Reminder that you cant be a real female robot unless if youre a lesbian. Take the lesbianpill

Reminder that you cant be a real female robot unless if youre a lesbian. Take the lesbianpill.

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That sounds like a reason NOT to take the lesbipill, actually.

No. Take it anyway.

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Not fembot but appreciate the Mei lewds :)

S-so forceful uwu

Lesbians seem to be taking over the board. To quote the Tourettes Guy, that just means she likes what I like.

Lel gotta agree there.
Also OP please don't try grooming hetshits into being lesbeans, it doesn't work and just makes everyone think we're as bad as the fags.
And why the titcows tho

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I heard lesbians like Tom Petty.

Is this a new meme? Second time I've seen that now.

>tfw your body is kinda like mei

Except I got smaller breasts

>fatty with small tits

I may be a fatty but At least I got those curves and narrow waist man

Please sauce me on those characters, are they from an anime? Also based lesbian
Let me lick you

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But Moira is the best waifu

Dey is frum Pokemon.

They're trainers from the new Pokemon games. Sword and Shield.

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Sounds like a bangin bod to me

What an exceedingly gay thread

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fuck off with your dykeshit
i'd rather be alone

holy shit that mei fu k i am so FUCKING HJORNY what's teh fuckjngg point of abstinence if i can't jack off to mei FUCK

>fuck off with your dykeshit

Lasses how do I hit on girls? None of them take me seriously when I approach them, they I just want to be friends. Even if I give them compliments they just say something like awwwww thanks you too. How do I break this barrier? I have no interest in changing my appearance to look more dyke-ish, I like looking feminine.

>we're as bad as the fags.
You're not... You're worse.

That is pretty much the biggest problem of being a lesbean. Maybe wear some really obvious rainow pin or something. I've never successfully hit on anyone though so I'm just guessing.

>I like looking feminine.