Yo nigger
This is going to be your face very soon
Yo nigger
This is going to be your face very soon
Omfg lmao
Go ahead and lynch me wh*te boi, it won't unfuck your wives kek.
it won't but at least you'll be dead
Now, that's not very nice. Organ donor
For every one of us you slay, two more will simply take their place honkey.
You, are as good as dead.
So we'll have to get rid of you all at once
Did your parents spoon-feed all their opinions to you? You probably don't even know why you're angry. Someone just told you, "these are your opinions," and you replied, "okay."
don't play stupid nigger. Everyone here is aware all of you black people are engaging in genetic and psychological warfare and psyops to genocide white people
We ain't doin no such thang. You crackers straight TRIPPIN nibba.
yt "people" are nepotistic sociopaths. luckily they will be bred out of existence soon. adding white genes to our superior stock is a just a necessary sacrifice to tame their genocidal whitoid madness.
Everyone is aware that when someone writes ... it means white genocide. So explain to me how you want to perish so I can try to make those accommodations.
I see a soon to be dead nigger
Samefag. OP you need to LURK MOAR
I'm white, but I don't like white girls, and not sure why anyone likes them, either. Also, I'm not sure you guys know what genocide means. Our ancestors displayed some of the best examples of genocide. Actual huge swathes of human lives taken in one fell swoop; not edgy teen "woe is me internet maymay conspiracy of the week bullshit lelzies!" Lastly, if you've ever played a tower defense game, you'd realize that you can't sit at the top forever; your fortress is always under threat. That's just the how the game works.
Look at this black man trying to do damage control by claiming I'm making all these posts while also trying to indicate with his capitalized
LURK MOAR that black people are responsible for the popularity of get digits.
>I'm white, but I don't like white girls,
spic confirmed
>took 6 minutes to edit (you)s out
Lol newfag
You should provide a timestamp of yourself to verify that you are white. You won't cause you aren't.
You're the newfag. And you are also a soon to be dead fag.
I don't even know what that means. I guess I haven't lurked enough.
Not before President Obama puts you in FEMA camps in 2016 just before elections
black people are all locked in a hivemind together to genocide white people and they are all trying to damage control each other to cover up any conspiracy and collusion as they communicate to each other through encryption. There mere fact that that this black man is actively trying to run propaganda and gatekeep while trying to seize of Jow Forums culture for the black community is nothing less then evil. He even went and claimed that I was a newfag that edited out all the yous to cover up this attempt at fanning our genocide.
I see a shitskin trying to do damage control
You don't have much time left to live
Seek help. Might I also suggest having your parents block YouTube? Those nutjob conspiracy """theorists""" are bad for the weak-willed.
I'm not weak-willed although I know for an absolute fact that you are. You niggers can't cover anything up anymore since everyone on Jow Forums is aware of you trying to run encryption to fan our genocide. What does triangle mean again? I remember, a nigger hanging from a tree by his neck.
Oh, I get it now. You're actually a nigger, aren't you? I'm not going to tell you what you did to out yourself. I'll just leave you to try to figure it out on your own. ;^)
I know what you did to yourself nigger. RIP