Red pill me on fish

Red pill me on fish

Which is the most based fish?

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Should have probably said "What" fish is best. English isn't my native language assholes.

You corrected yourself, then called everyone an asshole, why?

Because nobody replied. I noticed when there are ANY mistakes in a thread nobody fucking replies because they assume it must be a retard or a minority. Some of us are decent, educated people, we just don't get to practice our English in our day-to-day life and your behavior is unironically intolerant.

Cringe thread

tin of tuna a day nigger

That's the worst case of victim mentality I've seen in a long while. I genuinely feel bad for you. Make sure to not become a mass shooter please.

Based thread

No, it needed to be said. I'm sure I'm not the only one this happened to. You fags demand perfect fucking English and then when you tell the ones who passed you test that you don't believe they're not Americans. Experienced it all the time. Fuck that shit.



fuck you op and everything you stand for you worthless maggot faggot leech

The only Attenborough approved choice: The Salmon.

I really wished this post had an error that I could point out for humour.

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I've made countless of threads with grammatical errors and that's not how i experienced it at all. Are you sure the topics you post about aren't just boring?

For a non native English speaker, I'd say stick to the Water buffalos and curry

Stay mad, third world autist

Was it that hard to just tell me the best fish for gains? It's really not that bad of a thread. There are many FAR worse.

Haha, you are the one that derailed the thread yourself, brah. All you needed to do is not start some autistic victim complex cry rant. You failed. And people thought it was funny and reacted to that.

Btw the answer is probably: salmon, herring & sardines in my opinion (assuming you care about the omega 3 and micro nutrients as well). Theres a whole bunch of lesser known fish as well but most of them are seasonal and require a local fish market.

Ok retard

>OP screams at himself in the void
>anons call him retarded for screaming at himself
Eat a pufferfish.

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Your thread is bad and you should feel bad.
Also, best fish for what, to eat every day? To complete a generic Western diet? A non Western diet? Which one? To bulk, to cut, cheap, exclusive, to be eaten raw, or to follow which cuisine?
With no specifics, one can only give you generic platitudes, not worth the discussion.

If you want the platitudes, low in the food chain is good, fat is also good because omega 3s. Sardines are a meme for a reason, but shrimp, squid, and small catch in general is good.
Double check heavy metals levels tho, just to be safe.


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you're indian aren't you

LatAm is my guess.

Then he should have asked what fish goes best with curry.
Jokes aside, serious question, fishes and curry, how does it even work?

try coconut milk and curry as a sauce for the fish maybe, I bet thai cuisine is exactly what you're looking for

Woah, I guess you should pair your fish with a good glass of whine

Are those based white perch? I was getting those for $2.49/lb whole and deep-frying em. Truly a delicious fish to be cherished. Croaker and Porgy are great for similar purposes, but their meats are a little pinker and less flaky

>makes a boring thread of which there have been countless of
>asks for info which is easily in the sticky
>waaah it's everyone else's fault

boring is in the eye of the beholder

Nothing is less boring than fish, based swimmers of gains and flavors

(Sardines of course)

This. I don't like many animals but damn I love fish. They are so aesthetic and cute.



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