Please reconsider ever seeing a psychiatrist.
Please reconsider ever seeing a psychiatrist
I thought you said you were gunna an hero. What a fag
i aint clicking that shit nibba
>le attention seeking faggot
Uzsibaik pagaliau.
Do you cry often, Aiste
read through it yesterday and 90% of it is the same shit repeated several times
only section that stood out was the tranny part where it really shows how hateful you actually are despite preaching things like love, affection, and cuddles
I recommend never seeing a psychiatrist (in the US) because psychiatry here is a corporate, for-profit industry. The industry only cares about getting pills down your throat, 99% of the time. Psychiatrists try to help, but given that it's a lot of shots in the dark with pills that have godawful side-effects, I chose being depressed over being chemically sedated.
Can you give me the gist? I don't want to read some delusional jackoff's paper, especially if it's frogposter drivel
Maybe when risperidone starts working. Cha cha.
it's mostly just his own delusions which you can simmer down to the following three points:
1 - psychriatrists are evil masterminds that control society
2 - anyone who calls you mentally ill is wrong and just trying to discredit you
3 - literal schizo shit like seeing fires where there are none and taking pictures of random planes and claiming they're trackers
I wonder if Jow Forums accelerates schizophrenia
his attentionwhoring here would indicate so seeing how fast he went downhill
And I hate getting called out in Lithuanian. Feels way too personal.
I'm just attention whoring because I'm an attention whore. People always try to link everything to "le schizophrenia".
I'm not saying you attentionwhore because of your schizophrenia but it certainly has fucked with your state of mind, even believing that one obviously trolling nano machine user enough to include it in your manifesto
>And I hate getting called out in Lithuanian.
I know your Mom does! Lol
Cant you say no to the meds tho? And actually try getting real therapy.
Haha. Silly me! How could I reveal what ticks me off so foolishly? You now have the ultimate weapon against my spamming. I'm such an idiot.
Manipulators and psychs are the only ones who have fucked with my state of mind. I know what is and isn't true reasonably well. That's why I put a disclaimer there.
Report this obnoxious faggot
Do your job mods
Depends on the situation and who's administering the drugs. School districts are often partnered with mental health facilities that are paid per patient per drug. Mental health facilities are run by the same corporations as adoption programs (which are notoriously awful). The school points out "problem" children and tells parents the children need to go to the mental health facility because there's "something wrong." If the parent refuses, the school calls CPS. Same if the parent refuses to administer drugs like Concerta (ritalin, but generic)
It's known as "chemical sedation" and has only been outlawed in a handful of states in the US. Even in outlawed states, the laws are worded so that it's pretty much not an issue to get around the laws.
so you're just overly paranoid about everyone being out to get you? sounds like the psychs might just be right lol
Yoi still on heroin you memester ecksdee
risperidone gives you tits. thats good news for you i guess
No. They're not. But no one ever believes me.
probably because your extreme paranoia is part of your illness, and to normal people it appears as just that: unfounded paranoia.
You happy now i know you love that you faggot
They don't know any better. I'm not any more ill than all of you in this thread.
I never am.
That person isn't me. He's a dedicated shill trying to pretend to be me. But thank you for confirming again that you black people are actively trying to kill God
You again? You know, it's great that you psycho-abrahamists only have one god to kill.