>gf is completely addicted and attached to me and can't function alone anymore
>has 0 friends
How do I fix this. I want her to have her own friends and for her to go out alone sometimes and not just be glued 24/7 to my side.
Gf is completely addicted and attached to me and can't function alone anymore
fuck that sounds good, where to find girls like this OP?
Break up with her she's retarded
I'll be her friend post discord
just abandon her lmao
theres no solidarity anymore we have people complaining that they have a gf and that the gf wont leave their side, wtf is going on
>has the perfect gf
>wants her to find friends
I will never understand normie logic
Having someone fucking smother you isn't normal retard
>having a human pet is amazing
>being a retard is amazing
I'm one of those gf desu
don't abandon them
just like help them learn
my partner has helped me
a lot and I'm a bit more
normal now than before
>being human is retarded
board is normal central
>robot is depressed and alone
>finally deals with his mental illness
>gets friends
>improves himself enough to be able to get a gf
>finally gets a mentally ill, clingy gf like he dreamed of/couldn't do any better
>quickly realises that the normies were right all along and it's not worth being with mentally ill, clingy women
>other robots don't understand because they have no experience with how insufferable these women are
You're all morons, think about things for a minute.
I would do anything for a girl like that.
it does sound nice
I had a gf like that and she left me after she turned into a normie. I want her back so much or someone like her. You don't know the value of what you have user
I don't even have a gf, I'm just not stupid enough to try out a relationship like that.
OP has seen both sides of the coin
>speaks like he has experience
>gets btfo'd
>Lol I'm way too smart to get a gf
Ok retard
You don't need experience to know that you don't want to date mentally ill people. It makes it even harder if you're mentally ill yourself.
I don't really want a gf anyway, I'd prefer a bf.
Except I have experience dating a mentally ill person and I would happily date another. To each their own user but don't have such a closed mind
Its funny how when someone complains about this people are like
>dude wtf that's my perfect gf, you're an idiot
The irony is, when you have this mindset you're so desperate and clingy you'll drive girls like that away
irony seems like a trolling faggot
I understand the pain bruh. Its fucking annoying.
Go to the pub, fucking attached to your arm, go hang with bros, "can I come", go visit family, she just fucking there, your family is like "wtf is her problem?".
These permavirgins have rose tinted glasses. And if they ever do get a gf they are going to act exactly the same way, but its worse l, cus when a dude does it, that makes it 100x more pathetic to watch.
Someone has to have the power in the relationship, its either going to be you or the w*man
Maybe you're right, user. I'd wager that you won't be happy in the long run, especially if someone gets better.
I'd be happy as long as things stayed the same. As you said though when she changed everything went south and she dumped me like the piece of human garbage I am.
Once she starts making friends she will leave your ass for a chad. Don't do it op
>How do I fix this.
By noticing you have a perfect gf.
My first relationship was like that. She needed communication 24/7. The moment I got home I had to be in a video chat with her until I went to bed. If I wasn't near my computer we'd have to be in near constant text communication. It got too much for me so I freaked out and dumped her. The only way to actually fix it is to talk with her and make it clear that you want something different, rather than just continuing to enable her. But I was too much of a pussy for that.
>first gf was like that, plus an absolute shut-in with panic attacks on meeting
>young and naive as I was I set out to "help and fix her"
>slowly make her comfy with being outside, always at her side
>meet some females with her, have talk her into hanging with them and spending time
>they sort of adopt her and start dragging her out every weekend
>pat myself on the should for being such nice guy bf and now having some time for vidya and bros again
>year goes by
>female friends decided I am not good enough for her
>she leaves me for some muh bad boy they push on her
>decade later
>now I am the one who is a shut in with panic attacks due to trust issues from her and assuming every girl is going to be like that
>last I saw her she was a single mom and went full inkslut
Do not ruin what was given to you, bro.
>user has a gf that is totally into him and yet complains anyway
Fuck the fuck off, normie. You don't belong on this board.
spotted the 2016fag
>giving him yous for it, instead of letting him starve.
spotted the 2019 tool.
tfw I'm exactly like her
would probably kill myself if he broke up with me and knowing that (and not being able to say it) makes me feel extremely guilty at times
>gf is completely addicted and attached to me and can't function alone anymore
You break up with her yesterday. Trust me, user, it'll be painful at first but you will be happier for it in the long run.
