Imagine getting jawbogged by your gf

>imagine getting jawbogged by your gf

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Other urls found in this thread:

>imagine being OP and not having a gf

woman have more forward growth retard

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looks like pewdiepie won't drop red pills anymore, he just wants to secure the youtube moneyyy

My gf has a bigger cock than me. Think I care? Fuck yes it's hot and fills me the fuck up. She's 5 foot 5 with a big horse cock

Imagine making fun of someone’s happiness when every single one of us retards are slaving in the gym trying to find it. He mogs us all by never having to go to the gym.

Yes I'm sure you're in a position to criticize eugenic 10/10 couples


My wife completely chinmogs me. At least now my kids have a chance.

uhh... cringe.

Imagine caring about another man's jaw

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>not finding the best mother for your future children
Lmao imagine being so insecure you wouldn’t secure a future with somebody with better genetics than you


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At least your sons would have decent jaws

he has a fucking crimson chin

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How long until they divorce? Internet love doesn't last long. She'll be taking everything from him in 5 years after the second kid arrives.

>Internet love
They've been together for like 8 years

You know they were couples for 8 years before he was as famous as today right?

>My gf
That's your bf bro

swede genes are not fair

3 years, it's gonna go like this
>PewDiePie keeps growing
>Marzia: I don't want all this game blah blah all the internet comments are getting into me blah blah
>Steals half of his wealth, PewDiePie returns to depression vlogs and finally quits YouTube
All women are the fucking same man

you forgot to add the time she gets BLACKED

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I'll give it five years max

If you've read some of her journals/blogs you'll realize she's fucking batshit crazy and neurotic. It's only a matter of time when she'll split him for the money so she can "find herself and grow" the same way she ditched her youtube channel.

based fpbp

He’s looking down, this hides his jawline

He managed to marry a pretty attractive woman. Couldn’t be that much of a hindrance for him.


True and yeah that's pretty true that's true and yeah that's true that's true that's true that's pretty true that's pretty true I mean that's true yeah that's true um that's true that's fuckin true um that's how it is dude

>you'll realize she's fucking batshit crazy

>So you be sayin'
>*strokes neckbeard*
>in three years
>the channel with the most subscribers will be a mgtow channel?

Ray William Johnson crashed when he was the biggest channel.
Depression is the worst thing that can happen to anyone.
Real depression that physically impairs you, not the twitter/reddit depression that Xanax or what ever other meme pill fixes.

>she's looking up and stretching out her jaw at the very moment he is looking down

Have you ever met a member of the human race? You must be one yourself because I never saw a chimp with Downs. Fucking retard.

>there's a scandi in a relationship
>suggesting they won't be the one to initiate

jesus christ this thread shows perfectly what kind of fags browse fit lmao

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>imagine having gf

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>implying he wasn't doing that shit for ez YouTube
When fucking Pewdiepie can milk your ideology for ez mahnies your philosophy is pretty much a goddamn meme at that point. And like anyone else in that cringefest, once they realized that actual autists were taking memes seriously and shooting up places they dropped it like a red hot iron

Seconding . An airhead, perhaps. Never took her as they type to cuck and run away with half your shit. If Pewd's is half as "redpilled" as people make him seem, I'd guarantee he signed some type of prenup as well

thats kind of the point. you find a woman who fixes the genetic fuckups you have.

if you are short, find a tall woman
if you have a big nose, find a woman with a cute one
if you have a small dick, find a woman with a bigger one



underrated posts

You guys might as well be gossiping about Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth, who fucking cares.

Have sex