Any cute japanese guys around that want to date a shy and awkward weeb femanon? Japanese guys are so cute.
Any cute japanese guys around that want to date a shy and awkward weeb femanon? Japanese guys are so cute
my parents are both japs but I don't date traps
Im not a trap and I can probably prove you in private. Are you cute though
well I've been called cute by a couple of e-grils and irl once, what ethnicity are you yourself though
>Well I've been called cute
Plz contact now
I'm not white is that ok, but I kind of look like one, pale skin and all. Hair is dark Brown and eyes too.
>t. nip
Unless you look exactly like this, you can fuck right off thank you.
hi how old are you...what kind of girls do you like...height/body shape etc?
I am 1/16 Japanese. Is that enough?
Fuck off trap fucker
Back off thot, I got him first
No that not enough
l'm really cute though.
me asking him what type he likes helps all of us helloooo
How similar are you to Tomoko?
just made discord the#3737
im 19. not really any preferences just shorter than me and not too fat
nevermind I'm 26
I swear everyone here is under 25 these days
jap are dog
fuck off korean
Japanese men are notorious cheaters and most white women in Japan end up being either lonely cat ladies or stuck in marriages with husbands who'd rather bang korean hookers than even tough them
Just avoid moving to Japan if you're a woman
okay that first one is a wash...what kind of girls do you like? how old are you?
I was just about to ask him, now get out of my thread thot
A bit too young, I'm 20+
Very similar
Are you Japanese?
I'm staying forever now and peeing on everything to establish dominance with my superior estrogen levels
What the fuck has happened in your life that made you like this?
>tfw no older gf
This reply made me chuckle thanks
Cool, Imma very similar too.
Also Im not japanese - this nation is not same as shown in anime. If you will reject people of certain nation I will sue ya 4 racist discrimination
Im not interested in girls.
I want a cute Japanese boy
My height is considered tall in Japan, so that makes me almost the same height as the Japanese males, I find them really cute and I want to date one
I am a bit femimine, but still boi.
Also if your from america - your have to carry me to sweet USA first, cuz Imma on the other side of the Earth.
>You'll have to carry me
I like cute guys but not to the point of them acting like a pussy soft boy, sorry user
im literally same with op secondin rn ouo
Ok, sweetie, you also can visit my distant unpromising and hostile land. Fucking welcome! Sure you will enjoy salary and job diffrence.
What the fuck did I just read, at least learn English before posting
Its text optimisation you bitch. Fuck you.