I really want a bpd gf?

I really want a bpd gf?
Anyone else want this

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you actually don't
t.average looking bpdbot

I want to be nice to a bpd girl and help her improve her life significantly

I just said I wanted one

yikes retard, you want THIS?
kind of pathetic ngl

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but we're awful
like actually just the worst
even when I'm trying my best not to be..

>I really want a bpd gf?
>Anyone else want this
Yuh, me too

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I am worse than you

I try my best to improve but everyone still thinks I'm shit so what's the point ?
nothing is worst than me user, sorry

I really really want this. I don't want nothing more

As long as she knows her perception of reality is not lucid and she should trust my judgement over her own.

>bpd girls
>trust in anything at all

Not OP but that's false
I had a bpd gf and I know what it's like
I miss her and would happily date another bpd girl. I can almost guarantee you're better than me too

I don't think it's false
everyone says such awful stuff
about us all the time and I always seem
to mess stuff up, I'm sure you're better
than I am user

why are
you typing
like this user?

Just because most people hate bpd doesn't mean you're the worst. I'm not saying bpd is a good thing or something to fetishize or whatever, but it's not like it cancels out everything good about you. If you want to play the "who's better" game, you automatically have more worth just by being a girl. Do you have kind supportive friends user?

it's just how I like
to type sometimes
I have no friends
I don't really talk
to anyone either
I just post all day
>more worth
as an ugly girl
I rank lower desu

Do you want a friend user? You seem like someone that would make a good friend. Also
>ugly girl
I doubt it, most people with bpd are overly critical
>rank lower
No, even if you were a literal 1/10 you could still find a nice 3/10 bf so don't give up.

Well Please Stop It's Worse Than People That Type Like This

I'd like a friend I think
that would be nice
I am a bit overly critical
but I still think it's valid
I don't want to stop
because it makes the
dark orange text containing
area smaller and I like that

Do you have discord or email? I wouldn't mind being your friend and helping you find more friends. Also we can talk in more detail and I can prove to you that you're not the worst

doesn't it bother you to have an extremely recognisable posting style? you're basically not even anonymous if you do that user

no you don't, you don't know what it's like so shut the fuck up

that's okay since normally
I try to make very short
posts in other threads for
the same reason, I just had
a lot to post about in this one
please post your discord

Ok, feel free to add me

>I try to make very short posts in other threads for the same reason
why not just type normally and make posts as long as you like instead of forcing yourself to short posts? You're very strange user

You sound pretty ugly, you filthy whore, BPD is not even a real mental illness, stop acting up likw you were especial, cunt.
More like retarded.

you're probably right
I'm not special and I
am kind of ugly but
I'm not a whore
will add
I guess I could do that
maybe I'll start doing that

a-add me too bpd girl!

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Any schizoids niggas only have BPDs attracted to them as well? I attract them like flies to shit.


too similar to what i had. too similar.

you dont want this anons.

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My friends list has room for one BPD gf, preferably in Europe.


lost my virginity to a girl with BPD
you dont want one

true that user, whats your discord I wanna friend who dealt with the same thing as me

Are u a burger on the west coast? Every efriend just ghosts unless we hang out irl

I live closer to newyork

i'm just a depressed neet loser and they're the only type of girls that are ever interested in me

just date a fucking prostitute
same thing

Not really.
Prostitutes need to keep themselves clean of diseases as much as possible. Basic bitch bpd whores on the other hand are a breeding ground for a new outbreak.

All of you virgins friending this girl just because she's mental enough that she'll lower her standards to be with you. Do you not look at this thread and see what is happening anons?

