What's actually holding down a job like and having to work 9 to 5? Are comfy NEETs like me actually the lucky ones?

What's actually holding down a job like and having to work 9 to 5? Are comfy NEETs like me actually the lucky ones?

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To be honest, people don't get into the office until 10:30-11:00 or so. ?Then we have lunch and a few drinks from 12:00 - 1:30 or so; at 4:00 we head to the bar.

We get a lot done, but also a lot of drinking (whiskey in meetings, etc) as well.

>people don't get into the office until 10:30-11:00 or so.
wtf lol

>at 4:00 we head to the bar.
is that part mandatory or can i go home cause i dont wanna spend time with other people

Its comfy the first years and maximus by the 2 year but then comes the nightmare and im talking if you live with a not rich family your family start to judge you and the world start to kill you well this is what happen to me

Fucking terrible, enjoy the neet lifestyle as long as possible.
Is full of shit. Modern workplaces in western countries have an aversion to alcohol during worktime due to health and safety requirements going overboard.

We're all pretty heavy drinkers. Alcohol is pretty much required, and we are all pretty drunk all day.

Small companies can have interesting rules.

Lel, when I worked in the gaming industry, the boss came over once and dropped a case of beer at our desks.

>Fucking terrible, enjoy the neet lifestyle as long as possible.
I will, my friend.

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Until you grow old, realize you have no pension and savings, and end up on the street, forever torn from the tendies.

Having only worked as a temp at large companies that didn't care about me...

It would only take about 2 months before I started wanting to kill myself

it just never lets up. it gets to the point that I can't think past the next break. I can't think about the next day of work, or next monday or next year, it's just too much.

I have to hyperfocus on the coffee and the music, work through the pain, and enjoy my time at home and pretend tomorrow isn't ever coming.

it's fire to neethood's ice. it is a burning hell that never ends.

Find a fun job, like some labor work on the airport, where you get to move and chill with the airplanes, don't get stuck on a desk job, it's hell on earth.

I work different hours all the time and I like it

Lol I'm an old man now I'm not gonna get up at 5:30am to blow my knees out and stand around outside in rhe weather like some nigger

I was a neet for years and now work 60 hours a week

I prefer my current situation, although mainly because I don't have any use for my free time. Sometimes the ability to come home and fall asleep is more valuable than the wage itself.

What kinda fucking hours are these? Real jobs that are worth a damn are 7 to 3.

>What's actually holding down a job like

I've made it work by just sacrificing most of my hours and going part time instead, 3 days of work instead of 5, it's a lot better, but in the end if you're anything like me (I'm also a former NEET btw) then you won't be happy regardless of where you're employed because working sucks.

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Workibg must be absolute shit lmao.

how do I get a 7 to 3 job that would be ideal

Oh yeah it's dogshit no matter how you cut it

Not if you are drunk all the time, and find a small company owned by another drunk, who only employs drunks.

You can get lots of work done while passing the days in an alcoholic haze.

Pretty fuckin chill my guy.
>tradesman life
Wake up at 6 (that sucks shit), get to work at 7am, put my headphones in and listen to whatever the fuck I'm feelin at the time, talk to no body, unless theres a person I'm working with, but they're usually pretty cool. Clock off at 3:30 or earlier if I finish the job. Then I've got the whole afternoon to do whatever I'm feeling.

While I agree, what the fuck kind of work is this. If you say construction I'm going to cut my own dick off

The problem of perpetual /NEET/-ism is not the NEETlife in itself (okay, maybe the bux), but rather the slow physical and mental lowering of your abilities. Every damn job, be it only re-integrative, will be too much eventually. My best friend suffered from crippling depression and had to go to the psychiatric hospital during the day for a year. He is back in the "normal" life since 7 months but he can't even work 2 hours a day anymore without being stressed out as fuck.

The eternal comfyness and /NEET/blogging will eventually lead you to a feeling of inability for almost any task that requires the slightest ammount of escaping your comfort zone. And that one, my boi, will have narrowed down to a pathetic minimum.

I'm not advocating the wagecuckery - I try to go for something like /part-time/ myself - I can't imagine that working more than 28 or less than 20 hours a week is going to work out for me in the long run.

