated it so stopped going
towards the end i was skipping 9 out of 10 days pretty much flunking out
had one bf during the course but we only ever spoke over sms, was awkward
after failing it i lost all friends except for three (which may sound like many but we've only kept in contact online ever since)
all in all pretty average i guess

easy to manipulate fun to ghost

i was still a boy in high school

There were 3 girls in my high school who couldve been robots, they were all just aspie and shy. I honestly prefer a nervous unkempt girl more than a stuck up prissy one, theyre just easier to be yourself around.

Oh no, I found her online and she's actually just dumb. She's for sure a femanon though and seems pretty sweet. Borderline illiterate weeaboo, quite a catch for a lucky robot maybe.

Is she cute? Post pic maybe

I wasnt allowed to do anything besides going home and going to school. Due to my lack of social interactions, I talked to my internet friends more than IRL people. I was also very naive, socially awkward, and trusted people too much.

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50 bucks says you trusted some online guy, send nudes to him, and he leaked them. Am I right you whore?

>And total fucking failures wracked with mental issues.
That applies to us males too.

I have never sent nudes :P I didn't even masturbate until I got into college. Sending nudes is degenerate.

based fembot setting examples against our modern world's acceptance of degeneracy

nah I don't want r9k to track her down, she wouldn't know how to react to the attention and it would get messy or sad i think

>Underage girls who want attention. And total fucking failures wracked with mental issues.
Sounds like every poster here, really. Lots of underage b& running around now turning the board quality to shit. I miss the nightly comfy threads and the CYOA/escapism threads that got posted every week or two, it doesn't look like they're posted much anymore.
How old are you anyways?

active, hard-working, quiet, threatening. i had the confidence of a much prettier woman then. good times.

I was that weird weeb girl that sat at the back of classthat read hardcore yaoi visual novels of cute guys getting dicked in class and printed them to her friends to spread the word of God almighty amen

>tfw used to walk home from school with my dumb fujo trender gf
>talk about which cute boys in our classes we think would make the best ships
>pretend to be boys while we did gay stuff together
>read yaoi together in class
I'm shameless but I loved it
fujos will inherit the earth

Holy fuck you just summarized my entire high school also
>pretending to be boys
Me and my friends roleplayer as hetalia characters, cringy as fuck but it was fun

Quiet, mostly tried to stay out of people's way and by myself. Read a lot. I did gymnastics in the school team which got me out of my shell a bit but still didn't really make friends with anyone there.
Once beat up a girl pretty badly and had to do counselling for a few weeks and that just made people avoid me even more.

there's nothing more fun than being cringey highschool fujoshits
I moved away though so now I just read yaoi by myself in my room

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Mutual feeling fellow fujoshit. I kinda read yaoi doujins sometimes, it's still so good but my friends don't think its hot anymore, they all got boyfriends now, sadness
I kinda want to turn degen mode and start yaoi roleplaying again tho

>tfw I was the only girl out of my fujo friend group to stay lesbo after highschool
feels really bad
>I kinda want to turn degen mode and start yaoi roleplaying again tho
I rp as a gay boy in r9gay/other gay threads sometimes and it's really nice desu

Another fujoshi here. I used to write an erotic victorian fanfiction about our male classmates and one male teacher with some female friends. That group of friends even consisted of some stacies. Ah those times were beautiful

There wasn't any, the internet was only starting and I graduated in 2003.
90% stacies, tragic tracey's and uppity macey's.
Fake nerd/asocial girls were also going for chads.

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>all fembots wrote or read yaoi in school
Yaoi creates fembots lads you heard it here first

this is more accurate than you know

Feel free to add me fellow fujoshit
Same, mainly with the guys I knew too. One of my favorite things was observing gym class. I feel like every fujoshi has done that in her life, even if its not written on paper, she probably thought of it.

I actually didn't. I read and wrote yuri

I was on a chris-chan style love quest.
I asked out every boy but I kept getting rejected with "you're like a brother to me!"
so one day I went to school in a short skirt and thigh highs because I thought that's what boys liked based off my animes and I got made fun of so bad I dropped out.

nope, I wrote yuri like this user

thats actually really cute desu

I am not a cuck, but i would prefer hi guys over straight guys so we can both be able to admire the male gender, and maybe, I would allow him to do some stuff with other guys if he wanted. Nosebleed

some of you didn't get beaten for doing retarded shit and it really shows

I knew all the guys we wrote about, some were even my close friends. But the guys from my class were so cute with each other, sometimes they cuddled together all were resting their heads on each others shoulders. As creepy as it sounds we even had pictures of them looking cute together (taken with their permission though)

Bi guys *
Not hi guys

Cute omg. I would love to have seen that. Perfection. Espicially when they're having argument, oh god cute.

