Stop being a faggot and just get laid

It's not fucking hard jesus. Anyone of you could get laid or even find a gf if you actually tried but you just like to cry about being an incel rather than trying to do something about it. Pathetic, everyone of you.

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who hurt you op?
why do you bully the incels?

I'm not bullying I'm trying to get it across to you incels that you are self loathing pathetic losers that don't want to get laid they just want to feel downtrodden and get pity from each other.

im too ugly and have no job in my mid 30s, its too late, only solution is suicidee

why do you think it is your mission to tell them this?
what credentials do you have?

I can't have sex because I have hair on my entire dick beside the head.
Pic related

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Just shave it broski

This is a low blow, even for you.

Can't, it because course and prickly in a few hours. Plus its leads to a higher chance of STDS.
Only thing I can do is use tweezers, but that lead to ingrown hairs once.
I wish laser surgery was more common, but not many places want to do it.

I actually refused spontaneous sex a few times because of it. I mean, it already sucks I'm a dicklet, but the hair thing really kills it.

I used to be like you guys but I when I stopped for a moment and took a look at myself I knew that I only need to act with confidence, it was easy from there

>I actually refused spontaneous sex a few times because of it
That's you're problem. Women won't care about it as much as you think, sure you might end up being a joke to her friends but you wont see her again and you fucked here so who cares. All the problems incels say they have are their own fault or self imposed.

I'm sure they would care. It's not self-imposed at all. There is a difference between a little hair and hair all over it.

You have yet to see who they react you as pushing your own insecurity's on to them, It's the biggest problem with you incels. trust me if you can get it up you'll be fine.

>I knew that I only need to act with confidence
what exactly have you achieved or done, to give you that confidence?

I posted it online before and everyone called it gross. Why wouldn't I be insecure to show it in real life.

Literally nothing, its all about bigging yourself up. Think and try to act like a chad and you will be more chad, not rocket science

>I posted it online
There your problem. People on the internet love to beat others down you fucking mong. The internet isnt real life.

>Literally nothing
so basically you are pushing the PUA meme shit?

PUA push having confidence in yourself because it effective dickhead, your dad would have taught you that if you had one/ a good one.

And you can't get a job because?

you are pushing fake confidence
you fucking imbecile.

I cant force employers to hire me.

Confidence doesnt mean shit. Its all about looks. My mom even told me thats why she picked my dad. LOOKS

Heavy discrimination in the american job market

It only starts out as fake you twat, the majority of incels have zero confidence and need to build it up. once you start to feel confidant you will start to realise how you can solve your problems and you'll stop being bitter. I swear people here are fucking retarded

You do know nobody will take you seriously here?
This is the losers den, if you are here you are a loser.

How do you get confidence without confidence?
Like job experience without a job?

hurr durr incel hurr durr

I didnt have a good dad I have a bum jobless no lay getting loser one :((((

guess the apple doesnt fall far from the tree

This guy thinks I could get laid without buying it outright even though I'm short, fat, mixed race, have facial deformities , tiny dick, the social skills of a retarded skunk, and the personality of a tree.

so you're a hapa?

Mixed spic which is almost as bad

I want a gf but I'm busy with my studies and very, very socially inept. At least I'm moderately Jow Forums and have some female friends here and there.

look in the mirror everyday for five to ten minuets saying to yourself that you're a winner or watch the free PUA videos about it, confidence is literally you bevelling and acting you can do something.

It's up to you to make the change, look up self help and PUA videos to identify your problems the work to fix them, not hard

>have facial deformities
will not be as bad as you think and still not the end of the world, you can get things to help with it or use it to get a pity fuck
>tiny dick
It will be bigger that you think, especially if you fat
>the social skills of a retarded skunk
You can work at that and fix it yourself
>personality of a tree.
Same as above

Looking at how low IQ some of you are maybe its best if you don't get a chance to breed.

>just dedicate your life to changing everything about yourself into what girls prefer

I mean, yeah sure, anyone can get laid. The odds are shit though and I doubtany of us would be willing to ask out the entire female population of a small city just to get a date that may or probably not go anywhere

Why the fuck are you even in this board you normie? Why do you even care what incels believe? There's always going to be losers in life so just fuck off and let them rot away. They're not going to be spreading their genes anyway.

>look in the mirror everyday for five to ten minuets saying to yourself that you're a winner

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>once you start to feel confidant
again confident on what? you fucking imbecile?
it will all come crashing down when they ask you wtf you do.

I like how he said it like it wasn't something we haven't heard a million times.

Would have better luck writing "I'm autistic. Please be my friend!" On the forehead with a sharpie than repeat that mantra

May i ask from what animation is this?

You not chance your life for them, you getting the confidence to stop being a fucking loser.

LIE. not hard if you have two braincells to rub together.

>Oh what do you do for a livng
I work in IT
>really? is it good
Bit boring but I'm good at it so I don't mind

Not hard to create a little story before had then ad lib the rest when they ask about it.

You people are beyond help. You want the world to chance for you but not willing a bit for yourselves. Just take HRT and join that cult of self obsessed stuck up their own arse faggot, you're made for each other.

Dedicating my life to changing myself to what girls like is the minimum effort that would give me a non-0 probability of girls being attracted to me.

We peaked autism muh dudes

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Remember that you have have actually never met a set robot. You might think you have but those were just failed normies and whatnot. A real robot doesn't have a chance regardless

We are the ultimate combination of physical and mental patheticness
I don't know why that is so hard for some people to understand

How about dedicating your life to changing yourself to what you like.

It is from the Dragon Prince series. It is notorious for its shitty low fps animation (especially S1). It hurts your eyes. The character on the picture - Claudia - is one of the very few reasons you should watch it. She and her brother Soren are awesome and their interactions are arguably better than the entire plot.

Attached: claudia nose.webm (1280x720, 1.39M)

I simply lack the intelligence and physical capability let alone the willpower to do so

Yeah I'm doing that already, it's not optimised for attracting girls though and won't help with that.
I'd have to take all the time away from those things to get laid.

great advice there lad.
gl with life, and your future bait threads.

It's because they don't witness it for themselves. Even when we're right in front of them such as work or school they just don't see us.

A normie or any class, including hard failures, could find about anyone they went to high school with who they weren't actually even friends with and that person would still remember you somehow.
A robot could make a Facebook and message his entire class and be lucky if someone actually remembered at all.

Thanks for the info
I kinda like the animation style

>be me 24m, got a job, live alone, have a car, not fat, rated 9/10 on /soc/
>install tinder
>get 1 pity match per week
>they don't respond or ghost me
>make another account with the pic.related of a match that ghosted me
>mfw get 10+ matches before swipe limit and a lot of hidden likes
Why even try anymore?

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I'd like to be smart
>but you were born very slow and dumb, here is the paper you are not dumb enough to be a retard just dumb enough to be last everywhere
Okay then I want to be good at sports and strong
>but you were born weak and your back and chest were already fucked in your teens
Then I guess I just want to be somewhat content with the little I have
>fucking trash subhuman virgin, I bet you didn't even try, just look at me I got everything, kys

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She's had the 2nd chin so long that it's almost fully consumed the first chin.

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>Stop being a faggot and just get laid
>It's not fucking hard jesus. Anyone of you could get laid or even find a gf if you actually tried

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Simple truth yet it triggers Jow Forums.

>Simple truth yet it triggers Jow Forums.

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Got the same problem broski, no girl has even mentioned it, not even when giving head.