Mum made me grow up trans ama

Mum made me grow up trans ama

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Praying for the trans child

does your brain even register you're insane you fucking psycho

well assuming you were put on hormone poison since birth at least you look 'better' than most abominations. Still, you should've put an end to your life already.

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Moms in the 1990s and early 2000s didn't do that.

why aren't you locked up in a cage or something, obviously posting the same shit over and over again on r9k isn't going to fix you

What should I ask someone whos mom forced them to be trans?
>Bonus: Why are you LARPing as trans?

how much did she molest you

ama or make your own threas why troll mine?

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Were you raised by a single mom, trans? What did your father say about all of this?

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spare us the trouble of reading the same miserable shit over and over again and ask the people around you if they still care about you to send you to a psychiatric ward, or some place to make sure your internet access is restricted, r9k isn't going to fix your mental illness

last one mentioned here. genuine question user

father didn't say he knows until i find out theyr raised me trans

I asked 2 questions faggot respond.
Fucking women

>waiting a;l day to troll my threas

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are you cute and do you want a bf

when will you kil yourself?

post bussy? originaly

Why did your mom want to raise you as a girl? Did she use to sexually abuse you?

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Have you tried getting a trans poppy?

Explains why you're a white nationalist

Thanks Mom you're the best i love all you did for me

OP do you consider yourself a boy or a girl

would killing your mother bring a conclusion to your mental anguish
(yes you very clearly have mental anguish by the amount of threads you post)

Praying for transchild
Not trolling the thread, I promise

>Doesn't answer a single question in this thread

Have you tried killing your tranny self yet?