I have not eaten in four days because I lost all my money gambling
I have not eaten in four days because I lost all my money gambling
What a shame.
Were the odds good?
i heard of you on another thread, i hope youll be ok
No I am dumb
And no food until Monday The less I win today
Only bet on college football dummy.
Make a slingshot or someshit, bag a birb, pluck and gut it, cook it and boom a bit less hungery
I need more money but I am too dumb to think of anything else
I have some extra food. Where do you live?
Nice try asio cunt
does asio have food?
Do you have something to hide, user? I just wanted to give you food.
I know you cunts are after me
Stop fucking following me
Where do you Iive, user? And what's your name?
Just borrow some money user im sure youll be fine
i see you have even comehere. god save us why must we get tortured. i cant take thid stalking anymore. it is destroying me.
I gamble a few $100 everyday in fantasy sports. It's addicting but you wont lose it all in one bet like some casino games or sportsbetting.
Where do you live? I have something to give you user.
Pls moneyyys s
literally just steal food from stores its not that hard.
Me am hikkikomori
All the robots should pool our resources together and invest in a large scale project. Has anyone ever thought about starting something like this? Or are we too retarded and autistic to adequately join forces?
I do not trust you guys to carry my hat Let alone with my money
lmao are you a fucking TI
reviewbrah? i love your sandwich reviews.
I would feel guilty for not having enoughmommy's money to offer at the moment and refuse to take part in it but yeah it would be a disaster
I know that feel
I need to multiply x5 my money left in ten days
wish me luck =3
Tips plxss
stock options desu
In Odessa, Texas
Ok what ones
that's not how options work
stay away
try stocks
Ok wat oness