>tfw manlet skeleton neet loser
>somehow get a neet gf
>she gets attached
>start to improve, make her improve as well
>try to make her more self sufficient
>she grows even more attached
>tell her to become her own person, to find friends and do what she likes doing
>she completely gets attached
>says she just wants to be my pet
>start learning, making her learn something useful as well
>we both start earning money from the comfort of our home
>not a single friend or anything, just both living with each other, day in and day out, spending 24/7 together every single day 365.
Mental illness can be comfy. I mean if the person chooses to be with you while you give them the ability to go out by themselves, then let them do it.
Ofcourse if you want to go normiecore, then try therapy or something.
What do you do, I just want to be isilated in my house.e away from everyone
Coding work. Everything from work on some websites, help with school projects. small paid contract work, tutorials. Also art, design, modeling, texture work. All of these are nice ways to earn a living while never having to leave your home, but you have to shill hard or sell your soul by doing stupid shit. Stupid, but easy shit.
why are you on r9k, this place is not for normies
Fug that sounds unstable. Do you have a CS degree? I want a stable coding job where I can work from home but all the big companies want you to work on site
>Go to the pub, fucking attached to your arm, go hang with bros
There is your problem, user, you have friends. The people who want friendless gfs are people who likely don't have any friends themselves.
It is unstable. I don't have a coding degree, but I have actual experience with a few companies. They're my lifeline as I can go back there, but I don't want to leave my home and don't want to be with people, because as you said they want you to be on site.
Degree doesn't matter much unless you go for a prestigious company for a team lead position. The "we need you to have a degree and x years experience" is a bluff in most cases. If you bring solid examples of your work or personal commercial projects(even if they're failures, just have them released), almost everyone will be interested.
t. Normie
Original post i swaer
>you will never snuggle with your qt loner gf
Kill me
I had a gf that was the opposite of that
wish I could try with a clingy girl, because I'm clingy as well
>can't even tell whether it's bait anymore
Listen you retard, if this is actually true, you don't know how good you have it. If it really matters to you, just go out and do some things with the girl, encourage her in her hobbies, and start a conversation with her about why she feels this way. Tfw no clingy co-dependent gf is very bad man.
How clingy does she get, what are the warning signs?
And then you will complain that she cheated on you because her friends talked her into it because apparently you paid no attention to her. you have been blessed with a fucking loyal housewife you nigger and you still complain
how old are you might I ask ? Did you learn to draw when you say design ?
how the fuck do you find someone like that
Not really faggot, I had a gf like this and it was fine.
>gf has zero friends
>just like me
>we both look like completely normal people from the outside
>we both can't seem to deal with other people
>we both have jobs which require engaging in social interactions
>being with her is super-comfy all the time
>I have never met a single person who is cuter or more honest than her
>he doesn't drink at all and hates partying
>all I ever feel is genuine affection, love and compassion
>only downside is that she's not really sexual although is willing to do anything not too freaky
Sounds good to me. If I ever get a gf it'll probably need to be a clingy girl because I'm not very good with talking all the time so the longer I go without saying or doing something the more anxiety builds up that the person is getting bored with me. Dating a clingy girl would fix that problem because she'd be able to clearly communicate in a way that I understand that she does like me.
please get out if this OP I spent 6 years with a girl like this. It only gets harder to get away from her. she just wants to be an extension of you - and when you take that away she will have no identity. my relationship like this almost killed me but as soon as I left her I found a new girl that has her shit together even more than me
It will be hard to cut her off. She knows what you want to hear. But its better for both of you
Bro that sounds so toxic and unhealthy bro, you should dump her and find an independent woman who don't need no man, they're so much more stable.
genuinely don't abandon them, it'll fuck them up even more psychologically and they'll become even more dependent (on you or a future boyfriend). if you manage to make them genuinely trust you and more importantly feel good about themselves they'll get the confidence to at least attempt talking to other people, especially after the honeymoon phase. it's possible and easy to make people like this more secure and develop into more independent human beings, you just have to be patient and not a massive dick
why do you type like that
You should go back to >>>plebit. It's not the place for you.