if being a chad is genetic and only chads get women, then the only genes in the gene pool would be from chads, therefore making all men chads. checkmate.
If being a chad is genetic and only chads get women, then the only genes in the gene pool would be from chads...
never heard of mutations and genetic variation huh ?
>80% of males are genetic defects
The societal degradation of enforced monogamy has actualised female hypergamy on the sexual market. It is precisely traditional enforcement of monogamy through culture that maintained the beta male alive until the modern collapse of sexual culture. The radical change is what created the influx of virgins. Evolution is taking the next step when it comes to humans and unfortunately we are nit making the cut to qualify for the future of the human race.
So long my friends. Don't try to fool yourselves, it's over.
People used to get their wives chosen based on their family's status. Letting the poors have equal rights has resulted in women fucking Chad instead.
>then the only genes in the gene pool would be from chads
Even the female Quasimodos gets to breed though, and noone cares if their half of genes are shit.
"chad" is pretty much just the top 20% of males, rather than a set of definitive "chad" criteria
Monogamy is, at best, 10k years old. Before that, there was at least 200k years of the old stone age in which we were promiscuous. Do you seriously think "beta males" incapable of breeding somehow survived 200k years of sexual selection?
Hint: the way to solve this riddle is to realize the 80/20 rule is retarded.
Top 20% of males measured by what?
>le everything was better in the old days meme
People were way more degenerate in the past you fucking idiot.
Whatever is in the available pool.
Get stuck with a porn star on an island, she will spread legs for you before long.
But now dating pool is pretty much the whole of the internet, or so it seems for them at least.
You'll not get through to them.
Citation needed
If I'm nit wrong humans have been in our current form for about 100k years and we don't know the behavioural mating patterns of earlier humans. We do however know that monogamy is pretty old. I'm willing to accept that enforced monogamy brought about the beta male and the progress of evolution over the last 10k years has just been hindered by it.
I'm not saying that things were better in the past, not objectively anyways. I'm just saying that the existance of betas will come to an inevitable end. Accepti g that fact is better than self-deception. That's why betas need to go their own way, because women won't offer them a sense of purpose anymore.
do affairs not happen during all this time or what
the children get genes from both mom and dad so even if dad is chad it doesnt mean the child will be you retard
like seriously all my relationships have been from snatching hot girls from chads and like more than half of them have been virgins
That's why you only fuck other Chads
if I kill a chad and take his wife does that mean betas win?
If the dating pool is the whole of internet then that means everyone has endless options no?
How do you objectively measure if someone is in the top 20% or not?
Just because you have chad genes doesnt make you a chad. There are multiple factors at play among which are parenting, social circle and diet. Chadology is a little more complicated retards.
Most people can be chads if they work for it.
Being a Chad who was good at talking to women wouldn't have kept betas from sticking a spear in you and carrying your women off. The fact is that until the very recent past women had no choice in who their partners were; instead whichever males could maintain control of them had the ability to mate.
keep telling yourself that uggo
That's his point you retard. Learn how to read.
Chad is relative. In a population of Chad's one will always be chadlier.
yeah sure.
so then chads don't exist and most men are trash?
Women still have zero problems reproducing no matter how shitty their genes are. That's where most of the garbage genes in the gene pool comes from.
Human females still get to reproduce even if they have worthless, weak traits. They just have to exist to reproduce while males have to compete with eachother so only the best males get to breed. It's depressing that all that is nullified to some extent by the fact that women face no natural selection. Humanity would be a force to be reckoned with if females faced similar evolutionary pressure. As it stands now, half of us are useless by virtue of their chromosomes, and the other half is tainted by nasty genes "gifted" to them by the other 50%.
When you struggle with some mentally tasking activity, get angry over your height and small frame, feel insecure over your recessed chin, or otherwise feel inferior in another way, remember that the mothers of the species tainted you with those flaws. Not because it's their fault, obviously, but because mother nature doesn't give a shit about anything other than survival. It's all fucked.
It's fucked. My father has chad genes. Yet I ended up absolutely hideous.
6'2, blue eyes, blonde hair, broad shoulders good frame, perfect hairline until 40
5'7, brown eyes, brown curly hair turbo balding at 20, gay alien skull, narrow sjoulders, gyno
What the fuck happaned?
Is your mom a total goblin?
No, she is a very beautiful woman. She also looks incredible for her age. Idk what the fuck went wrong. My parents are good looking people but family history is plagued from bad health. I also have low test. I guess I was just unlucky. My sister on the other hand is intelligent and beautiful.
What even are mutations or deviation...
Is the mailman a goblin?