I can't make friends online and being female has never helped me. am i autistic?

like.. i can't make friends offline either but for some reason i believe making friends online should be way way easier because you can craft an entirely new personality, but it isn't. what am i doing wrong? i just want to be surrounded by friends like every other girl or guy my age.

i want to have notifications on discord and nice people to play mmos with. i want a reason to look at my phone when i'm being left out at work. help.

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fuck off of this board roasty

>Tfw no lonely npc gf

not until someone tells me what's wrong with me

you're an attention whore as you've proved with this thread and your response begging for replied, now fuck off saged.

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sadly no, i just genuinely want friends and to figure out what's wrong with me.

should i be reaching out to people more?

as for adding that i'm female, people have said that i just need tits and a vagina to befriend people online.... but it's untrue. i'm just going by what others have told me.

I dont mean this like the other comments, but get off Jow Forums for your own good, or at least take a break from it. Treat life like your favorite mmo by talking to people when you can, accepting quests like helping people with small tasks etc, and build up some social skills. I took this approach a long time ago and now have a gf of 4 years, a car and a job. Come back to Jow Forums when you look at what happens here from above.

>sadly no, i just genuinely want friends and to figure out what's wrong with me.
You have BPD and you're ignoring people who are trying to talk to you because of imaginary evil deeds.

get on your knees and worship big nigger dicks.

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What mmos do u play

If what op posted is true. She is a complete failure. Losing hard on easy mode.

If OP is a larping faggot. 4/10. Got me to respond.
You can do better though.
Pretty sure OP is male.

I'm starting a classic wow guild with my friends, you guys are welcome to play with us if you want.

I'm alrdy in one thx tho

i don't know what makes you assume i have BPD - is it because the majority of girls on Jow Forums are diagnosed with it or claim to have it?

though it's scary that a psychologist did diagnose me with that. i think i'm on the spectrum though. whatever, different names for the same issue.

nobody really talks to me so i'm not ignoring anyone.

thank you for this, actually, i'll keep it in mind!! i have a job.. i just want friends!

U can be my crazy bpd gf, what's ur tag

Do you play on K3? Or are you talking about retail? Regardless, feel free to add if you want, been looking for more wow frens TheVereeBest#3375

Be warned: I am very boring

what makes you want to befriend another guy then?

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>being female has never helped me.

Well today is your lucky day. you stumbled into an army of people you can command into being your friends or whatever you desire

There's nothing wrong with you. Trust me, I was just like you. But there's hope man. You don't online friends. You gotta find friends in real life that also coincidentally play all the same stuff you do.

Females on the internet are boring. There's nothing to talk about with them except the most mundane things, and even then they absolutely suck at conversation.

Plus, men will never be "friends" with you because you're interesting or nice. We're friends with you because you have a pussy.

i don't think i'd be cute enough for you x_x

You use discord?
Yes. You are very autistic.

It doesn't matter how cute you are, just be quiet when I want you to, and suck my cock when I need you to.

Hi will you please be my gf? We can do cool stuff together all the time. I can talk to you all day every day if thats what you want. I would love that

Not him but I'll be ur efriend, Ive also got noone to talk to when I'm on my break.

bullshit youre a girl so you have at least 20 orbiters on discord alone.

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Mutual interests and the lack of wanting to have anything sexual with them. Men are in general great conversationalists, men always carry the conversation, unless they're absolute retards.

In my experience girls don't like when you carry the conversation, they feel left out and can't babble about their own shit at random like they love to do.

If you're actually looking to make friends here, of all places, as a girl, you will fail, men here are just too desperate and thirsty for that. But most females here don't want that either, they just want to bait someone into orbiting them.

qwhatever loveulana#4612

i only have 14 friends on discord and i never talk to any of them daily

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But user I asked you to be my gf and you ignored it

>you can craft an entirely new personality
No you can't, and the fact that you think you can suggests that the problem is you're acting forced and artificial, which is awkward and off-putting.

Then talk to them? How can you complain about no friends when you have 14 people you can talk to at any time who want to talk to you?

>Post tag
>Get ignored
So this is why OP is so lonely

thats just shitposting though

That's what BPD "fembots" do, how new are you?

I'm being completely serious though. I would literally fly to you if we got along. I would talk to you every day.

this is cringe stop it betas

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a girl i know started streaming last week and she already has dozens of followers and even found a guy she's interested in among them who she talks to everyday

women. cannot. be. alone.

i have no real guarantee its not shitposting. this is Jow Forums after all

Then are you willing to take it off Jow Forums?

i never said i wanted a relationship.. i want friends. besides, you need to know somebody before deciding whether to get in a relationship with them or not.

no, because i wouldnt give a shitposter a chance to begin with.

You sound rly young/turbo brainlet. Just tell ppl in ur guild on that mmo you play and add all the incoming orbiters to discord

i wish it was shitposting, and that i could prove it somehow, but then again it's just the internet so i shouldn't worry too much.

this should've gone on the advice board though :/

Okay so your post was the shitpost all along then

Don't pretend to be me user, but your post speaks truth.

dont take it so hard. its better to be safe than end up in a ditch somewhere

so i played ffxiv and i tried that when i WAS in a guild but i failed miserably and now i don't talk to anyone from there. i was awkward and weird, specially on voice call.

tranny spotted
500 replies soon in this thread
SAGE goes in all fields

Wish this thread would be deleted. If people of the opposite gender would be trying this hard to be my friend, it'd be the happiest moment of my life

Do you have kik? We can be friends on that

Nice trips of truth, beta orbiters btfo