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It's shit but a lot of it depends where you work and who you work with really, so how much you can tolerate varies, I just stock shelves at the local store after closing time which is enough for someone like me. My life is pretty comfy, I just pay my for my cheap shit flat, internet and food and then put what I have left in my rainy day savings.

I work 10 hours a day and personally love it. I was a NEET for 4 years after highschool and decided to get a job just to have more spending money for myself. It really helped me develop social skills and eventually my coworkers turned into actual friends outside of work. I have a flourishing social circle and even had a gf for a while (not as great as people here make it out to be). Also I've gotten good raises and make over 20 an hour now, on track to make 50 an hour in 5 years.

It gives you a sense of accomplishment that you don't get as a NEET unless you do something productive with your spare time like learn to code or run your own business. Having the stability in my life has really done wonders for me.

>sense of accomplishment
Slaving away for a Shlomo. Yikes
I understand if you are self employed or having a lucrative career,but other then that it's some deluded ultra normie braindead shit

The only good thing is money

Not an office job but I work 4/10s (was 5/8s) for Amazon and it's pretty nice. The hours themselves are great since you're trading 2 hours of sleep for a whole 3rd day off.
The shitty thing is unless you're making $30/hr at least (I make $15) and saving wisely you'll while yourself into an old, poor rut. I'm 20 and work with and make the same as 60 year olds. This means to not waste your time you should also be looking for something that either pays better or you'd actually enjoy doing that also earns money, so you'd need to be doing college, trade school, whatever it is, while also working.

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>so you'd need to be doing college, trade school, whatever it is, while also working.
Tfw live in europe
Tfw free education uni and everything
Tfw flunked out of school and bricked my student loan capabilities so that I can't take anything to get through a school anymore
Tfw have to get a shit tier job and work full time and go back to school or die in a shithole place like that


literally don't squander your early easymode years

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>9 to 5
Real jobs can have various hours. If by 9-5 you mean the socially accepted definition of 9-5 (which you probably don't, since you are asking) you are talking about a professional job which you probably have some advanced training or education for. In the world of professional, working adults, everyone literally gets up in time to be at their work by 9:00 AM their time zone and clocks out at 5:00 PM (except overtime). So either
1) You love what you do, it provides you with the level of challenge you want, you feel secure in your work, and you get paid enough to survive and be content with life or
2) You absolutely hate it because one or two things in 1) aren't the case.
This could include:
>coder/software dev/computer shit
>wall street guy (yes I know markets are open for less than 9 to 5)
>uni professor
There are many other people who work at the hours of 9-5 but perhaps have other hours, such as
>pro contractors
>city workers
>security guards
These are people who, by nature of profession, may have to work more on any particular day, or perhaps have different hours than the rest.
Notice I didn't include anybody with a shit job in either list. These include
>any job a high schooler could get like>fast food>grocerybagger>after school babysitter
>any job an illegal (US) could get
>any job that involves hard, dangerous, back breaking, manual labor for extended periods of time, such as miners, working oil rigs, infantry. It's a wonder that actual people make actual professions out of these
If you meant a college kid job such as
>warehouse temp
These jobs can suck, depending on pay and enjoyment
>comfy NEET
how comfy are you

>how comfy are you
Comfy to the point I can just stay at home watching whatever I want, reading whatever I want, and all around comfyness. I'm planning on redecorating my entire room and buying bookshelves for my books and shit and filling the walls with paintings.

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will this lastforever?

I'm 11pm-7am, but NEETs have it best.

>9 to 5
Try 12 to 6

I really like my work for the most part. Im granted a lot of freedom with my schedule so I do 630am to 3pm. I get along well with my boss and the rest of my team. There's a lot of variety in my work which prevents it from getting boring.
I was living the NEET life for about a year and a half after school, and I would probably lose it if I went back to that. I start going stir crazy if i have a few days off with nothing to do.

Neet for 10 years here just recently wanted to start working on learning some skills that may or may not make money later. Not too worried about my future because welfare is guaranteed here unless economy tanks and in that case wagies are not much better off anyways.