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>mfw the bpd girl
>Who types like this
>And all those anons
>Added her
>Alrdy has a bf
Lmao fuck bpd girls

I'd rather have a gf who likes old anime

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I actually don't though
what are you talking about

I'm not even the one
who posted my discord
so anyone who's adding
it and thinking it's me is
actually adding someone else
I don't like to post my discord

>tfw bpd autist gf who is too clueless about everything
>play games together
>tell her to add people and be friends
>she says people always ignore her for some reason
>tell her to do it anyways
>she adds some guy and talks
>few days later she tells me the person ghosted her again
>shows me her entire chat history
>she mentioned she has me
>the other person goes from 60 messages an hour to 1 message every other day
>she doesn't understand

What a bull
Tfw no qt bpd clingy oblivious gf

Stop larping as her weirdo

>tfw using your qt oblivious autist gf to bully beta orbiters in games

I was the first user that
was posting like this in
the thread, not hen
Hen added me silly

I did the same here.

>got gf from r9k
>one day in when
>create fake discord account
>make bait threads on r9k about "some girl being alone and wanting a bf"
>guys took the bait
>so many adds on discord
>tell her to message all of them
>all of that while I was fingering her and putting my fingers in her mouth
>"these betas will never have you"
>"fucking whore"

Was a good time.

You really, really, really fucking don't.

bpd girl here I want an FP so bad, I lost my old FP because he stopped playing video games
I feel so empty without having someone to obsess over
if you play world of warcraft please let me give you all the affection in the world

oh my god yes a BPD gf is the best. hmu Jisatsu#3645

Where are you from? What faction?

Eh, might as well leave my tag here too
Add me if you want a bf or just a friend

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to the people posting discords
am I supposed to be adding them
I don't really understand anymore

yes add everyone u filthy whore

add P!NK#6666 bpd girl (she already has a bf but you can win her over by being chad)

why would they post their discords if they didn't want you to add them

I thought they'd want
someone else to add
them honestly
please don't call me
names user, it's mean

I will treat u extremely kindly unlike these other bois, what is ur discord? I can't post mine cuz it has a special character uwu

I really dislike posting mine
I don't know if it's a good idea

No retard, you just want a gf. You think she'll be more attainable if she has bpd. It's your brain telling you to go for the lowest hanging fruit so you don't miss out on passing on your genetic memes.

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Holy shit can you get any more thirsty. Do you realize she's talking to like 10 dudes MINIMUM?

You'll just be the guy she talks to about all the bad boys like me that use her for sex.

tfw no bpd gf

Join for e-gfs, link on name

Is bpd on guys as bad as it is on girls? my bf has bpd

australia alliance

Top left is """her""". Be warned.

BPD guys are usually faggy and insecure, so yes, it is bad.

How do you know is her though?

She sent me a picture.

So shes a tranny?

Possibly so, but also a huge autist and a bit of a cunt.

I'm intersex though

My BPD ex gf has made me really hate girls for a long time. How do I get over this bros.

I used to want one, but all openly BPD girls I've met were kinda annoying to be around from the start and usually not interested in me and ultimately most are not that special compared to other people with mental health issues.

I wouldn't mind a girlfriend having BPD if we clicked otherwise, I don't mind the symptoms, but there are all other kinds of clingy people I can pursue so there's no reason to specifically want someone with BPD rather than generally clingy or generally depressed. Our personalities probably wouldn't mash well and I would just drag her down though, my current boyfriend is only emotionally unstable not full BPD (I think) and it does get pretty toxic at times. Still I can't bond with people if their mental health is too good.

Somewhere around a tenth of the population has a personality disorder. The rest are decent and well-adjusted. If you date another woman, chances are she will not be as batshit insane as your ex. She might have normal issues as a woman, but they will be to a much lesser degree.

Or course, you don't have to stop hating women if you really don't want to. But you would have to start liking men, or at least traps in this case.

you think that up to the point that they cut off your dick op

you just want replies you faggot

Bipolar girls are better. Still a pain in the ass when they start breaking down but she'll treat you like a king when she's in a better mood.

Schizoid as well but I want a BPD gf, I'm good looking so I attract normies but I just want a BPD gf, to bad none live in Canada