White people: *exists*

White people: *exists*

Everyone who isnt white:

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White people deserve everything coming to them, they have increasingly refused to sacrifice themselves for their own race and so their race will wither

If you have having white skin so much then how about you kill yourself?you ever thought of that?

What would that "sacrifice" be exactly?

Its because whites are the best looking and have the best genetics. Other people either accept it or hold onto grevience

>makes a thread that's the exact opposite
modern wh*tes are so sad, white genocide is better than it seems

Black people: *exists*

Whites on Jow Forums:

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>Proves OP's point

White people are so close minded they are incapable of seeing themselves as anything other than a victim.

It would be hilarious if it weren't so pathetic.

It seems to me that the majority of white people are begging to be extinct? why is that? they seem so soft compared to other races, south american indigenous btw, i'd love to breed a white woman

Suicidal attacks against race traitors


or kike
an original kike

it's called the knockout game and sooner or later white people are gonna get tired of playing it

Dumb nigger there are way too many whites spread out across the globe that we dont feel family bond for our kind unlike you nigroids we kept you idiots together for slavery purposes it was US who freed you not your monkey kind it was US who integrated you into society it was US who built just about everything you use in your normal lives, hell even the black president is white. I can not wait to exterminate you shitskins off the face of this planet you ungrateful monkey baboon subhuman degenerate shitskin filth.

Come on man face the facts. Modern whites are either jewish shill basedboys or smug dicks doing nothing. The white race sinking into oblivion or at least losing some influence would be a good thing.

Holy fucking based


Nignogs BTFO nigs seething



I'm just saying the horribly oppressed non white victims of racism are racist as fuck for racism victims. And I think the reason that these things are associated with whites is because non white countries haven't developed enough to experience these problems.

"I Rely on the achievements of others men to feel proud" ftfy

You're just lashing out because he's correct, you don't even know what race he is.
White genocide is 100% your own fault, right there in your first sentence you even confirm whites don't even family bonds with each other. Complete idiots, every other race does.
You probably jerk off to WMAF anyway, enjoy your last 2 generations on Earth.

>yo-you are just lashing out!
Walk outside for once S o y boy those idiots are a vocal minority the rest of my glorious white race dont waste their time in chinese basket weaving forums.
>enjoy your last 2 generations on earth
>being this delusional

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Holy based the niggers are seething

Blacks wouldnt be so bad if they werent so venerated. We should be at least allowed to talk shit about them

You can do so anyway bonus points for triggering a nigger


It's not really that other races sacrifice themselves for their own race, in fact I don't even know what you mean by that, the thing about other races is that they just keep spawning rampantly and uncontrollably.

Agreed, any time you criticize their blatantly terrible culture that's causing all their problems you get ridiculed for racism.

this I agree that whites should also express their feelings but it is always one sided and they are blind to their shortcomings

if anyone of our own even attempted to fix our culture the majority of us still wouldnt listen
kinda sucks

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That's because their entire fucking culture is artificially constructed victimization. They're being manipulated into a bunch of whiny little shits and the majority don't even know it. Their own race isn't even allowed to criticize themselves or move beyond "muh slavery" or "duh white man", else they become Uncle Toms or get smothered like Aaron Mcgruder.

Instaban on all platforms aside from Jow Forums

Begone, ribbit, I banish thee

Black people literally blame all of their problems on things that happened before they were born. White people have no equivalent.

You do realize all niggers by default hate everything that's white, right?

Attached: nigger music in a nutshell.png (1024x776, 167K)

I believe that blaming the Europyan economy is shit on old Greece doesn't counts, does it

I don't know, but I never have. It has more weight than slavery affecting you when it was a century ago and you have rights in a first world country though.

h = "Hitler"
$white = rgb(255,255,255)
$black = rgb(0,0,0)
nigger = C:/files/nigger.thing
function hate(
print("I wanna kill people that are", white, "cause they're of the race of", h)
if [bigger]

Sorry, that is not a real program nor language.

>doesn't does a reference to jews right after the holocaust

I think being simultaneously enslaved and then emancipated by whites really fucked up black people.
They didn't earn their freedom. They didn't earn their governments. They didn't fight to free themselves, white's forced whites to do it. They didn't fight to govern africa, white's literally forced whites to let them.

This would explain why they're so desperate to take credit for everything they can, even things as petty as "having big asses"

Never really understood the division of hate between different people groups. Black people talk for me, white people talk for me, politicians talk for me. White people talk dirty about me, Black people talk dirty about me, politicians talk dirty about me. Don't understand the commotion.
I'm just a simple man who enjoys watching the beauty of birds.

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I feel bad for people like this. They know how things actually are, but it doesn't seem to change things for them.

White people are all NPCs
It's silly when you sit back and observe it all closely

Too bad America was a conspiracy run by the Jews.

At their best, whites have only been useful tools for kikes.

I will be glad when white people finally disappear

White boomers deserve everything coming to them, they refused throughout the entirety of their lives to ever sacrifice for the betterment of their own race and did everything they could to xenophilically empower other races. They stole our future, cut it up, and gave it to Mexicans to mow their lawns and niggers to not riot like entitled chimps.

But I love whites user. My ex best friend was a skinny white nerd and the only woman I have ever loved is white.

I'd lay my life down for them

What is the "White" race anyway? Italians, Armenians, the freakin' Irish, and a host of other nationalities just suddenly became white fairly recently. Race is one of the shittiest, pants-on-head retarded things humans invented and still cling to like flies on a fresh dollop of horse shit.

I guess you're alright, nignog user. I still wouldn't want to associate with you, but you seem okay.

Absolutely SEETHING

>Race is one of the shittiest, pants-on-head retarded things humans invented
No it's not; you just assume that position because you know approximately jack shit about neuroscience and genetics.

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Because humans are mostly social animals, and are mostly easily susceptible to group think.

Jesus christ, since when did you whites get whinier than niggers.

Why there are so many yankee Billy Bobs on Jow Forums?
Is it some fate that you have to be white inbred uneducated American to end up here? Tell me yanks. Shouldn't you be fucking your cousins, sniffing glue and that. Not watching anime, reading bible and masturbating over your 56 percent.

By whites you man anglos right?

Anglos arent white

All their cousins left them for libhurul citybois who make more money and dress better. Hence their obsession with the word "cuck."

Nationality is not race.
There is no genes which are exclusive to one "race" and not another. There are no bone structures nor DNA sequences unique to one race or another.

>0.1% sub-saharan african
I might be an amerimutt but at least I'm not a fucking nigger. :^)

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Culture is caused by genetics. Culture shapes genetics.

Your culture is dysgenic. The only way would be to start culling undesirables until only those that behaved a certain way were breeding.

Notice how every good race has had long periods of feudalism were the underclass was forced to work to survive.

Blacks were idle throughout all of this, until Whites brought agriculture to them.

Sadly blacks won't improve, because our society has become dysgenic as a whole. Dumb whites are reproducing, and the intelligent whites are not.

Eventually we will all be mutts.

Also I'm not Race is real.