My nigga. Negress?
Did you write about people in your class or randoms? I wrote some really cringy Gilmore Girls smut with an obvious self insert. My face burns up just thinking about it.

>I rp as a gay boy in r9gay/other gay threads sometimes and it's really nice desu
I fucking KNEW there were fujoshis pretending to be guys there

Hung out mostly with the weebs during breaks, we would chat about animu and chans. Chads asked me to rate girls with them during sports lessons, since I was a tomboy bruh. Got messaged a bunch of times by cute boys that would tell me I'm either smart, or funny, or charismatic, but I'd keep that shite strictly friendly.
I'm a Euro, so my HS time was spent in college, studying compsci, there were only three girls besides me and we didn't talk much, except the dorky one that would seek my company from time to time.
I'm now a hikki.

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closest thing I knew to a fembot in HS was this girl called hayley. she was at least a 7/10 if h had to rate but regardless of her looks I kinda liked her and we were good friends.

she was a weird one and the first time I met or, or someone talked to her she would always act like a cat and genuinely chase people around grabbing them and doing the same thing a wild cat would do.(sounds weird but she just did I think it was a coping mechanism because of her inabilities to make friends.) this got some response from people, obviously not positive and i always felt bad for her because of this. she had friends but not many.

we bonded on loads of things like video games and pokemon cards and classes we didn't really hang out lunch break I enjoyed her presence and always looked out for her. Other girls would bully her and just shit on her for no reason exept for her basically being a boy and enjoying video games. she also had a really strong american accent (cute as fuck) despite her not being from USA. she was really cute and had freckles all over and was pale, which is like my dream girl. she also had some big ol titties and this was just like first year of HS that i noticed this, if she lost weight (not much) she would have been fucking perfect.

she also drew a lot of how to train my dragon and five nights at freddies (this was another thing people bullied her about) and im pretty sure she is a furry now. I recently found her Twitter and Instagram and have found out she Identifies as they/them now and draws furry porn and profile pictures for people, which is a pretty good hustle lol. none of her posts have photos of her so I dont even know what she looks like now.

(im not sure of american schools but im pretty sure everywhere else has a far lower percentage of those sorts of women as everyone in my country is mostly accepted and ends up finding a group they can relate with on something.)
kinda scared she might browse r9k but fuckit.

actually my dream

Loose self-inserts about me and the girl I wished was my gf. in my stories i always had green eyes, but they are brown irl.

it's only cute if you look cute. I was an ugly sperg.

It's a brilliant idea. I'm considering it.

it's very rude to lead boys on like that you know

I read and wrote too much yuri especially after the girls that used to be gay for tumblr cred started getting bfs and I still had feels
I will, you seem fun
>observing cute sweaty boys in gym class
Please don't ruin this for me it's all I have user

>Loose self-inserts about me and the girl I wished was my gf. in my stories i always had green eyes, but they are brown irl.
Done some of that too, although I don't think I've changed my appearance much, just making myself less shy/less of a sperg. Sometimes we'd get into dangerous situations and I'd save my crush. Aaa the memory haunts me.

I don't think a single girl I went to school with turned out actually gay aside from me. Shit sucks.

tumblr wasn't around when I was in HS so I got ostracized for liking girls.

>Sometimes we'd get into dangerous situations and I'd save my crush.
mine were slow and meandering stories where it took 3 chapters for the characters to even brave touching hands. i never got around to action or fucking or even kissing.

I still think its cute and I used to go after the plain janes and ugly ones.

at first i was a grungy weirdo in glasses with zero self-confidence. then i met some people that i used to go to local music shows with and they seemed to like me so i decided that it was the time to do something about my appearance.
got rid of my glasses and bought some more fitting but still edgy clothes, learnt how to do makeup, did something with my hair. suddenly i got attention from males and started dating them (without fucking though) with no successes. but my mental illnesses were hiding in me all that time. i was unaware of that. fell in love with some skinhead guy who 'broke my heart' and i got so depressed and anxious and suicidal that i started fucking random people, stopped going to school, started drinking and smoking too much and lost contact with anyone that i knew before. i was alone. terrified and lost. barely passed my exams and moved out from my home because my mother was also mentally ill.
that's it. i still think it wasnt that bad, i have tons of nice memories from high school. just wish i was putting more effort to learing stuff back then.

