If you are poor and are looking for a good shoe to deadlift/squat in and really partake in the whole weightlifting...

If you are poor and are looking for a good shoe to deadlift/squat in and really partake in the whole weightlifting thing in, would airwalks be okay? I have been using them, considered buying some chuck taylor low tops but they are about 50 bucks. I have a custom insert I use for a higher arch too because i have really flat feet. Would these shoes be okay?


Attached: airwalk.jpg (575x575, 25K)

Other urls found in this thread:

scholar.google.com/scholar?start=10&q=orthotics weightlifting&hl=en&as_sdt=0,5#d=gs_qabs&u=#p=jAybnMyyy-cJ


lmao just go to walmart and get some $10 shoes

I never bought into the weightlifting shoes meme, but I suppose if I was trying to compete I might buy them. I wear regular running shoes and they're fine. As long as they're supportive and they fit you they'll get the job done.

Ive seen many people just wear vans slip ons or similar to the airwalk one you posted

You think its okay to put a custom insert in?

I lift in vans and occasionally converse and am stronger than every fag in my gym that wears lifting shoes lmao. They’re coping retards

I've been squatting in fifty dollar nike skateboard shoes and they work well

Here's a screenshot from one study I found. scholar.google.com/scholar?start=10&q=orthotics weightlifting&hl=en&as_sdt=0,5#d=gs_qabs&u=#p=jAybnMyyy-cJ

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-22-16-15-45.png (1080x1920, 595K)

You want cheap shoes?

Go to a Nordstrom Rack. Choose from their wide variety of canvas shoes.

If you don't live near a Nordstrom Rack, then maybe a Marshalls or Ross

yea good tip is to pull insoles out, turns any shoe into a 'deadlift shoe'

Just lift in socks or barefoot. I wear flip flops to the gym and take them off when squatting or deadlifting.

I just do my lifts barefoot. I feel more stable than in any of the shitty shoes I've worn, and I don't ruin them as quickly. Also makes me feel more like caveman, lifting heavy shit without shoes.

no you will break your feet

disgusting. i hope you drop a weight on your foot and smash your toes into dozens of tiny pieces. also everyone at your gym hates you and thinks of you as that nasty barefoot dude. fuck you

how do you not have athlete's foot?

thats just like your opinion man. don't get mad because I'm harnessing the earth's energy like we were designed to

Attached: images-12.jpg (554x554, 47K)

This. They make a low-top knockoff of Chucks that works great.

If you're not snatching bodyweight or squatting 2xbw in flats and maybe a belt, on a shitty bar, then you've got no competition potential anyways, so why bother?

Pretty much this, but not as bad as "equipped" powerlifters are.

Keep your fungus to yourselves, assholes.

What's the benefit of something like those vs just lifting barefoot?

Its also the opinion of 90% of the people at your gym. Everyone hates you hippy

Notice neither Kieliszkowski or Bjornsson are wearing shoes furing the axle deadlift at Europe's earlier this year

i lift barefoot ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

footwear is an entrapment designed by the establishment to sever your connection with mother earth

Yes thats one of the strongest men in the world performing on a stage specifically for that event. When he trains he is at high end power lifting gyms, or his own personal gym, these are tailored for top tier athletes such as him. It is acceptable behavior there.

You are a skinny dyel smelly hippy at the 24 Hour Fitness that has to be shared by a bunch of other normies who don't want to smell your disgusting feet or have to worry about athletes foot (and whatever disgusting shit is on your feet) being introduced to the squat rack. Gyms are dirty enough as is, now we have to worry about your filthy hooves introducing new bacteria. I bet your one of those autists doing farmers walks even though your gym doesn't have a specified area for them. I see your retarded ass weaving through the treadmills carrying your dumbbells


because you want a hard sole right?

yes they will literally explode

your irrational fear of nature tells me you've accepted the systems indoctrination man. I don't believe in authority so I'm not going to tell you what to do but I promise should you choose to wake up to it you'll have taken the first step to enlightenment my friend


Like I give a fuck. Keep your fungus to yourself, asshole.