If your entire gym routine revolved around one goal

If your entire gym routine revolved around one goal
>getting your forearms as big as humanly possible
How would you do it? Hint: you will need pic related

Attached: B37FDC32-2104-4C72-A8D0-6C4ED52652AE.jpg (397x408, 27K)

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farmer walks, wrists curls, hammer curls

I don't know if it's actually relevant, but hook gripped deadlifts always give me sick forearm pumps

this and pull ups.

if you want to increase your grip strength I have a workout I do for martial arts. take a bucket of sand. while over it smash your hand into the sand, like a palm strike. grab and squeeze as much and as hard as you can. repeat as necessary.

weighted deadhangs. deadlifts are great too but you can tax your wrists a lot more without taxing your cns

>this and don’t forget to do regular and reverse wrist curls
Swap hook grip for double overhand. Hook grip is for weak handed plebeians with sausage fingers. The best forearm pump I get is wide grip underhand lat pulldown similar to this dyel in pic related, running the rack in drop set fashion from your 8rm on wrist curls is also amazing.

Attached: 1FD07CCD-81BD-45AB-8C2E-BD3C8D76D06A.jpg (800x600, 61K)

>Swap hook grip for double overhand
but user, i've swapped to hook grip because i couldn't keep my thumbs around the bar

Hammer curl dropsets, from heavy to light. Heavy weight will work the brachioradialis. As your grip gives out and the brachioradialis weakens, the rest of the forearm is forced to work harder, giving you an all over work. It's sick.

Attached: cigarpepe.jpg (249x249, 12K)

weighted hangboard pullups and wristcurls

Bouldering, and a crimp board. Watch a video on how to use a crimp board properly so you don't fuck up your joints.

Any good vids/articles/tips on properly gripping the bar during famers walkers or deadlifts so you're not tearing your hands up?

Reverse curls

what about this exercise?
But done using dumbbells instead of vases

forgot pic

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 58K)

been trying it myself recently
hard as fuck to maintain grip but seems to be hitting the forearms pretty good

Bros I was jump roping and had an idea. What if you tied one of those gripper things to your jump rope so you could build forearms as you rope?

It also seems like it would train the thumb, which seems a bit lost in all other grip trainings

Fat grip pull ups and grippers yes

this guy also does this
3:50 minutes in

hook grip is for weak handed plebeians with sausage fingers, work on grip strength brah

Tried these today with an EZ bar, they seem to hit the parts other grip based lift miss.

Top of the forearm especially.


that monster literally goes to 1000lbs of resistance. i remember posting about this. surprised no one else thought it was funny

The best forearm tip (besides farmers carries) is this

At the end of every set, weather you did 5 or 8 or 10 reps, bust out 2-3 extra reps VERY SLOWLY.

Pause at the start. Slowly go down. Pause at the base. Slowly go up. Then pause again.

If you're forearms arent burning while you do this, you're doing it wrong

I used to do this for judo but with rice instead

Wrist curls, farmers walks, hammer curls, extensors training, gripper training, pitch block work and nail bending training