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>mine were slow and meandering stories where it took 3 chapters for the characters to even brave touching hands. i never got around to action or fucking or even kissing.
You're my favourite type of writer user, things get boring once characters start fucking anyway, there's nothing to look forward to

I didn't really get to fucking either mostly because I had no idea how "fucking" was supposed to happen. pic related was literally me. So it was mostly very slow burn kitsch romantics. Slice of Life I guess.
The only sexual scene I wrote was GG smut and it was mostly very heavy kissing and "touching all over"

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I don't have any sexual attraction to other guys, but I can certainly appreciate the male form. Those Roman and Greek statues (particularly the Greeks, they were bigger fans of the fit aesthetic) are always something I stop to admire when I can. Not really limited to the muscular physique either, bodies more like mine that are on the plainer end can be aesthetic of themselves (the "post-depression WW2 grunt" body, AKA the average to scrawny manlet build). I have a barrel chest myself and I like looking at it, seeing how much larger my ribcage is. I stare at my body sometimes in the mirror, mostly because the human form fascinates me and I'm too embarrassed to look at other people's bodies in person. It would feel kinda rude to do that and I don't want people thinking I'm a homo.
Some fetishes of mine might be in line with fujos, but I'm not entirely sure.

My google search would have been like "can 2 girls get married?"
otherwise yes, very similar to stories I wrote.

Most of them got pretty distant with me once they grew out of it and realized I was still a huge lesbo.
It's a bad feel since I gave my sapphic purity to one of them and then they just decided they weren't gay, thanks kassidy
It's actually the worst feeling

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That's pretty cute user. My mind went filthy pretty early in life it seems.

>I gave my sapphic purity to one of them and then they just decided they weren't gay, thanks kassidy
RIP. The bishit didn't deserve you anony.

I was one of the 'losers' and my teacher let me eat and work in the art room during lunch breaks.
Was comfy though I'm glad.

unpopular, no one wanted to be around me

someone called me a potential school shooter when i refused to give up my bus seat and i cried the whole ride

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>r9gay becomes cislesgen

Are you maybe the guy who posted a statue with male big butt for me?

You are required to drop your contact immediately

Sounds fun enough to me.

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Based. I had a similar experience although I was genuinely truant a lot of the time as well, still graduated with like a 3.7 kek

the one who always got asked "what's your ethnicity?"

that was the only time people ever talked to me

So what IS your ethnicity user

i did & every single one that i know did. i still do read it for fun and nostalgia, but (thankfully?) i don't get particularly aroused from it anymore. all fujoshis grow up at some point.

She really didn't ugh
they're why I hate bishits, I still feel unclean
It'd probably have less trannies in it at least

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WRONG I'll love my husbando forever

well, i didn't mean that they all abandon it entirely at some point, but as time goes on they all consume it less and less from my experience.

I wish I could get as excited by yaoi as I used to
I still like reading it though.

Bishit genocide soon stalker.
>tfw no classy pipe smoking gf

Not into yaoi but it probably depends on how serious you were about it in the beginning. And of course you'll just cool down after high school because you're not drowning in hormones all day every day anymore.

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Just like regular girls since they're all normalfags. Probably smellier and fatter though.

Eurasian. People thought I was everything from inuit to hispanic

we will purge the bishit menace
>tfw no comfy pipe smoking Ellen Page gf

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>mfw get on this thread
>fembots start talking about gayshit
>Remember the old man that has been stalking me after I leave work.
I didn't want to hate gays. Why are you attracted to me?

I'm still not sure if Ellen Page is cute to me. Something about her nose is weird.

Why are you asking us, ask the old dude who stalks you. We're not attracted to you.

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This thread gives me the sads.
Wish I could have met a fembot in high school.
Now I'm old.

Been harrassed by 12 diffrent men over the last 10 years...

if this thread is anything to go by she'd have been a homo though

I met one. She hated me eventhough I tried to be friendly.

Maybe some of them. But I only want one.

I've had the biggest celeb crush on her for years
I like her dorky nose
>Why are you attracted to me?
We're literally not
Or she'd pretend to be a homo, get an actual lesbian to fall in love with her and then break up with you after like a year to date some nerdy lanklet

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practically me tbph

read >gay men

>cute shy girl
Chad likes cute girls more than he likes Staceys. Staceys are just for pump and dump/showing off but shy girls are for relationships. Like how Patrice O'Neal said that you catch a massive fish and take a photo of yourself with it to show everyone that you know how to catch a fish, then you put the fish back in the water.