Should I fuck it up?

I'm on a 100-200 calories surplus for lean bulking, the thing is I'm still pretty dyel or I'm just gaining slow results (obviously)...
College in 6 weeks and I want to look big enough should i just up my calories to 500-400?
Is it worth it?
Btw lighting is a bit off here I apologize.

Attached: 1566503514954.jpg (1385x1527, 345K)

I mainly want bigger arms, my back look bellow decent and shoulders/chest kinda too (under clothes)

Attached: 20190822_225649-1.jpg (680x761, 302K)

Pls respon

just be yourself

I'm PEEING myself user...

100-200 calories...


do 2000 kal surplus it's the only way out of dyel user

Attached: 1543605177445.jpg (250x250, 7K)

Stop caring so much about looks

Men should look MEAN and TOUGH, not pretty
Eat more food. 2000+ cals or just stop counting, you'll end up with anorexia nervosa

>lean bulk
Not a thing. Eat 500 surplus a day, gain a pound a week, cut when you hit 20% bf.

I don't want to be a bloat God user... I can't handle such power.
I don't want to be pretty I'm not even average face but I want to look big without being fat... do you mean 2000+ cals surplus? If not my maintenance is 2820 and usually eat 3000-3100
Really? People seem to do it alot cuz they gain way less fat than a high surplus!?

You look more than enough lean for normalfags standard. If your objective is to "look bigger for others" and considering the very short time frame, yes, I'd say eat much (way more than 500, as you said you're a hard gainer, you can scale back later) more. You'll get more fat of course, but luckily, would distribute over your already lean mass, looking bigger in clothes and possibly you'll get some muscle mass too.
If you never bulked up fast, then it'll be up to your genetics to determine where your new fat will go.

Yes fuck it up. You have nothing to lose. 100 to 200 surplus is fucking horrible. 300 is the minimum. Eat 3-500 surplus. I say 500 since you want to be big in 6 weeks. That's the fastest way for your progress to start showing. Lift hard eat heavy. Cut when you're 20%

well it depends ofcourse of whats your goal


"Lean bulking" requires good genetics and a metric shitload of time/patience, and you still likely won't see muscle gains at the same pace as you'd see them with a proper bulk. The risk you run of trying to lean bulk is literally just wasting time gaining small strength gains and basically no weight. It can be pretty demoralizing.

If you want to get this done quickly, it's faster to just bulk properly then cut (eat at a deficit while maintaining your weight/reps as much as possible). You won't see the results you want in 6 weeks no matter what you do though.

I never bulked more than 200 maybe 250 so is it really that fat gonna distribute to my lean body? I will be happy with a built fat anyday!
I guess it's the only way, maybe I was too wrong with my 100-200 surplus
Aesthetics really, just wanna be fit and big..
It's okay I just want seeing some results in this period..
You are right I think lean bulking isn't for me

Question for you all ,if I do a surplus that is high (400-500+) I will gain fat obv, but the question is when I cut will I look like my body before bulking? Assuming I don't know how much fat and muscles I gained


Your maintenance is not 2800 unless you have a super labor intensive job, you're a fucking twig


I don't know what's wrong with them? Is it the angle?
Umm I workout 6 days a week and calculated my maintenance on more than one site, it's 2800

3500 calories

Isn't this too much user?

Your collarbone should not stick out like that where it meets the sternum and I can't figure out why you have the sternum of a fucking bird. Like it's just so far fucking forward and your clavicles just sit so low toward the shoulders. Do you have a complete ribcage? Fuck this is spooky.

Ehh user you scaring me desu, i think the part near the sternum of my right collar bone is thicker and more forward than the left one.
Is this dangerous will I die?
And how should i count my ribcage dude it's hard

Your neck needs drastic improvement ASAP. It's making you look terrible. You need ot increase neck thickness, literally a pencil atm brother.

Yep I posted before my 1 year progress and some user told me to do so, started training it recently so yeah thank you

Bump for this question

Usually people surplus at 300 max, any more and you're putting on too much fat i would think. Even 200 is fine depending on your height.

I'm 5'8 and been bulking between 100-200 and getting slow results, maybe I should up it to like 400-500? What do you think

youre so skinny that you can bulk with 1000 surplus dammit


You don't look like you'll be obese, so, don't be afraid to carry a bit more fat, most likely you'll get rid of it without much problem.
None of this changes will happen from one day to the next one. Evaluate the results and adjust accordingly.
If you keep lifting while bulking then cut (correctly) while still lifting you should look better because you'll have more muscle mass.

Come one I'm not THAT skinny
I guess 500 is the way to go, ill bulk with this and when I cut I hope I won't look like a dyel that only gained fat

Skeleton army reporting in OP, we've got your back

Ayy I thought the thread died! thanks sir, call me when you are in need.