>smokes weed/cigarettes
>drinks regularly
>uses words like "bro" or "dude" in daily speak
>too fat
>too skinny
>watches anime/plays games past early 20s
>can't hold a conversation
>doesn't have any interests besides watching TV/anime, playing games and listening to music
>can't speak at least two languages
>has "friends with benefits"
>has BPD/any other mental issue

Attached: 1555101594371.jpg (850x1200, 134K)

you forgot one OP

>is interested in you

>acts dumb
>tries to look sad or pathetic for attention or favors
>has morals when someone that matters is looking
>no long term thinking
>has "goals" but makes zero effort towards them

>posts on r9k
>wouldnt date a robot

I trigger all of them, how do I fix myself?

How can you be too fat and too skinny at the same time?

You can't, you're already gone

skinnyfat, obvs

I think skinny is a good thing so long as it isn't some kinda eating disorder. Too chubby is a lot more common and it also signals low intelligence.

>she's dating someone else
I don't care. She can do whatever the fuck as long as she's loyal to me. If she does anything with a boyfriend that's not me, she's a whore bitch. This si why women are all disgusting.

>>smokes weed/cigarettes
>>drinks regularly
>>uses words like "bro" or "dude" in daily speak
ok leave me alone I like the dude word
>>too fat
nop average bmi
>>too skinny
nop average bmi
>>watches anime/plays games past early 20s
>>can't hold a conversation
I can sometimes actually
>>doesn't have any interests besides watching TV/anime, playing games and listening to music
those interests are fine leave me alone
>>can't speak at least two languages
no I'm retard
>>has "friends with benefits"
no never
>>has BPD/any other mental issue

none of these are real red flags. The only red flag is being a whore and fucking around. And I mean this objectively. Guys feel for women who are doing everything they can to keep themselves chaste because we know and I mean WE KNOW how healing and HIGH and good SEX can make a person feel. But it's very detrimental in the long term.Sexual attraction is supposed to be coupled with a type of moral love. Everyone is coping with modernity. What kind of retard makes writes such a post?

Attached: 1551018879591.jpg (1396x728, 95K)

6/12, just barely passable
Sorry some of us still have standards and don't throw ourselves at the first girl that shows up

at least 50 percent is a pass
I'm a virgin so that should count for something???

Virginity is always a bonus but it honestly wouldn't bother me if a girl has experience (just isn't a total slut). Got a contact or something?

>too fat
>can't hold a conversation
>has BPD

Those are redflags, the rest is garbage

too skinny isn't good either

It is for my tastes

>red flags for males
>having a dick

your tastes shouldn't outweigh her health user
thinking like that will make it extra hard to find gf
I hate social media so I don't use any

If you happen to have a discord add me on Mia#6008, just for some casual talk if anything.

>More than one abortion
>20+ sex partners
>No plan on working or even cleaning
>Obsessed with trannys, love or hate

Some real red flags
>She lies about things
>Her past is murky
>She tries to remain friends with her ex boyfriends (big red flag)

Are e-cigarettes smoking
Also how regularly is "drinks regularly"

Fucking penishavers

>Isn't alive

>Wouldn't date a socially awkward man

Some would say my standards are too high, and that I should resort to necrophilia. Methinks if I tried defiling a corpse its ghost would come back and haunt me simply cause of how ugly I am...

>>doesn't have any interests besides watching TV/anime, playing games and listening to music
you do realize this describes literally all of Jow Forums

most professors I know are fat as shit

2-3 times a week, tbqh i don't really have a problem with drinking as long as it's in moderation and without drunkenness, i just really dislike drunk girls
Those aren't real interests

2-3 times is already pretty heavy imo.
And damn then I guess I do smoke. Not much though.

>tfw can't hold a conversation
delete this

Seeing the drink is hot enough for her to need the handle, she seems to be asking for me to burn my hand with a smile on her face. What a bitch.

I am not slimming her down just for my tastes, this isn't free cities.
But fatties are shit-tier, and sticc is awesome.

the fuck are you some sort of christian choirboy or some shit?

>Those aren't real interests
You are not a real person

look at this bitch boy who can't tame a wild women