Which words do you honestly think would work on you?
Do you think someone would be able to talk you down from the ledge if you were about to suicide?
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To be honest, I wouldn't want to jump off a building to kill myself. I have a fear of heights.
If I wasn't looking for attention, no. I heard it all before, I wouldn't listen to some faggot who would offer no advice at all.
not really because the minute you step back they grab you, detain you for harming yourself or others
"You know, if you're gonna kill yourself you gotta at least explain how you got here."
If that was said to me I would step down from the ledge and start explaining but then I'd be grabbed and dragged away only after noticing I'm a gullible retard.
I'm more interested in what I have to say to myself to actually go through with it. Death is scary, even if it's the only thing you really want.
>Death is scary
dont worry youll be dead once it happens
Why would you have to step down to explain yourself? Can't talk on the ledge?
No because I'd use a gun in the comfort of my room. Why the fuck would I want to be all cold and shit on a ledge somewhere? Someone might try to talk to me. Why do I need to have social anxiety when I'm busy trying to kill myself?
They would need to say MGS2 solid snake ending speech
I'll go visit one 140m high cliff soon. I am scared of heights and I don't know how long it'll take me to find the courage to jump. I hope there will be no tourists if yes I'll just wait until it's evening. I am really scared somebody would pull me out like in this video youtu.be
It will be scary but it's the only thing I can do.
Why are they deserving of your explanation?
Only if she was an attractive women who wanted to be my girlfriend.
its not worth it, user. don't jump
>about to kms
some thottie: uwu hey user ^~^ don't jump ill be ur big tiddie gf xoxo
sure, that'd be cool. but what would go on from there
Yes. Being interrupted on an attempt kills (lol) the motivation and drive to follow through.
I was driving my car down the high way with the intent to smash it into a tree. I was gaining speed, going faster and faster. Then out of fucking nowhere, cops appeared. I was pulled over, given a ticket, and once they left, my desire to do it was gone.
If I get onto the ledge and dont follow through, I wont be able to finish the job.
It's not about THEM, it's about ME. GOSH. I just love hearing myself talk that's all
Sounds like a failed attempt to happen. You'll just get scared and walked away before you even reached the cliff.
I'd threaten to jump unless they brought me a woman who flashes her tits at me. Then I'd jump anyways with a smile knowing she'll be traumatized by my death and her futile attempts at saving me.
I would not threat to jump because I'm no attention whore
First I'll just check out the the cliff and the surroundings, I will have whole day for it. I am pretty anxious person but I think I'll be able to pull it off.
I wouldn't kill myself somewhere public. I'll do it somewhere quiet, isolated and peaceful.
If I had the position of intervening in these situations I'd compel them to do it and just report that I did all I could to try to save them lmao.
"If you jump. You are abandoning the only person you care about."
works on me evrytym
wait what? Did she kill him too? I doubt he would give up such a lavish life as a police officer to kill himself
>Caring about others
Big mistake.
Nothing because I know afterwards I'll be arrested and treated like a criminal and wish I would have jumped.
Haha, no, I'd jump just to make him live with the guilt of failing to talk me off the ledge.
fuck all. and ledges in the middle of the city are just to beg for attention like a faggot
I'd talk myself out of it before anyone else because I'm a piece of shit worthless coward like everyone else here. All suicidal people that actually died have my utmost respect. The living don't.
I've got blisters on muh fingas
The only way to stop me would be to remind me that it might hurt really really bad.
I really don't understand what drives people who are trying to "save" suicidal people. Why? Why do they do that?
Suicidal people usually endure pain for years before trying to kill themselves. How can some stupid shittalk turn that around?
Maybe instead of trying to talk bullshit to someone who is 1 second away from doing the last step, those people could be more kind towards those who eventually get to consider suicide.
I bet those suicide "saviors" are the ones who bully people in the first place.
If I finally got the courage to do it nothing on Earth could fucking stop me.
Dude it's a tabloid from the last century, calm down. I remember going over news papers from the 70s and reading about "vigilante" killing communist at night.
lol imagine living your whole life in isolation knowing full well no one gives a shit about you, only to hear a bunch of normies screaming their lungs out at the sight of your soon-to-be corpse flying out of a window. they're screaming because their retarded primate brains cannot handle coming in full confrontation with death, not because they care about you in the slightest. the policemen are doing their work of protecting others' sensitivities, they also don't give a fuck whether you die or not.
no, i don't think words would work.
It would be like Make a Wish Foundation. I wonder what you could get them to give you. Titties, pussy, masturbate in front of you, look at your erect penis. Maybe they'd even give you a handjob. As soon as they say "We, can't do that", then you could go "Well, here goes then" and start to jump off. See how much they really care.
Look at those racist white dudes acting like they care about a black man. They drove him to suicide to begin with, with their racism. I would kill myself right there just because of the audacity and arrogance of white people to think they can be racist and then turn around and play compassionate.
I would let them think they convinced me and then swan dive into the concrete
It would suck if they got one of those inflatable landing pads set up just beforehand
I would listen to what they have to say. I'd be surprised if it was something new and convincing. I think once a man has made up his mind an thought about everything, there is nothing that can "save" him from suicide.