Ugu neet

ive been obsessing over my 4/10 appearance since forever and the time is runnin out

i need to get a job so i can afford surgery but my question is

how do i make my long ugly face pretty like them?????

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also looksmatccc general

Those women aren't attractive.

For all of them it's literally just makeup and lighting and even then, they're like 5s.

I would fuck belle delphine's ass to oblivion

wat ?how are they 5 their bone structure is eggcelent

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christie is the only good looking woman there, the rest use angles/filters/photoshop and look like shit in the flesh.

imagine wanting to look like any of them

take that ass to /cgl/ with this bullshit.
Also tits or gtfo

the only attractive one is that blond milf

i mean chris has prob work done and mariia dont got muc makeap on
we must have diffrent standars , wat do you like?

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see if you really want to do yourself a favour, invest in your personality.

user, least I can say that the two on the right is shooped, like heavily they even have a shoop filter on their "gaymur gurl" stream to lure 12 year olds to dump money on them, they're the modern version of the "reply girl" plague that existed a few years ago. They're scammers and you shouldn't compare yourself to shooped pictures.
The rest I cannot say, never seen them before but could be a similar story behind them.

fair enough tho to whitekingh for a sec i think you are exaggerating a liittle sine behind all that makeup they still have qute noses/face structure which is better than wat i have rn
i cant jus give up on looksmaxin ill b too depressin

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I wouldn't know, never seen a non-shooped version of them, noses can be reshaped and faces evend out in shoop too. At the end of the day all I'm saying is that those two are bad examples, unless you've met them physically irl, chances are you've never seen an unshooped version. That's how they make their living after all. Projecting a "single" anime like gurl that share lewds(underwear pics, shooped ofc) for money.

It's called make up you retard.

Upload an image of yourself somewhere and post it here.

i live to egxeedeee

ever heard of a niiggga that starts wit r?

regardlesss noic b8 , mayb discuc

can you post someone who has a similar face like yours?
First girl has also a longe face imo. Also only surgery really works.

You don't. Either you're born with it or you just have to accept yourself for who you are. Cosmetic surgery will make you look freakish, and even if it worked you still wouldn't actually like yourself.

i guess my nose is the cause of the long face issue it kinda looks like this on and i wis it looked like

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cant find sm h

>milf pic saved

kys grannylover

ouo bumpibity

Can you please stop typing like a fucking retard? It's making me hate you.

>Maria Babko

Based and patrician

ok i admit i went a lil overboard today ,im sorry i can write properly if i try

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Cut her some Snack she's like 12

you're typing like the girl who fucked up her hair. Is that you?

have you tried not being a tranny?

it still hurts ;_;
its easier to originalpost like this

no jus autistic
with all due respect to the pinkpill grl,no thatd be harder t b h for me

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surgery, there is nothing else. Or maybe accepting yourself and your face, lol, good luck

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ahh it is you I thought your hair was cute


are you trying to tell me something?

i dont kno if any anons have any surgery experience but expect from the nose
i dont kno which other could help meh


Oh hi roz never thought it's you

rly i though the broken englis and the blac hair would gib it out

regardless these thoughts of iniquancy,inferirity,shallowness etc are really embarrassing for me so

noooo thats not me
roz who?

I don't know how bad your nose is. If it's really big, only surgery helps. Other than that, and being a girl, you probably also concentrate too much on that issue and make it bigger than it litteraly is.

see egh it is it longers my face and fucs my breathin.
tho larpin as a joo is fun

i meant regardless of that

>noooo thats not me
>roz who?

You won't fool me roz no one types as retarded as you

I thought you are content being filthy and smelly looking, why the change of mind?

just show feet already you horse

send me a pic of yourself and I'll critique it for you

i already kno that i dont look like pic related
end me end me end me
i jus cannt get thgose thought out of my head

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kik? x

>i jus cannt get thgose thought out of my head

Why not embrace your gollum like cuteness, not everyone has that

the gollomu cute is jus a face i do to sespetly look cute normalll i look like egh

>implying any of you fucks ever care about personality

s a d f a c e intestifiez

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>tfw no gollum faced roz qt to keep in the basement and torture sexually whenever you feel like it


are you fucking high right now op

She's just being herself, I've seen her before

>I've seen her before

What about Rianne can Rompaey? Is she cute?

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Isn't she extremely dumb IRL?



>Isn't she extremely dumb IRL?
No, she's just dumb as your average white girl lmao.

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noic i thought you were my pissy roomate WHO I TOLD TO STOP READIN MY THREADS heh

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I thought you still lived with your parents roz when did you move out?

If u go through with it, find a good one look at his portfolio. Everybodies face comes down to a certain mathematical sum. If the operation goes bad your proportions will be fffd up and people unconsiously notice it fast

except for a nosejob what other precijures could fuc up your symmetry?
roomate tell me not to dox
especially since popo was at our door cause parents declared me a missing person