Drop brutal female redpills

Why do women have absolutely no agency, no curiously or drive of their own? I don't hate them but I don't understand how 99% of them can all be so vapidly stupid, hypocritical and completely intellectually useless

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testosterone increases competitiveness and drive so I think that's part of it. also women are the 'play it safe' sex, very few women have the wild success that top men have, but at the same time very few women fail as badly as the worse men.

even the dumbest men seem on par with most women though

Women don't have a sense of honor or justice.
They almost always tend to be too lienient.
If I tell my story of why this realization came to me it would be blog post and I don't want to bore you.
Just know that a women judge is ineffective in criminal justice.

stop reading wikipedia articles about intellectuals and do some critical thinking for once in your fucking life

this is from my own experience and overwhelming evidence. the vast vast majority of scientific and mathematical advances have all been made by men. great philosophers, inventors, critical thinkers have almost all been men. and women in day to day life are so incredibly stupid.

Evolution didnt make females deviate from the norm. That is more males (example more males are an example of extremely high iq or low iq). Females tend to cluster more on the middle for everything

It's weird. I don't hate them, because when I meet them I don't usually feel any animosity towards them, and there are a few that I think highly of (but only in terms of their kindness, never merit). However, when I think about women as a population I find myself thinking really bitter and mean thoughts.

I can relate to that with an original comment

>vapidly stupid
>completely intellectually useless
>same sentence
Your insult toward women was to call them stupid 3 times in the same sentence. Redundancy is the sign of a low intellect.


Nice cherrypicked ad hominen, faggot. The point still stands, most women have little self awareness and run on instinct and impulse. Primitive creatures, really

>use words you don't understand like "vapid"
>get called out on it
>"uhhh I better call him a girl!"
Sick burn, roastieboi

You wont bore me, user

Ad hominems are not insults lol. The issue was the fact that OP is redundant to the point of being a hypocrite. I don't care about your feelings toward women tranny.

ignore the larping fag lad.
she/he is obviously larping for attention.

Women are SCVs and men are like marines. One sits in base and creates units while the other one protects the scvs and completes objectives.
My point being, try to beat a game without scvs and then call them useless

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Women only evolved to bear children and care for them while relying on men for EVERYTHING, men had to compete to provide and that advanced our civilization, women only recently started to take on the providing role and that is why they are inferior at it when compared to men.

All in all women haven't evolved to compete and push through in the face of adversity like men did.
What annoys me is that they demand equal or even more benefits then men when they are inferior to men from every viewpoint.

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thank you for the autism explanation user

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vapidity and intellectual value are 2 different things, dumbass. and you skipped the first half of my post. so why are you so braindead? you're either a roastie or a cuck, which one is it?

You can blame our troggish ancestors for this...In the wild even female predators have some drive to fight and protect their young (lionesses, Hyenas, wild dogs..the list goes on). With us generations of mollycoddling them caused them to atrophy completely. It never really had to be this way either. Things could have actually been more in harmony had early societies got their shit together better.

>you skipped the first half
Because I didn't give a shit
>vapid and intellectual value aren't the same thing
No, vapid means something is hollow or not stimulating; empty-headed. It's a stronger, less common word than "stupid" but synonymous nonetheless.
>what are you a roastie or a cuck
Lmao is this supposed to be your catchphrase or something? You say it every time people outsmart you

>marines die in masses to protect SCV because if they get to kill all your SCVs it's probably gg no re
Surprisingly decent metaphor

sorry your highschool crush rejected you

maybe it's because we didn't push women to do anything the last 20 years?

is this with quick game on where everyone dies if the buildings die?

so why aren't they just giant tits and ass evolutionary?

what about shit like spiders and lizards and shit where the women are the large predators and the men are only sperm donors?

Redpills require sources; good ones.

they are not synonymous, nice try though retard.

the problem with women roots from early civilizations. regardless of any flaws, men have always been willing to fuck and impregnate them. there's never been real competition or need for evolution when men will just consistently impregnate them.

Let me know when you're tired of being a dumb normie cunt

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So the problem of women roots with men being thirsty retards.

>another cucktears poster
im literally gay

congrats OP you turned a basic bitch into a seething roastie
its funny to watch as this tranny thinks people care about their points thanks for baiting them so hard

>tfw intellectually useless
>tfw too ugly to be physically useful
>fucked up genes so don't want to have kids
Should I just an hero?

no, despite all that you have a womb so be my gf please

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>so why aren't they just giant tits and ass evolutionary?
Evolutionary they have bigger tits and asses then men but not to the point of being detrimental to moving around/surviving.
You watch to much giant tits and ass hentai...

>what about shit like spiders and lizards and shit where the women are the large predators and the men are only sperm donors?
Yes, but it goes both ways, in other species the female is just an incubator. its pure evolutionary chance witch way it goes.

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Rape is a-ok. Also imagine doing an image dump thread on r9k

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Seriously an image dump thread on r9k is impossible because all the images have to be accompanied by useless filler like this.

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holy fuck please link a zip or something.

I think of all the shitty bosse's I've had in my life and of course there are male ones.
But, I think the worst bosses/supervisors have been female.
The ones that drew the most hatred of me were female bosses.