Why aren't you feminist?
Don't be misogynists, bots
I will support women when women support me.
i will support women who spread her legs for me
Feminism benefits them in no way, or at least they don't think it does, so they don't support it. It's really simple like that.
cuz feminism is a wymyn's complaining club. Yeah, sure many of those complaints are valid(feminist lingo btw) but it's still just gorls complaining.
Im a female and I'm not a feminist because women are born as slaves to men by nature, we only exist to serve cock of our superiors and allow them to use us as a dumpster for their holy patriarchal semen and to milk our breasts for the sole reason of their pleasure
3rd wave feminism is a joke and anyone who identifies as a feminist these days is either stupid, brainwashed or wants to establish a matriarchy
Feminist leftie femanon ITT.
I recall reading some gal on Russian /b/ posting how attending boards made her a man-hater, that was rather fun. I can certainly see what she meant, though she took it too far.
Thata right. Cocks are superior. That's why we women must serve the penis master race.
you already have the right to vote, a complete monopoly on sex, favouritism in divorce cases and child custody, diversity quotas and paid maternity leave, what more do you fucking want from us?
paid paternity leave, abolish the draft, end circumcision. A few more things too.
>don't be this category that corporations cannot easily market to
>be this easily marketable, far sweeping category instead
Feminists are human cattle for the elites they rave about so much. "Misogynists" are just people who recognize the nature of the sexes, drawing from their life experience, instead of some catchy twitter platitude.
There is literally no reason whatsoever why I should even think of becoming that meme word.
Why do I never see feminists advocating for these things though?
Not a feminist because I believe in equality, not inflation. I believe that the same rights rules and regulations should apply to everyone and that you shouldn't make exceptions for people based on whats between their legs. Feminists think that when a woman accuses someone of something, that person is guilty until proven innocent. Feminists think that women should get prestegious, high paying jobs regardless of whether they're more qualified than other applicants. Feminists think that they should have the absolute right to abort a child regardless of the wishes of the father. Feminism is not about equality, it's about supremacy.
It's not about advocating for those things, it's about making sure nobody else can.
When women have a problem we need to drop everything and bend over backwards to solve it.
When men have a problem uhhhhhh it's the patriarchy and it'll solve itself if we give them everything else they want first.
It's slimy as fuck and I hate it
>When men have a problem uhhhhhh it's the patriarchy and it'll solve itself if we give them everything else they want first.
*When men have a problem uhhhhhh now THIS is fragile masculinity! Just shut up you bunch of incels, have sex and stop being so hateful.
Fixed for you.
Because you're lazy and don't google shit before bitching.
Because libfems are the face of the feminism and most anons aren't middle class, white, cishet women so they have nothing to do with it
I'd be technically feminist though even if it's embarrassing to describe myself like that
Shaming and excluding men just because of their gender is why
I don't like to subscribe to group ideologies. I don't want to follow a preset but rather build my own ideas. These kinds of collectives lead to mob mentality.
Unless your ideas are extremely unique they still fit into some sort of an established ideology whether you like it or not, you can just choose to be practical and label it in a way that makes it easier for other people to understand or look like a special snowflake
>you're either a feminist or a misogynist
Fuck you, fuck your false dichotomy, and fuck you again for good measure.
They may be, or they may be not. The important thing is that my ideas come first and the label comes second, instead of adopting ideas based on the label.
Why would I be? That movement was barely ever worthwhile.
I am not taking part of this gender and media war. I don't have the energy and it'd help me nothing.
cant beat the cock man.
Because I actually like women, and any further division between the sexes will make us more miserable and bring us to the brink of extinction.
Because men can't be feminist.
Fair point, your first post came off like you were against labeling yourself in general
I am and I'm still an incel